Rich Gun
14-06-2006 03:53:56
This is to find out what you think of making a Star Wars DB version of D&D on line.
Baron Zarco
14-06-2006 10:31:29
There is already a d20 based Star Wars roleplaying game out by Wizards of the Coast ("WOTC"). Me and my buddies play it often and we use the miniatures put out by WOTC to represent ourselves on the terrain in battles, searches and so forth.
I suppose the role playing game could be played on line but typing a gaming session has always seemed a daunting task for me.
Is that the sort of thing you are talking about?
14-06-2006 14:18:25
I thought he was talking about the on-line video game of D&D
Baron Zarco
14-06-2006 17:31:37
You are probably right. Old dinosaurs like me forget to think computer first and then everything else next. Thanks for the helping hand.
14-06-2006 17:34:04
No problem, I thought dice and pencil at first but remembered theres a D&D game recently released and or coming out.
Talon Jade
18-06-2006 12:27:25
I still have the 1st edition D&D and the new star wars core rule books. Haven't played in years though.
Ylith Pandemonium
19-06-2006 07:53:39
would be fun, but would also increase the Star Wars standard nerdiness lvl by 50%
omg...that sounded nerdy...its spreading!
Rich Gun
20-06-2006 02:30:09
I was talking about both D&D and D&D online. the D&D dice game would be like the runons but a little more controled.
21-06-2006 01:51:19
Well, there is star wars galaxies, some people will shoot me, but its close enough to d&d online and there is the star wars roleplaying game, which is basically a star wars setting for your pen and paper d&d.
Ylith Pandemonium
24-06-2006 09:15:50
*shoots Windos*
I dont think there will be one who will be called 'Dark Side Master'
And people will be the Emperor, and one is gungan #2 and the other one is the Jedi Hero who always wins.
...can't see that happening...
makes a funny picture though..:
Master: There are 12 Kryat Dragons approaching !
Jedi: I activate lightsaber and attack!.....I threw a one....what happened?
Master: you held your saber backwards and killed yourself!
Jedi: drats....
27-06-2006 12:10:44
I always wondered how those jedi managed to spin their sabers around yet never cut themselves in half
Rich Gun
29-06-2006 17:36:27
Ya I never understood why the Sith never just ran the Jedi thru when they would spin their sabers around