Who's lightsaber is best?

Sakh nhem

11-04-2006 08:31:44

Who's lightsaber do you think is best? say why.


11-04-2006 10:34:19

I think Lord Vader's saber was the best.
He made it himself.
He was strong with the Force AND a technology genious...!!!

Muz Ashen

11-04-2006 11:47:33

Mace Windu's saber. A multiphase configuration with an alchemically enhanced adegan trumps anything else seen in the films.

Sakh nhem

11-04-2006 12:03:48

I think mauls was one of the best for its defensive and offensive points. Thats how he stunned qui-gon with the hilt then killed him >:) but also if the hilt it damaged or cut he can still use both sides as single sabers or just 1 of them. But i also like sideous's (did i spell that right?) i cant quite remember the statistics of it but they were great. And i like the look of it hehe :P


11-04-2006 13:13:08

Mace Windu's saber.  A multiphase configuration with an alchemically enhanced adegan trumps anything else seen in the films.

Didn't do him much good though. Did it? ;)

Now, if he had had a multiphase parachute.... :lol:

Baron Zarco

11-04-2006 13:39:18

It is really hard for me to say why. It is also impossible for me to separate the saber from the character. That being said, I like the look of Luke's from ROTJ and Dooku's from CW.

As for Lokena's comment I would steal a line to check in with agreement. What is the power of steel compared to the hand that weilds it? But...the question was limited to the lightsaber itself.

Sakh nhem

11-04-2006 13:42:19

hmmm.... u got a good point there. sorry if i annoy anyone with this topic. i was bored and i felt like putting something to do with lightsabers because i like them a lot. :P


11-04-2006 14:10:59

From an aesthetic standpoint, I like the original graflex -- very "form following function." Luke's RotJ was cool in that regard as well. As for the "stylized" sabers in the newer trilogy, I think Palpy's was pretty sweet.

Macron Sadow

11-04-2006 14:26:00

I think Palps' was cool. His casing was made of Phrik alloy, which retains it's hardness versus sabers. Bet he had some nasty novae in there too.

My #2 would be Windu's for the reasons Muz stated.

My #3 would be Dooku's for the shape.

Kaine Mandaala

11-04-2006 16:05:10

I like mine. :P

My 1st original design is heavily inspired by Luke's ROTJ hilt. The color is not purple but violet. Those who know something about art know that violet is more blue than red, but purple is more red than blue. It may seem petty to distinguish between the two but so is arguing pretty much any point about a fictional world.

My 2nd is actually one of the designs from the Yellow Box. I didn't really alter it in any way except that there is a violet LED instead of a yellow one.

As for the fiction surrounding my two -

The 1st one was the one KM built while he was still a Jedi. It used to have a blue blade, but he screwed with crystals and a near-fatal accident left him with the violet one. It is a multi-phase, allowing it to alter length. Its standard length is 3ft but can be dialed down to 2.5 ft.

The second saber was constructed after embracing the Dark Side. He could not bring himself to use the original against other Jedi except his former teacher.

Xayun Erinos

11-04-2006 16:11:15

I like Dooku's - the curve and the long projection near the emitter just look really cool to me.

Palpatine's is also pretty nice - I think the look of it mirrors the whole regal, manipulative thing he has going. ;)


13-04-2006 08:23:18

If we're talking about aesthetic appeal alone, then Vader's the black shroud and grips contrast with the metallic hilt wonderfully, suggesting dark and cold. It suits Vader's character perfectly. Akthough Palpatine's would be more practical. The activator switch on Vader's hilt (and Anakin's, Luke's and Old Ben's, for that matter) stick out and get in the way. Palpatine's is also much more ergonomically molded. It looks like it would be comfortable. Plus its elegant appearance...


13-04-2006 20:42:10

My first pick would be Palpatine's because it just plain out rocks and looks sweet. Besides that I would choose Mace and some of the older Sith Lords, though I can't name any right now. Personally, I never really liked Dooku's, I just don't like the curved hilt style.

Aegor Raas

14-04-2006 20:26:54


I am torn.

I liked Mace's lightsaber because it had a purple blade...
I liked Dooku's because of the curved hilt...
I liked Palpatine's because of the elegance of the hilt.

Probably Dooku, then Palpatine, then Mace Windu.


15-04-2006 15:01:33

So many people like Dooku's. May I ask what exactly you like about the curved hilt because I just don't find it very cool?


15-04-2006 18:26:14

Sidious and Windu, two great example of style from two great masters of the Force.

Baron Zarco

15-04-2006 18:53:19

So many people like Dooku's. May I ask what exactly you like about the curved hilt because I just don't find it very cool?

I thought the same at first then I thought again after I "played" with it.

First, similar to a Kukrhi (sp) blade, depending upon where you grip the hilt, the curve has the effect of putting the momentum of the strike forward. This may be unnecessary on a lightsaber on flesh but it could be of use in dealing with "harder" obejects including other lightsabers.

Second, again dependent upon where one grips, it allows the wielder to project at different angles without overextending one's wrist. I did not believe it either until I experimented with it (not a real lightsaber). Though the difference was subtle and by no means a clear advantage (maybe even a disadvantage in the wrong hands) it was much more useful than I had originally imagined.

Third, by allowing the hilt to "spin" in one's hand lets the blade to reach out at different angles while still allowing one to keep one's elbows closer to one's own chest in order to protect one's center. This is essential (no whirling BS style for me - turn your back and get stabbed in the back).

It works for me. It's not just artistic or a "fad" which I suspected at first.

Aegor Raas

15-04-2006 21:19:31

Hmmm... I fence, started saber, so the curved hilt provides for me the most comfortable/realistic/practical style.

Yes, it allows more momentum and moves, and you can also hold it with the thumb/index finger extended, not in a grip. This means you can "punch" by pushing the saber with the extended finger. Much easier to do with a curved hilt.


15-04-2006 23:22:21

Yes, Dooku saber was made to closely recall fencing swords since C. Lee is a real fencer. That allowed him not only to duel in a more confortable way for him but also gave Dooku a different badass look *grins*
Coming from kenjutsu tho I'm more in favor of classic handles heh

Baron Zarco

16-04-2006 00:04:19

Well, though kendo shinai are straight the swords of Japan (except for the 'ancient ones') are also curved to varying degrees, some fairly extreme. The sword being almost always edged on only one side (although I have seen one or two that are curved and sharp on half the back side as well) prevents much of the "projection" that I was talking about earlier. I suppose the lightsaber has the obvious advantage of being "sharp" on all sides. That would really make the curved handle advantageous to one committed to that style.

Aegor Raas

16-04-2006 01:16:31

Yes. I did not know that Lee was a fencer too... hmmm.

But in saber fencing, although you frequently only use one side of the blade, you can technically score by chopping them with any side, or stabbing them. The saber has a hand (or finger) guard as well (unlike the foil and epee). I guess you wouldn't need one with lightsabers. -.-

Basically, I need to stop rambling. Also, the curved hilt, although not exactly like fencing grips, is similar enough to provide a distinct advantage to those who choose to fight in Form II, or a variation of it. Fencing evolved to be what it is now because that is most effective way to fight with the weapons. Obviously, lightsaber fighting in Form II needs to be modified, but it still works because it was based on a system of fighting that works.

Xayun Erinos

16-04-2006 05:24:18

So many people like Dooku's. May I ask what exactly you like about the curved hilt because I just don't find it very cool?

It's just really the curve itself that I like, but the design of the activator, the grip and the plating is also just very good in my eyes. I find that, like the form Dooku uses, it's a very elegant design of saber.

Aegor Raas

16-04-2006 14:28:29

Yes, fitting his character (Dooku seems similar to Scaramaga from The Man With the Golden Gun). Lee played both.

I do wish that Dooku's hilt was a bit more elegant, like Palpatine's. I just expected it to be a bit less metal-y.


20-04-2006 15:10:31

i would say Exar Kun's saber is awsome. cause its so agile cause it is a miniture of a double-bladed-lightsaber....

Aegor Raas

20-04-2006 19:44:47

It is, I like the spikes. Did he wield it with one hand? In the comics, the hilt looks too short to be able to use both hands, but maybe I'm wrong.


20-04-2006 21:03:07

yeah, he wielded it with ne hand. thats why it was so agile and stuff......

Aegor Raas

21-04-2006 00:10:54

I have always wondered: How heavy is a lightsaber? Does the beam add any weight, or is all the weight on the hilt (is the beam really "light"). It seems the fights are too quick to have the beam weigh anything.


21-04-2006 17:00:14

no the blade doesnt way anything, the hilt wieghs maybe around 2 lbs.....


21-04-2006 18:55:55

It also depends on if you use special metals to make the hilt. Sometimes hilts can weigh virtually nothing, but then sometimes they can weigh quite a lot.


23-04-2006 00:32:07

I like my own personal design of Saber. The elegant Spear Saber (a Lightsaber, but a longer hilt and a really short blade).


09-06-2006 12:03:04


Sorry I had to....

I like Qui-gon's, Maul's and Desann's.

Sakh nhem

09-06-2006 12:11:50

I have always wondered:  How heavy is a lightsaber?  Does the beam add any weight, or is all the weight on the hilt (is the beam really "light").  It seems the fights are too quick to have the beam weigh anything.

You can find some info on sabers on how stuff works


11-06-2006 12:47:33

I still like Palpatine's the most, but it looks like some of these new Sith Lords from the new Legacy comic series are going to shape up to have some awesome lightsabers. Certainly Darth Krayt at least

Macron Sadow

11-06-2006 18:46:09

from what I can tell, the beam is more like a focussed plasma. It would have some mass, but not much. Most of the weight is in the handle.


11-06-2006 20:34:39

I dont think you would feel the weight to much because of the gyroscopic effect. Once the blade is turned off then you would feel it. But I would think that once you get over the gyroscopic effect the saber is weightless, just my opinion.


11-06-2006 22:35:56

I'm sure that one who has trained with a saber for years would learn to ignore what weight there is a focus completely on how he uses the weapon

Muz Ashen

12-06-2006 09:53:50

The hilt would probably weigh a pound. Maybe a few ounces more.

But, as others have said, the issue is that you are fighting a gyroscopic effect, which makes it feel like it's a lot more of a burden.

Macron Sadow

12-06-2006 11:45:47

yeah, I agree. The hilt could conceivably weigh more depending on the exotic alloys used- or less, if non-metallic. Certainly not more than 2 to 3 lbs at most... but the thinmg would feel like an angry squirrel buzzing away and twisting on you in your hand.

Muz Ashen

12-06-2006 11:56:02

yeah... you gotta think, most full-size swords are in the 2-3 pound range... anything heavier than that, and the weapon becomes a liability... and these hilts can't really exceed that by sheer size limitations.


21-07-2006 04:14:29

I think Exar Kun's lightsaber was one of the best by my opinion, not only was Exar Kun a pioneer, but he was also one of the best sith in my opinion, i mean in the old republic there might have been less advanced fighting styles but to take the time to pioneer a saber, that is truly amazing. :P


10-08-2006 21:42:14

As far as the weight goes, all of it was in the hilt. That means absolutely no momentum multiplication, you'd have to move your arms and hands so much differently than you would with a sword.

That, and the angry squirrel thing, is why most need extensive practice with lightsabers. Grievous excluded, seeing as his super-strong, hydraulic-reinforced, perfectly-crafted hands could probably handle an angry squirrel.


11-08-2006 17:25:12

I think that Mace's saber is pro, cause he's the only Jedi with enough balls to have a purple lightsaber :P


12-08-2006 01:07:47

No, he's just the only Jedi with enough patience to go find one.


12-08-2006 01:16:34

That could be it to :P

Baron Zarco

12-08-2006 03:25:27

I know I walk the "thin line of blasphemy" when I ask is the "angry squirrel" thing really canon. Han Solo used one in ESB to cut open a Tauntaun. No, it was not a fight but it was cold, I do not remember if his hands were in big gloves. Still, his hands were either cold or in big gloves. There was not any indication whatsoever that the device was difficult to use, even under those adverse conditions, albeit not in combat. I had never heard of this "gyroscopic effect" until i came to the DB. I know that is the stated basis for not getting a lightsaber until DJK rank. I, of course read about this gyroscopic effect here but always took the restriction about DJK and lightsabers as being just a DB thing. If it is canon, don't scream at me, teach me.

By the way, isn't a lightsaber dangerous enough to use based upon the unforgiving nature of the blade without having to speak of this "gyroscopic effect?"


14-08-2006 03:09:11

Good point. I think the whole weightless blade thing is the canon explanation. I heard nothing of a lightsaber being tricky to move properly until I came here.