I love KOTOR!
Ceric Crimson
21-02-2006 08:48:14
The game is just...so focused on charecter plot develpment; its the best.
I'm something of a romantic, and it appealed to me greatly as to how you could keep flirting with Bastilla, and in the end how you can either join her on the dark side and have her be at your side as you rule the sith, or turn her back to the light with the power of your love....so so sweet.
Or Yuthura Ban, the Twi'lek Sith Apprentice in the Korriban Sith Academy, if you had the perseverance, you would learn more about her tragic past, and eventually, befriend her to the point where she begs you to spare her when you fight her and her Master in the ruins of Naga Sadow...by the end of it its clear that she has feelings for you.
And the best part is, that its difficult to get to the point where you get to affect the charecters in such a manner. For example, none of my friends never got the point where Bastilla kisses you on the Ebon Hawk. Its amazing how deep the game is, it really is.
Sephiroth Kali
21-02-2006 15:05:25
Or Yuthura Ban, the Twi'lek Sith Apprentice in the Korriban Sith Academy, if you had the perseverance, you would learn more about her tragic past, and eventually, befriend her to the point where she begs you to spare her when you fight her and her Master in the ruins of Naga Sadow...by the end of it its clear that she has feelings for you.
WHAT?! Why was I not informed! I had no idea.
[edit] Use the forms, Luke.
Ceric Crimson
21-02-2006 21:04:44
Well....you have to work at it. But the first time I played that game she wouldn't talk to me outside of her plan to assassinate her master...my persuasion must have been higher this time around.
Ive gotten to that point with bastilla that the one wear she confeses then like dumps you right? lol
Ceric Crimson
22-02-2006 15:26:20
lol! On the Ebon Hawk right? Yeah...she tries to "deny her impulses" but if you play as your bad self you should be able to get her to cave in. Just like that one time that I was swiming laps and this chick dives into the water and swims under meh and I---err, but me thinks thats a story for another time...
Adien Falaut
24-02-2006 12:44:44
LOL, there's a easter egg in the game I was reading about I'm not sure it works and i think it's for the PC version only but if you put a dark jedi robe on her and take it off it's suppose to chance the color of her underwear and to change it back place a jedi robe although I don't know if it works though
Kaine Mandaala
24-02-2006 13:04:27
Ballista's Evil Underwear.
There used to be a site around that had all these crazy screenshots of things like her laying on the beach in a black bikini. It's just the 'underwear' trick.
Adien Falaut
25-02-2006 11:13:16
Cool I just found that on gamefaqs playing around if you remember the URL of that I'd check it out
17-03-2006 14:30:10
I like how you can rescue Carths son if you play it right.
Adien Falaut
21-03-2006 12:49:28
one thing I like about KOTOR I is it's easier to collect lightsabers up although in KOTOR II you have more contol of how powerful each saber becomes it'll be cool if when KOTOR III comes out the use both of these aspects in the game
i didnt know you could befriend uthura, and i thought malak was my friend with the attitude Ban gave me. IM NOT A GIRL but i decided to go back and beat the game as a girl and you can flirt and tease carth so much that he forgets every memory of his wife.
Who could blame him, the girl i made was preettty hott
Rich Gun
29-06-2006 17:29:50
befrend Uthura thats news to me and i've played it about ten times.
29-06-2006 19:52:39
i think KOTOR II is better than KOTOR I.
I agree. There is more to character customization, the combat is more enriched, and the storyline is darker, more serious. Also I think it's cool that you get to choose if your allies are good or bad.
04-07-2006 14:15:34
i think KOTOR II is better than KOTOR I.
Honestly, I kudnt agree more.
KotOR had a great storyline, prbly better than KotOR 2, but KotOR 2 was just magnificient, so many choices and so much customization, it was a more free game than the first one.
KOTOR had the more "kid friendly" storyline, for lack of a better term, and was a great game in it's own way. But, in KOTOR 2, everything is more deep and serious. The Jedi ae dead, the Republic is dying, everybody wants you dead, and someone's eating the galaxy. It takes a lot more thought and gives a sense of sacrifice, with choices always being the lesser of two evils. The customization is much better, too. Before, the powers were so restrictive that it was light and dark, but now you can have offensive, defensive, blaster, saber, melee, grey jedi... the choices are endless.
07-07-2006 02:39:55
I haven't played KOTOR 2 so I can't give my opinion on that one, but I just discovered the first KOTOR at my friends a few weeks ago (shut up) i've already finished my second planet and think it is an excellent game with a great storyline, I also found learning about all the charater's backgrounds was very fun, and all the neat side quests like saving Carth's son just add the to level of gameplay in my opinion
Arc, Arc, Arc, there's no need to be ashamed that you got a game that has been out and advertised broadly for several years from your friend(ME!) who has beaten it several times and is a much better player than you and laughs insanely when you f*ck up. j/k I'm just buggin ya. Seriously tho, u can borrow KOTOR 2 if I ever get it back from Dav.
08-07-2006 21:51:18
Hey it's not my fault I didn't buy an Xbox oh wait....it is my fault. DAMMIT.
Anyways Kal you'd better get KOTOR 2 back soon, or i might have to beat you with a lead pipe ^^
Ricco Vao
26-07-2006 07:38:57
Cant wait till KOTOR III I love the story of Revan and want to see if he confronts the True Sith, or of the Exile's path I wonder where it takes him, or if they come up with a completly new storyline hmmmm... any thoughts on this guys????
Kaine Mandaala
29-07-2006 01:59:08
The only way to play the KOTOR series is on the PC. Seriously. Skip the consoles.
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