Revan vs. Vader
10-01-2006 18:40:28
ok, im sure everybody knows Vader, but for those who don't know Revan, the dark lord of the ith during the Knights of the old Republic era, and video game.
So, who would win? I say Vader, but im curious...
11-01-2006 04:04:41
Pre-suit, definately Vader. After getting put in the suit, though, it'd be a tough one. Revan was one of the greatest tacticians ever to grace the Dark Side. In the end, I'd prob'ly say vader though. The training Vader recieved would have had four thousand years to refine itself and learn from the past.
11-01-2006 20:57:32
I think Presuit Vader would have killed Revan, however, Revan was one of the best warriors ever on the Dark side.
He was never defeated in real combat by Jedi. Vader can't say the same.
13-01-2006 11:44:59
revan would win :royalguard:
09-02-2006 06:22:31
go Revan
09-02-2006 11:11:55
Tough call. I would have to say Revan, he was practically taken out by a turbolaser
09-02-2006 23:31:47
This is a hard decision to make, but if I had to choose between the two, I would have to say Lord Revan but it of course depends on the battle being fought as well. Vader on the one hand was the most powerful force wise, he would more then likely win in a duel between the two. On the other hand, Revan was also one of the greatest tacticians.
Ceric Crimson
10-02-2006 18:40:05
Vader would have faught well, but I will always side by Revan. He is The Man. A mighty warrior and a mightier leader, one that does not rely on fear alone to command his subjects unlike the other Sith Lords.
Go Revan!!!
Its hard to say i think Pre-suit vader would kill Revan...but during his days as the cyborg it would be hard to say becasue according to the game choices his fighting ability is not really known.
13-02-2006 18:04:18
Vader, pre-suit, was an excellent fighter and amazingly fast, with a touch of death to him. But with his suit, he wouldve failed by far.
Revan was a good tactician, he had experience is both sides of the force (more than Vader did), he had almost won every battle (he lost the one when his cheapskate Apprentice, Malak, shot his ship), and he trained under many Masters including Traya. He was a good general and found the Star Forge. He was also a Master Tactician and even sacrificed more men to gain victory in battles.
So Vader, even pre-suit, could not beat Revan. revan would win because of his more experience and his abilities far outweigh Vader's abilities. Also, Revan was so powerful, he was thought to be the Sith'ari.
Sephiroth Kali
13-02-2006 19:18:27
I have to agree with Scyrone here. It would be a great battle though.
Great PPV or somethin lol
thats something George Lucas can work on, Star Wars Match-ups lol
Ceric Crimson
22-02-2006 15:22:57
Vader, pre-suit, was an excellent fighter and amazingly fast, with a touch of death to him. But with his suit, he wouldve failed by far.
Revan was a good tactician, he had experience is both sides of the force (more than Vader did), he had almost won every battle (he lost the one when his cheapskate Apprentice, Malak, shot his ship), and he trained under many Masters including Traya. He was a good general and found the Star Forge. He was also a Master Tactician and even sacrificed more men to gain victory in battles.
So Vader, even pre-suit, could not beat Revan. revan would win because of his more experience and his abilities far outweigh Vader's abilities. Also, Revan was so powerful, he was thought to be the Sith'ari.
Amen to that, my brother. Stole the words right out of my mouth!
Adien Falaut
24-02-2006 12:37:46
I agree.........
17-03-2006 14:15:39
Well... I usually don't put my amazing Star Wars insights on to the boards but for this I will
OK so lets "Choose" a Revan as it were:
For the sake of argument I'll use my first character,
He started a Soldier and mastered all types of melee combat and all the feats that went with it. (Power Attack, Critical Strike ect...) and had a few force powers. Heal, Saber throw, Force Wave and a few others. Used dual lightsabers with master 2 weapon fighting and what not.
Now we look at Vader pre-suit
One of the most promising Jedi. He had perhaps the best "natural" talent with a blade and obviously a strong connection with the force as he was concived by it (Somthing Revan can't say) He was easily able to use dozens of force Techniques Revan could only dream up as the force had progressed over time.
So there are a lot of factors that go into choosing a victor in this battle but we don't yet know what happened to Revan who knows what other powers he could have devised in his wanderings. And if Vader hadn't been slapped into his suit... It would be no contest.
So I cant really say but I will say this... Revan vs. Vader pre-suit would be the duals to end all duals
Adien Falaut
21-03-2006 12:55:22
yup.... I agree with you on that
27-03-2006 18:59:51
I still say Revan would win either way. And Vader(in suit) lost a BUNCH of his connection to the force. And Revan would beat him to a pulp in that battle....
27-03-2006 19:21:54
All these battles between famous villians always come down to one thing... circumstances. In the end it depends on who's got the advantage, be it terrain, weapons, intelligence, or all out skills.
Yet, I still never thought of Vader as that good of a fighter. Sure he defeated plenty of jedi and the such, but I still never thought him that awesome.
Rich Gun
13-04-2006 22:28:09
Vader is my favorite but Reven was the best strategist of his time. Reven also was trained to kill Sith originally where Vader/Anikin never fought that many Dark Jedi. So I would have to say Reven do to the fact that he did kill many force users both Jedi and Sith.
Xayun Erinos
16-04-2006 05:33:22
While Vader is, and always will be, the Sith Lord as far as I'm concerned, I have to side with Revan on this one. As people have said, in the suit Vader lost quite a bit of his ability that he had pre-suit. I also believe Revan is much smarter than Vader - after all, the man was able to raise an army and effectively draw the whole Republic into war. Also, looking at the opening FMV, there are how many, four or five Jedi sent after Revan? If that's needed, he must be one hell of a duelist.
16-04-2006 05:51:20
Arn't we forgetting something...?
As far as Force powers go I think the two are evenly matched.
But when it comes to dualing....?
Neither Vader nor Revan would hold an inch against the mighty Tulak Hord...!!!
Xayun Erinos
16-04-2006 08:52:35
Arn't we forgetting something...?
As far as Force powers go I think the two are evenly matched.
But when it comes to dualing....?
Neither Vader nor Revan would hold an inch against the mighty Tulak Hord...!!!
I'm pretty sure both of them could hold their own against a skeletal corpse.
16-04-2006 14:11:40
--------------------- :mellow: -------------------------
Rich Gun
18-04-2006 14:40:00
Ya I'd like to see two Sith Lords fighting a skeliton.
19-04-2006 15:44:25
if it came down to the ancient sith lords i would say Marka Ragnos would beat them all. maybe Exar Kun.....
Rich Gun
19-04-2006 17:37:14
Ok ancient sith lords. I would have to side with Rannik on this one. Marka Ragnos and Exar Kun would win. But in turms of Vader vs. Reven. Reven hands down.
20-04-2006 16:16:49
i agree with Xayun, Revan was very smart and all, but he also lact the ability to sense the force like Vader. so Vader has Revan beat there, still Revan would win.... (this is based on the one he did on the first page.)
20-04-2006 16:18:07
never mind this one my PC is messed up, i ment to be in another forum.......
20-04-2006 17:18:18
I still say Revan would win either way. And Vader(in suit) lost a BUNCH of his connection to the force. And Revan would beat him to a pulp in that battle....
Even though I think Revan would win, Vader did not lose any connection to the force. You cannot lose connection to the force, even if he did lose limbs. Even if it did make him smaller he didnt lose any. e.g. Yoda, look how small he is, if Anakin lost his limbs his force power would still be bigger than Yoda, that is why Yoda says "size matters not".
On the subject of Tulak Hord, he was the greatest Sith Duelist ever, so I think he would wip all the ancient Sith's a$$.
20-04-2006 18:13:06
Nere heard much of Tulak Hord but I'm sure Revan would find of way of wiping his a$$. While Vader would rush in with just brute strenght.
21-04-2006 04:42:46
Tulak Hord PWN's
22-04-2006 16:40:51
i think Marka Ragnos will beat Tulak Hord big time.....
23-04-2006 00:28:22
Marka Ragnos was weak compared to Tulak, Marka Ragnos honly held a 200 year reign, while Tulak, I think held somewhere around 500. And dont say he couldnt hav gone to that age, with the force anything is possible.
23-04-2006 18:56:29
23-04-2006 19:43:52
24-04-2006 05:03:56
The thing about Vader's suit is the lack of mobility. Vader w/out the suit would(esp. in my opinion) kick EVERYONES a$$es.
24-04-2006 23:28:04
I daresay not. Even though he was skilled with a saber in his golden ages, he would never stand the might of Yoda or someone as complex as Revan.
25-04-2006 02:00:17
Dude Yoda couldn't beat Palpy! How could he even think about beating vader?
Phoenix alThor
25-04-2006 06:14:58
I'd say Vader.
Muz Ashen
26-04-2006 14:38:33
Tulok Hord is the greatest saberist that there ever was.
He would be able to toast Palpatine, Windu, Yoda, and Vader, and probably at the same time.
Think on that for a moment.
In a confrontation between Revan and Vader, a lot depends on circumstance. The suited Vader would fall, with ease, to Revan's skill.
"But Muz, he didn't lose connection to the Force...Size matters not..."
Like hell he didn't. How do they measure Force? by Midichlorians, which are described as parasites, distributed throughout the body. Which means, necessarily, that if you get limbs chopped off of you, you will lose midichlorians, and thus, your ability to manipulate the Force... Yoda's small size and incredible midi count is a testament to his strength in the Force. Higher concentration and all that.
Further, think about it this way. When Vader fell to Obi-Wan, The Emperor rebuilt him, using the top of the line technology and nearly limitless resources. Why didn't he make Vader mor mobile, more dextrous? I mean, Grievous was a heck of a lot faster, right?
Grievous also had a lot less biological material left: only a head and a torso... Vader had two half-legs, two half-arms, chest and head. And a lot of the enhancements for a limb come in at the structural level... at the bicep, at the thigh, at the shoulder, at the hip... all things Grievous needed replaced.
So why didn't Palpatine lop more parts off of Vader to make him an even more wicked warrior?
I think that Palpatine recognized that by lopping more off of Vader, he would comprimise the Force Ability of his apprentice... and that the increased physical attributes the cybernetic implants would bring wasn't worth it.
Now, an argument could be made that Palpatine was worried about Vader killing him and taking over... but I think that it was pretty much covered under Palpatine's Force Lightning Insurance well as the Sith Alchemy drugs he made Vader reliant on.
Plus, at the core of it all, It took a Jedi Master and bad luck to beat Vader at his prime on Mustafar. As a Dark Lord of the Sith in wicked black armour and helmet, he got punked by a barely trained farmboy after he threatened his kid sister.
Back to Revan...
A pre-suit Vader would have given Revan more trouble... However... Revan had more experience fighting foes with Lightsabers than Vader ever did. Revan was pretty wicked all around. He had to be, considering he managed to be a Dark Lord of the Sith in a time when there was a fair bit of competition for the title.
And so, while a pre-suit Vader would give more of a challenge to Revan than a cybernetic Vader, I still think that Revan would stomp the Skywalker into a steaming smear.
26-04-2006 14:46:53
Dude Yoda couldn't beat Palpy! How could he even think about beating vader?
No you are wrong. Yoda did lose to Sidious, but not because Yoda doesnt have as much skill.
Think of what just happened to Yoda?
1. He just lost all his friends, brothers, sisters, and basically his family for over 800 years.
2. He was surprised. He learnt that the one who had been trying to cause peace the whole time is the one he trusted for a long long time (Sidious).
3. His last hopes of destroying the Dark Jedi and Sith were diminished when he realised that Anakin had turned to the Dark Side. One of there only last hopes spiritually murdered within a few seconds (Anakin).
4. Just when he thought they were gonna win the war, he figured out they were losing the whole time.
5. He knew there was porbly no hope for the Jedi left.
6. He also knew there would be one of the most toughest and roughest times he has ever been through.
If this happened to me, I would be at an all-time low, and EXTREMELY depressed.
Plus, I would also be depressed if I was going to Dagobah probly for the rest of my life.
So basically in Yoda's condition, he wouldnt be able to fight against Sidious.
All Im saying is if none of this happened to Yoda, then Sidious would die so dam easily.
27-04-2006 18:53:19
15-05-2006 00:59:45
ok final answer on this fight:
"However, after all of his limbs were severed and he was extremely burned on Mustafar he lost much of his Force potential. As Darth Vader, Anakin was believed to have had roughly 80% of the strength of the Emperor. Had he sustained none of his injuries on Mustafar he would have been twice as powerful."
— George Lucas
From the master himself
15-05-2006 01:07:41
Well if it wasn't for Ani being a Team Killer Mace would have killed Palpy out right that Trakata couldn't compare to Vappad
Muz Ashen
15-05-2006 09:01:44
That's simply not true.
Trakata is every bit as formidable as Vapaad, if not more so.
The difference is not in the style, it is in the user and the circumstances of the combat.
Mace fought long and hard, and had finally gotten an advantage. This is not due to his form being better, but more to the point of Mace being more dedicated to his saber training than Palps... understandable considering that Mace didn't have to train in secret.
11-07-2006 15:06:05
Muz in yo other post you failed to mention Lord Sion, how would he compare to the others fighting abilities.
11-07-2006 15:18:54
What about Darth Nihilus? how would he stand up to them???
11-07-2006 15:23:53
HE WOULD DIE!!! I don't know much about him. Elaborate.
11-07-2006 18:36:04
I think he was another one of the KotOR characters, but yeah, he'd probably die
11-07-2006 18:50:05
How would Aabsdu fair against em. >:)
11-07-2006 21:58:14
He whoop his ass, that's what
12-07-2006 00:44:26
NO!! You would die a most painful and regretful death.
Muz Ashen
12-07-2006 00:49:16
Darth Sion was indeed wicked... And Nihilus was as well. I'd place both of them above Vader, honestly....
From what I have seen, Sion and Nihilus would be a good match. But to be fair, Tulok Hord would splatter them without much effort. Hord is supposed to be *the baddest* the point where 'all other masters since have been as children playing with toys'.
12-07-2006 02:06:48
Dang, thats deep. Would the Grand Masters of the brotherhood, stand a chance against him.
Remdan Tyranius
12-07-2006 02:35:46
Darth Sion was indeed wicked... And Nihilus was as well. I'd place both of them above Vader, honestly....
From what I have seen, Sion and Nihilus would be a good match. But to be fair, Tulok Hord would splatter them without much effort. Hord is supposed to be *the baddest* the point where 'all other masters since have been as children playing with toys'.
Ok, I may be new to all of this, (I'm new to The Brotherhood...I'm definitely not new to Starwars in general.) but I agree with this post. However, if we go back to the original post for this topic I would have to say Revan because Vader converted back to the lightside at the end of "Return of the Jedi" making him much weaker in the force. So if he was able the convert back to the lightside then there was good in him all along. To be a true dark jedi master you must have totally been consumed by the darkside. Vader obviously never was. He was close. However it was obvious that he still had good in him. The movie even tells you that.

I don't know if someone has already stated my point that I have just given yet or not, but I'm too lazy to go and check, so whatever.
12-07-2006 02:59:05
Kinda right, Vader was weak in the Force after Mustafar. Losing his limbs meant losing more Force potential. And to be totally consumed by the dark side, is not very comforting. If we were to meet the Grand Master, I'm sure it would be the most terrifying thing in the world.
High Equites and Elders would feel his presense pounding on their senses but other than that they would be cool. The Grand Master and some Elders are are totally consumed to the darkside (to my knowledge) but I'm pretty sure that some would go mad if they would embrace it completely.
Darth Sion was like the essense of the darkside. The only thing that kept him moving was his hatred and darkside embracion. That sh*t could drive anyone crazy (to my knowledge) thats not High Equite and over.
Remdan Tyranius
12-07-2006 03:21:44
Indeed, after the battle with Obi-wan at Mustafar he did lose much of his potential. Even though it was his own fault that he was struck down, it is still disappointing. I persoonally, think he could very well have been one of the most powerful dark jedi, with his potential. Think of how much stronger he would have been when he would have confronted Luke Skywalker. I believe he very well could have prevailed and taken over the galaxy. However, he was weak, and it was his time to die for being as weak as he was. Sucks that he killed the Emperor though. If he wouldn't have there still may have been hope for the Emperor to twist Princess Lei's mind to convert her to the darkside and the Empire may have been able to restore order to the galaxy. Although if the Emperror was that weak to be thrown off of a ledge and die so foolishly like that then so be it. I just wish the legacy of the darkside wouldn't have ended so suddenly like that. Ah....oh well.
12-07-2006 03:31:36
HA..True but the Emperor was smart enough to make a clone of himself, so we can't discredit him that much.
Remdan Tyranius
12-07-2006 03:33:24
Ahh...damn.Ok, fine you got me on that much.
Post-suit, Revan would win. He would just have to hit Vader with lightning and the dude would fry. He's already crispy, but he'd wind up a smoldering pile of ashes.
12-07-2006 13:21:06
Revan might win pre-suit too, seeing as how Anakin couldn't do lightning or any of stuff when he was still a jedi
12-07-2006 16:48:29
I'd go with Revan, but that's just me
Revan might win pre-suit too, seeing as how Anakin couldn't do lightning or any of stuff when he was still a jedi
Anakin could survive lightning pre-suit, but post-suit it would short out his life support and kill him.
12-07-2006 22:24:16
Anakin might be able to survive lightning pre-suit but it would probably hurt him a fair amount, especilly from Revan
13-07-2006 04:11:27
Actually he would die on contact...seeing that Revan had the rare ability to create Force Storms.
Force Storms, in the way you mean, are not all that rare. The rare kinds are what Palpy mastered, a cyclone of death and destruction eating entire starfleets. Revan's version is just cool lightning that hurts everyone. Oh, and that would kill Vader post-suit.
13-07-2006 08:48:44
Revan would be victorius in my opinion. Here's why.
Darth Vader... he was not even a Master. He was always an Apprentice even if he claimed otherwise. First he was Obi - Wan's apprentice (I know he killed him, but was it really that way? Remember when during the combat between the two, Obi Wan looked with smile at Luke? He then saluted with his lightsaber, by raising it up, between the eyes, and I think, he LET Vader to kill him.) Next thing.. it is doubtful that he would rule the Galaxy if not the Emperor and the Empire armies, fleets, units. There was more than what we've seen in the movies. Let me just remaind Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Daala, Imerial Intelligence, Ysen Isard and others. The only thing Vader was doing well was chocking
Revan however, he was a Master. He literally ruled thanks to his own abilities and powers. And got to the top twice (if you have played KOTOR 2, and I'm sure you have, you know what I'm talking about). Therefore, I say that Revan would defeat Vader.
// Jenay
13-07-2006 13:15:47
I agree with Jenay and say that Revan could probably own Vader two times sideways
13-07-2006 16:57:59
And frontways