25-12-2005 02:43:27
Yea its my own fault, I got curious and went to supershadow.com, serves me right. I hope the sorry excuse for a human who is putting this stuff on the internet is caught. I did find a petition up against this site, if you want to sign it (dont know if it will work or not) then the URL for it is
http://www.petitiononline.com/5551313/petition.html If you do look around this mans site, dont listen to the crap on there.
07-02-2006 08:36:52
er wht the hell is it your going on about
ah i understand now, after revewing the said web sites, OMG what a jerk, episode 7-9 they cant happen, mainly cos most of the cast r a little too old now, people like him shud be shamed and hung out to dry
Darth Pravus
10-02-2006 19:47:30
Yes! finally, I hope this petition will at least stop this idiotic maniac
Ceric Crimson
11-02-2006 12:43:25
Yeah...I honestly doubt that is going to do anything other than make him laugh.
Sephiroth Kali
12-02-2006 18:39:47
WHat is supershadow?
Nevermind. ABout 2 seconds looking at the site have told me enough. Tell LA about it. Maybe they won't like it and sew him for slander
Ceric Crimson
12-02-2006 18:55:15
Actually, I was kind of hoping that they might sue him.
Kaine Mandaala
13-02-2006 12:49:15
I'm surprised it's taken this long for Supershadow to be discussed. He's an idiot, plain and simple.
Any moron can claim to know all the people he says he knows - and any SW fan with even a passing interest in something outside of the films could come up with the crap he does.
Never use him as any sort of reference. Wikipedia is more trustworthy, and Wikipedia is about as trustworthy as a hungry dog guarding a steak.
I resent that dog comment i <3 my steak
anyway supershadow is a bull[Expletive Deleted]ter he has put up so much crap some new people to star wars dont know what to believe
in short all he says is crap
Sephiroth Kali
13-02-2006 19:19:32
The question is why? WHy put up a site like this?
Darth Pravus
14-02-2006 01:34:30
The question is why? WHy put up a site like this?
He's just a loser, plain and simple. Has anyone els checked out his 'girlfriend' page? its just ridicules, and he even has a completly diffrent photo of himself <_<
Ceric Crimson
14-02-2006 09:31:45
He is a lonely, lonely, geek.
17-02-2006 08:04:27
people like him shud be dealt with fast so as not to encite random rumours
Kaine Mandaala
17-02-2006 09:03:01
The question is why? WHy put up a site like this?
My only thoughts about this site and why it exists:
Supershadow is probably somewhat well off (has a good paying job, lives with his parents) and has the time/money to blow on being the ultimate jerk. OR maybe he has some sort of mental handicap where he genuinely believes all this crap. Maybe he wrote a letter to the editor of Bantha Tracks back when he was 8 and received a reply (stock reply - "Thanks for writing, here's a Star Wars eraser! MTFBWYA!") so he thinks he has an 'in' with GL himself.
He seems to me, seriously, like he has some sort of handicap. Either that or he's just one of the biggest asshats on the planet. He just might be someone who has his own vision of the SW universe and is too much of a jerk or coward to admit these are all just his opinions. He has to make up stories about the people he knows or talks to on a regular basis like GL and anyone else that has worked on the SW saga.
Hell - I've personally corrosponded with John Williams on a few questions regarding his work on the original trilogy but that doesn't make me a close personal friend of John. I'm not about to make a website devoted to all of his works, including things I make up and say are his. I've also written letters to various LucasArts employees (Music Directors, Animators, Animation Directors) about specific projects. I've received replies (and not stock replies either) but that doesn't make me any closer to being in on the action than anyone else.
In short - I think SS has money and is either retarded or just a big fat jerk, and that's why the site exists.
17-02-2006 09:16:42
I am not sure about him having money, if he had money then he could afford to get a better site and get his facts right, though he may need plenty of dosh for the lawsuit.
And yes he is definatly a JERK
Kaine Mandaala
17-02-2006 13:22:36
I am not sure about him having money, if he had money then he could afford to get a better site and get his facts right, though he may need plenty of dosh for the lawsuit.
And yes he is definatly a JERK
I only say he has money because he obviously pays for a domain and webspace... and only an idiot would pay for that stuff to broadcast the crap he has out there.
Ceric Crimson
17-02-2006 18:28:01
An idiot or a jerk with a lot of money, you mean.
18-02-2006 04:14:16
to put it bluntly yes, a jerk who seems that he is gona be knee deep in a lot of **** soon
Ceric Crimson
19-02-2006 15:59:35
If anyone gives him the satisfaction of taking too much interest, yes.