12-12-2005 12:21:53
will there be a jedi knight 3 game, the sequel to jedi academy, where leaving off where jaden took the staff for himself playing as either dark or light side
Kaine Mandaala
12-12-2005 15:43:17
will there be a jedi knight 3 game, the sequel to jedi academy, where leaving off where jaden took the staff for himself playing as either dark or light side
Technically, Academy *is* JK3. It's 4th or 5th in the Dark Forces series, depending how you look at it.
Dark Forces
Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith - Expansion Pack, req'd JK, thus not often thought of as #3.
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy
Will there be a JK4? I hope so. I'd like to see far more customization features, like being able to construct a lightsaber hilt you can use in-game. This would be similar to the DJB's saber assembly system - or the game's character creation feature.
I'd also like to see that aspect - Character creation - be a little more expanded. I'd like for them to have SWG-style customization - why not? Then you could have your character in JK look as close to whatever you want as you can get.
I'd also like to see RGB saber values. The purple in JA is way too pink IMO, and the color I want for my personal blade is more of a violet. #8A2BE2 in Hex.
09-02-2006 06:17:48
JA kick ass so much i have played in nummerous times, i hope they bring out a sequal that imporves on it furthur
17-03-2006 14:27:54
Well... I'd like to see another Kyle Katarn game that could really be worthy of the "Dark Forces" title. I really don't consider JA in that seiries. And not to mention I'd play JK or DF before I'd play JO or JA but that's just me.