06-12-2005 14:55:06
Sorry if i posted this in the wrong place, i was just wondering if the Obelisk was a real Order officially in Star Wars or was it created by the DB? It seems like an interesting Order. I am a Sith just in case your wondering.
06-12-2005 15:07:07
The Obelisk Order was created within the DB and is not a part of the Official Star War universe.
It was created back when the Sith mainly took part in flying games, and the Krath wrote. When the Jedi Knight series of games came out a new Order was created for people that played those games.
Tarax Kor
06-12-2005 15:40:23
And has been the best Order ever since.
06-12-2005 17:58:56
Thank you.
I think all three orders are cool, as I have interests in all of them. I love the Sith for there history and original darkside power (not to say the other two dont have those, but in the Official Star Wars Universe the Sith were basically the main bad guys), but I like the Krath because they are knowledgable and write poetry and art (i write tons of poetry and songs), and I like the Obelisk because I like the idea of an order devoted to combat and the 'art of war'.
07-12-2005 11:13:51
The Krath were a powerful Dark Side sect of themselves a few thousand years before the films during the time of Exar Kun and Ulic Cel Droma, in fact one of Clan Plageuis's houses is named after one of the more powerful Krath, Satal Keto.
Salth Khan
08-12-2005 14:25:31
True, but the Sith existed long before the Krath rose to power. In fact, if you dig far enough back you'll discover that the "Sith" were in fact a part of the original Jedi Order thousands of years before the Old Republic was founded. They were one side of the Jedi Order, at a time when the Jedi explored both sides of the Force, light and dark. But the eventual push by the dark side users to make the powers of the dark side more commonplace within the Order caused an internal civil war that nearly destroyed the entire Jedi Order. The remaining dark side users escaped to an unknown region of space where they discovered a race called the "Sith". The dark side users were so intrigued with the Sith that they joined with them and eventually the race evolved into a very wealthy and powerful empire. And then the story goes on from there to the repeated downfall and rising of the Sith across the remainder of the SW history line.
16-12-2005 10:05:49
Yeah, the renegade Jedi who were exilled to Sith space helped form a massive empire which by all rights and purposes should have triumphed over a much weaker Republic. Damn this Light Side Force the Republic was strong in
Salth Khan
17-12-2005 17:51:43
Nah, just damn George Lucas for being so simple minded to believe that despite the events he's chronicled in the SW saga that the Light Jedi would or could have ever won.
03-02-2006 09:24:46
light side jedi cant win anything without JL, if u look at the NJO series of books they cant even defeat the vong, because its wrong to use agressive tactics, take a feww dark jedi in there and the war would be over in a few days, cos A we dont give a dam and B most Dark jedi carry more than just a lightsaber, i know i certainatly do