Movie Battles

Kaine Mandaala

27-10-2005 20:40:42

I saw a small article about this JA mod in PC Gamer, so I went to the site to check it out. Seems pretty cool.

Lightsaber combat system has been totally redone. Classes - like the original JK but tweaked for JA. Maps of locations and player models of characters from the films. There's an option they call "Authenticity Mode" that will only allow you to pick characters based on the map you choose to play.

From what I have read, I understand that the lightsaber combat system is incredibly complex, meaning you can't just click like a crackhead and kill people.

Check it out.

Tarax Kor

27-10-2005 23:26:56

It's been out for some time now, if I remember correctly. Not a bad mod :)

Blade Dranal

28-10-2005 01:14:46

I play it off and on its really fun with that Droideka but unfortunately they don't last long against 5 jedi, It seems a little unbalanced though the Jedi always seem to win no matter what.

Kaine Mandaala

30-10-2005 12:03:04

It's been out for some time now, if I remember correctly. Not a bad mod :)

I think it was only mentioned in the magazine because there's a new version, but - yep - I see on their site they've had this out for a while.