Darth Vader Vs. Darth Sidious
27-10-2005 10:44:41
This topic has been being discussed constantly in other threads, I figured it deserved its own. I vote for Palps.
28-10-2005 12:38:25
I vote for Vader! He could destroy Palpatine, maybe not with ease but definitly could! Palps predicte that Vader could destroy him in the future so he kept him "on a tight leashe" but Vader tnx to Luke destroyed him...which is not big of a loss..he was a faliure anyway
Ood Bnar
30-10-2005 05:53:35
Do you mean Vader before the suit or vader with suit?
because he was more powerfull before he had the suit. at that time he could have killed sidious whenever he wanted. with the suit sidious was more powerfull, he only needed to hit vader once (in his breathing device) and vader would have been destroyed.
30-10-2005 09:10:51
Both. Vader was stronger in the Force while in the suite and was stronger than Sidious. The scene from RoTS when Vader stands up and finding out that Padme is dead breaks stuff around him. This scene was show for the sole purpose to show watchers that Vader was indeed stronger than his Master....IMO offcourse
01-11-2005 09:47:58
Vader wasn't weakened by the the Suite, it only prohibited him from moving as freely as someone with all thier limbs. He indeed became stronger. Wait till the book comes out describing how Vader hunted down and killed all the rogue Jedi cept for Obi. Vader Kicks Arse
01-11-2005 17:27:17
Well Vader thrown Sidious down that pretty deep reactor shaft. I see that as clear win for Darth Vader :w00t: . Sure you can say that Vader tricked Sidious, cause he sneaked from behind, but I guess that leads to the questions "Aren't jedi forces tricks at all?"
Sephiroth Kali
04-11-2005 07:58:34
Plain and simple. Sidious is God, Remember, Sidious was smiling in that scene, as for vader throwing Sidious down the chute, Sidious was simply distracted. If he had not been consentrating eslewhere, he would have destroied vader.
Perhaps pre suite vader could have beaten him, but not post suite. Vader definatly lost poweer, you only see him use one or two powers after his reserection. Sidious however, only became complasent. He did not however lose focus of obtaining true power. This is the man who created Lord Nyax, who definatly would have wipedouted Vader.
04-11-2005 10:18:31
And look at the result of Vader throwing Sidious down the Chute, VADER DIED. From SNEAKING and attacking. If it were a frontal 1-on-1 battle Vader would be demolished.
Sephiroth Kali
04-11-2005 12:40:11
I really wouldn't really call it a sneak attack, he was indecisive. He made a choice... the wrong choice.
Don't forget that the Emperor had Mara Jade and others, as his Hands... Not to mention that he had ships implanted with selfdestruct devices, say Vader was on one of them...
04-11-2005 15:17:33
interesting well i you had played and beat ep.3 the game it does show you what would have happened if vader had killed
master knobi ((yea i know i spelt it wrong)) at mustafar vader stabbed sidious and took his place a ruler of the universe so yes vader could have beaten him
Sephiroth Kali
04-11-2005 20:39:24
Thats it I'm buying it. Now. Ok well tomorrow.
Ood Bnar
05-11-2005 08:36:43
according to me, Vader died because Palpatine's force-lightning had destroyed his lifesupport-unit. Palpatine made vader choke to death
Sephiroth Kali
05-11-2005 11:08:02
Ironic isn't it?
Kaine Mandaala
05-11-2005 14:00:11
Vader did die because Palpatine destroyed his life support system with Force Lightning. All those electronics are the reason Vader couldn't use Lightning himself.
Hard to say who really would win.
In the films, Palpatine killed 4 Jedi Masters - three of which he caught off-guard, killing almost instantly. In his duel with Windu, it seemed as though he was toying with the Jedi, keeping him busy until Anakin could arrive and 'seal his fate'. Palpatine also held his own against Yoda.
Vader - pre-suit. He managed to kill a colony of Tusken Raiders, a lot of kids, and spar with Obi-Wan Kenobi (noted as the best Jedi deulist) - a fight he eventually lost. Anakin/Vader also managed to hold his own against Dooku, twice, finally defeating him.
Post-suit we only see him strike down a willing Obi-Wan, spar with Luke twice, and engage the opportunity to throw Palpatine into the abyss of the Death Star II - which ultimately killed him.
I believe that if he never had the suit, he would have eventually destroyed Palpatine. The suit was Palpatine's leash.
05-11-2005 19:06:17
i have to agree with all of that.
06-11-2005 03:53:43
I am inclined to say that Darth Sidious would have won in a straight, 1 vs. 1, duel. Keeping away from all the ‘What ifs”, during the last movie Vardar’s lack of physical prowess (Not that Sidious would have much more =P) and his inability to use force lightning put him at a major disadvantage. Also Sidious many extra years of experience gives him a sharp edge in the fight.
08-11-2005 10:55:36
Eh I also beat the game both ways, and the way he kills Obi and Palps isn't very convincing. Though I liked the thought of Vader ruling instead of Palps, Vader wasn't COMPLETELY evil. He was manipulatively evil, Palps was pure evil. And yes he killed 4 masters, but look at the time span in which he killed them. Less than an Hour? And I disagree with the Jedi being off guard, thier sabers were on, they knew he was dangerous if they were off guard they deserved to die.
Sephiroth Kali
09-11-2005 14:54:02
It's simple. Sidious is God.
Oh My God! 100 posts!
16-11-2005 17:46:39
palpatine would win vesus vader because vader is too badly injured. he is not at his prime. palpatine versus anakin would be a good battle though.
16-11-2005 23:05:46
Vader would win by a mile. Mace Windu kicked Palpatine's ass what makes you think the he can win over Vader. Besides his force power is devastaing >:)
Sephiroth Kali
17-11-2005 16:05:00
Palpatine manipulated the battle between him and windu. he was in control nearly the entire time. Notice that Anakin never saw Palps with a lightsaber, nor did he see the dead jedi in the main enterance of his office.- to be completed-
Syrus Korodin
26-11-2005 10:06:43
It's very hard to say, but I think Sidious would have been the victor. His incredible dark side abilities were unrivalled. He managed to kill three Jedi Masters in ten seconds and I think he could easily have fried Windu. He just lost so that Anakin could, you know, become Dark Sideish and the like.
Besides, Yoda and Sidious fought and Yoda lost. Might I remind you that Yoda was the most powerful Jedi at the time?
But then again...
27-11-2005 18:48:02
Vader would win. Hands down. He has a helmet, and Palps doesnt. So there.