23-10-2005 05:43:12
If there is any? :mellow: Also, the list of stuff to pick from.
BF used to post the link and all, but I really can't remember. Been searching the board for a while now, but ugh... So i may as well ask a dumb question like this
27-10-2005 19:21:30
thanks, that's half my question answered... now, anyone knows the current standings?
28-10-2005 09:26:02
Arania, since Shadow backed away from the Admin duties of the Gaming days and rewarding, My guess is youll need to go back before the ORoS on the news page archives to find your answer.
Whomever gets it will have there work cut out for them.....
Sith Bloodfyre
28-10-2005 17:06:30
You know, just briefly, the list of items also happens to be a pinned topic in this very same forum that you posted in. In addition, items not on there may be added if you email me with the following:
-What item(s) you would like to see.
-Where I can find info on them (URL).
That's basically all I need to know, really. That list was meant to be something basic, that was able to be added upon by the suggestions and desires of the members.
Aidan Kincaid
28-10-2005 18:37:52
I will eventually release... or give to by successor the complete list. I've just been busy/lazy. But Smoke is right. Since the last Tourney had almost no points earned you basically have to go back to before the ORoS.
30-10-2005 07:57:27
Hmm.. I'll wait for the next tourney then
31-10-2005 20:01:19
I'm gonna post the complete scores and items list every time i make a report.