19-10-2005 18:35:16
An idea has crossed my mind...
if were playing Allegience online(a game which is not connected to SW) why not play Freelancer in the sam emanner...its fun and easy to play...+ there are mods of SW starfighter like the Jedi starfighter, X-wing, TIE interceptor,etc....
only problem is...its not have to buy it....but IMO thats a minor problem....
what do you think?
20-10-2005 10:40:30
this is BF's reply to your question, which you already recieved in response to the exact same question you sent to the DC:
Hey Tyren.
The games we utilize are dependant upon accessibility and the community for them. There's been many people who have enjoyed Allegiance, and we've been trying to utilize it because of that enjoyment factor, as well as because it's a free, downloadable game. If we were to utilize FreeLancer, there would have to be a membership demand for it, as well as access to it. It doesn't have to be a free download, but people have to be able to buy it in a local games shop, or something.
At this point, I haven't seen it in stores that I recall, but I don't really browse through games a whole bunch, to be honest. If you'd like to see FreeLancer used, you're more than welcome to start probing for interest via MB posting, talking to people about it, etc. If there's enough interest for it, we may then make a move to utilize it as a supported platform.
I think that says it all.
20-10-2005 10:48:02
Some time ago there was a group of people who had tried to start a Freelancer Guild but the interest just wasn't there. This was probably late '03 or early '04.
I've played the game myself as well as the SW-specific mod. While it could be something good on the side, the game and how it is played would not be a platform that can be really put into our current club structure.
20-10-2005 11:42:32
I have to agree with Halc, I own the game and I was infact involved in setting up the platform for a former club of mine. While the game itself is extremely fun and interesting, the kind of game it is is extremely hard to maintain, definitely in a club of this size. Besides that, as BF included in his message, the game is not in stores anymore. At least not the wide spread availablity it had before as it has become an old game now that is more then likely in the bottom of a bragin bin.
I wouldn't be surprised from the continued interest I hear from it that one day the creators will patch it to be a free download somewhere as a promotion tool for another game of theirs (much the same as what as happened with ALLEG) maybe then its availablitiy could support your cause.
20-10-2005 15:41:38
Any flight game that does not utilize a joy stick....bleh. Flight games with out joysticks are like sex without genitals.
20-10-2005 16:10:08
Any flight game that does not utilize a joy stick....bleh. Flight games with out joysticks are like sex without genitals.
they don't call it a pleasure.. err.. joystick for nothing.
20-10-2005 17:11:14
i beg to differ...
its cool with the joystick and all but this is easy to play
Tarax Kor
20-10-2005 17:33:15
Tyren, I was the one who headed the 'attempted' Guild that Halc is talking about. It was based on Freeworlds, the most popular Freelancer SW conversion. First it was a guild in another club, the Star Vipers, and I tried to bridge it over to the DB because I thought it would have been a really good idea to have an inter-club based guild.
It didn't work for several reasons. The first was that it was very time consuming. VERY. And it just didn't pay off.
Second, it gave newcomers very big disadvantages ships/weaps wise.
Third, it's HELL to set up your own faction in the servers. The first US server was a bitch to play in. That server split into two, and now both of them are like the first. In both, the Empire is weak/sluggish, the NR is strong and arrogant, and there's mercs everywhere.
And fourth, you really need big numbers of people to start off in order to have a chance of survival. Starting with 5 people is not a good idea. With 10, it's you might make it.. 15? That's OK. 20 people is really the ideal amount of people. Fact of the matter is, I don't see 15 to 20 people signing up from the start and going through the rough'n'tough in the beginning in order to establish anything of worth. Even when you do, it's 15 to 20 people that are soley committed to that game because it's so time-consuming. The problem is though, it's not a game that keeps you interested in it the amount of time required to play it.
And yes, playing witht he mouse instead of joystick is better in this game, and while the game overall is interesting, I don't see many people lining up to sign up for it. If they are, they don't know anything or much about it then.
21-10-2005 02:47:04
ill trust your jdgement...
one favor ill ask...can you give me the URL for this convesrion so i can download it cuz all i played till now is a Jedi starfighter(and the X-wing and others) in the Freelancer world