The Force
17-10-2005 20:34:05
does anybody here belive that telekinesis can really be used?
18-10-2005 00:30:29
20-10-2005 16:21:26
26-10-2005 21:14:43
well...telekinesis is a real thing but not that easy to comprehend with our limited mind(at least the explored part)...we have explored only 5%(or so) of our brain so we dont know what lurks in that the future we could shape mountains or raise oceans or simmilar...the fact remains..telekinesis exists...
26-10-2005 21:29:56
Maybe...did you know that its considered a religion?
26-10-2005 21:34:13
what telekinesis?...nope...what religion?
26-10-2005 21:39:01
I meant like Jedi in connection with the force, look at Barnes N Nobles
26-10-2005 21:45:58
Barnes N Nobles?
27-10-2005 10:52:43
Telekinetics is real, the ability to use it is real. Though only 5% of our brain is being used, I doubt that even with all 100% we would be able to have the abilities found from the Force. That is manipulating other peoples minds, ect.
27-10-2005 11:55:09
Barnes N Nobles?
Its a bookstore.
27-10-2005 15:19:23
we have explored only 5%(or so) of our brain so we dont know what lurks in that 95%...
That's a common myth. We use 100% of our brain.
27-10-2005 16:48:08
actually what's usually said is 10-15%, and I don't think telekinesis exist before I see proof of it.
30-10-2005 17:37:16
Telekinetics is real, the ability to use it is real. Though only 5% of our brain is being used, I doubt that even with all 100% we would be able to have the abilities found from the Force. That is manipulating other peoples minds, ect.
thank you that is my point im glad evry1 here has a strong opinion
30-10-2005 18:13:02
i am slightly telekenitic i can push a pensil with my mind

i am working on enhancing the skill tho
cain out
01-11-2005 17:18:06
I guess the term beleaving belongs more to relegious topics.
If there is a proof that telekinesis works it exists
If there isn't a proof that telekinesis don't works it don't exists.
And if there isn't a proof for one of the mentioned alternatives above I wouldn't limit my mind beleaving in one of the alternatives.
Sephiroth Kali
04-11-2005 08:15:36
Sephiroth Kali
04-11-2005 08:20:23
Taken from the site:
"Why do you call yourselves Jedi?
Today, in the real word, we relate to many of the philosophies the Jedi in Star Wars hold. We realize many of the concepts they practice are based on actual philosophies which have existed in our reality. Some still do exist. Due to this realization, and due to the lack of morality and ethical concern found in many of our societies, we use the Jedi term as a way to focus on these issues.
What is the Jedi Way?
The Jedi Way is a path we follow in order to further recognize and understand the Force. We see it as a frame of mind, or a tool. This path does include order (known as the Jedi Order), arts (known as the Jedi Arts), training, and philosophical thought. You can learn about these things by viewing our website.
What is the Jedi Order?
The Jedi Order is an actual, written set of guidelines and principles which Jedi promote to follow and understand the will of the Force. Now all guidelines and principles are followed. This is because this is a collection of writings holding various viewpoints. You can learn about this by viewing our website.
No, we do not use the Jedi Order in Star Wars. We make our own.
If you are Jedi, why don't you have fancy powers or use Lightsabers?
This, as you can guess, is a very common question many of us are asked.
What you need to understand is that we don't see ourselves as the Jedi in Star Wars. We don't mimic the fictional Jedi - we exploit their philosophies. We are realistic Jedi, or Jedi based in reality. This is commonly refered to as Jedi Realism.
Are the Jedi a religious group?
We, at the JEDI Website, are not a religious group, nor view the Jedi as a religious group. Regardless of what people may say, we do not hold Jedi rituals or force people to worship the Force. We generally see the Jedi Ways as a way of life, a journey of self-discovery. This is called Jedi Realism.
There was a group who promoted Jedi to be a religion, calling it Jediism. They were called Jediism: the Jedi Religion. They do not exist anymore. Some people may apply the title Jediism to what we do here. This doesn't mean, though, we are a religion. We are a totally different group then Jediism: The Jedi Religion was.
There are some who still view the Jedi as an archetype and as a method to learn about mythology. This is called Jedi Mythos. There is a website called the Jedi Mythos ( who focuses on this ideology.
Most of us believe in taking a moderate approach to the Jedi and avoid extremes. If someone is going to use the Jedi Way to learn, then we believe it should be used appropriately and realistically.
06-11-2005 04:08:06
Personally I see the Star Wars ‘Force’ to borrow from many of our current religions and philosophies. As for ‘Force Powers,” I remain open minded as to the possibility of there being such things as Telekinesis. I have not seen it, but I do accept that there are many things that humans do not yet understand and probably never will, so if I ever did see it I would probably be more than willing to accept it.
29-11-2005 15:42:14
I think its all made up and doesnt exist.
Sephiroth Kali
30-11-2005 07:41:22
Everyone can believe what they wish, however, I will say this, why would people believe in something that didn't work?
01-12-2005 18:33:02
The mind can be made to believe in many things. I could tell you that I was colorblind, and you could believe me, even if I could see color.
I could tell you that we evolved from monkeys. But you could believe that we were created by a God of some sort.
See? its all relitive to what you want to believe.
Sephiroth Kali
02-12-2005 07:50:52
I think therefore I am.
Muz Ashen
02-12-2005 12:36:48
You say "I think, therefore I am."
How can I believe you?
For all I know, you could be a simulcra...a coded response to a scripted question.
The only thing we can be sure of is that we don't know everything.
As to Telekinesis, there are many people who believe in that it is real.
As for me, I believe that I could make you believe it is real. That's a much easier trick.
It is not the *brain* that does things, after is willpower. It is the strength of a person's will (and many will argue, their psychoses) that allow a person to see and believe what they want to.
It's all in perception. How do you know that the color that you call green doesn't look blue through my eyes? Objective reality filters through to your consciousness through the subjective psyche. And so, our believes flavor and warp what is seen to what is expected. And what you *see* is not necessarily what is really there. Even more so for those of us who have a tenuous grip on reality in the first place. People can't see things that disagree with their world view so shuts them down to have to do that, so they just don't see it, or don't believe it.
That applies to many things. Telekinesis, elves, magic, the force, UFOs, religion, and one-legged dwarves with pickaxes are all subject to the confines of our own world-view and reality.
"I don't believe it..."
"That is why you fail."
In Darkness,
Sephiroth Kali
02-12-2005 12:52:15
See... The Krath are smarter.
02-12-2005 20:01:32
bah it tis real just like magic
02-12-2005 21:22:45
I'm sure. Please enlighten me on the reality of magic, Mr. Potter.
21-01-2006 13:35:04
bah it tis real just like magic
yeah it sorta is
BTW Legacy of Kain kicks ass!
Vae Victus
22-01-2006 08:45:56
I suppose it depends on what you call 'magic'. I saw a chinese guy take an egg, wrap it in tin foil, place it on a wooden block, and fry it by holding his hands over it. Go on, tell me that's not magic, or telekinesis, or pyrokinesis or something.
And yeah, Legacy of Kain does kick ass. I don't think I've ever played any games with a story as immersive as the soul reaver games. Legacy of Kain: Defiance ruled...
27-01-2006 20:11:39
i guess you can make something like this real in your own life but that doesesnt mean that is true for everyone for me is more than real
29-01-2006 00:20:11
I guess it depends on how you look at things on whether or not magic exists. For instance, If I were to venture into the remotest part of the world and find the remotest tribe that exists, I coudl show them my PSP and play a movie. They might think it is magic, real people trapped in a box. They would then either praise me as a God, or shoot me with arrows. But I would be magical. But I do not consider my PSP to be magic.
01-02-2006 09:19:14
it can be real
if we have never saw it i is not that it it don't excists
Muz Ashen
01-02-2006 15:22:57
That's how the old adage goes... Absence of proof is not proof of absence.
However, basic logic teaches us that the burden of proof lies on those claiming an affirmative, as a blanket negative can't be reasonably proven.
That means that the until proven otherwise magic, the force, green-eyed leprechan lumberjacks and a plethora of other things don't have to be treated as though they are real. Oh, you can believe all you like, but without proof, it isn't real to those that don't believe.
Lorien Sinclair
02-02-2006 23:58:13
I agree with Muz. On the other hand, life is full of things you can't see, much less explain.
Take electricity, for example. We only see it under the right circumstances. But we claim to understand it.
A few years ago, I heard a story about a woman whose family had suffered from freak lightning strikes for the past two hundred years. Supposedly, she was walking to her car on a cloudless afternoon, and as she reached the bottom step of the walkway to the building entrance, her co-workers saw what looked like lightning come up out of the stone, and electrocute her.
"Have you ever seen God? You ever seen him? I've never seen the wind. I've seen the effects of the wind, but never the wind itself."
In the end it comes down to two simple questions: what do you believe is possible, and does it matter if it can be explained, so long as you know how it affects you?
03-02-2006 01:46:51
There's a pretty cool documentary film called "What the Bleep Do You Know," where a group of "material experts" -- physicists, mathematicians, numbers theorists, etc. -- claim that pre-thought and intense "wishful thinking" can actually alter events on the quantum level. So if, for instance, you desperately want a job that you've applied for, intense, vivid imaginings on that possibility can actually manifest itself in reality. Same applies to a desired romance, material success, or anything that you can "pre-imagine" in detail.
So is it true? Personally, I doubt it. But it doesn't stop me from testing out the waters
03-02-2006 09:29:54
The mind is a very powerfull tool for thos who know how to use it, Empathic abilities run strong in my Familiy, though people do think u r odd, and some times its a pain in the ass when u sense random stuff.
03-02-2006 09:30:33
The mind is a very powerfull tool for thos who know how to use it, Empathic abilities run strong in my Familiy, though people do think u r odd, and some times its a pain in the ass when u sense random stuff.
03-02-2006 09:31:44
ga, can some one deleete that second post and this one with it, the darn flood control screwed it up
Adien Falaut
03-02-2006 17:40:37
I have read a-lot about various cultures seeking to unlock the minds true power like wicca for example there is several books relating to working towards powers over time that can be viewed as force powers and feats
PRT melkor (Obelisk)/TYR/Tridens of Tarentum [ACC: INI]
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:LF - G:IRC - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:SC - G:AIC - G:MED - K:GS - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:LS - G:AL}
03-02-2006 19:03:50
No i don't believe it either.
Sephiroth Kali
03-02-2006 20:34:28
When it comes to magic, Google the word Wicca. Or Paganism. Magic has been a common belief for a very long time.
I am also Wiccan.
Muz Ashen
04-02-2006 10:49:55
Wicca is very misconstrued.
It is not as old as you would beleive.
Gerald Brosseau Gardner more or less invented it around the late 1940s, using traditional superstition and folklore to fabricate a 'new-age' belief system.
Do your own research on'll be very surprised.
Adien Falaut
04-02-2006 11:57:16
I am wiccan myself. yes I agree with the moden age but yes in fact paganism is over 25,000 years old. the books that Garner released where only possible because of the anti witchcraft laws being revoked, and that is what spawned the modren age of wicca
06-02-2006 09:22:11
That's how the old adage goes... Absence of proof is not proof of absence.
However, basic logic teaches us that the burden of proof lies on those claiming an affirmative, as a blanket negative can't be reasonably proven.
That means that the until proven otherwise magic, the force, green-eyed leprechan lumberjacks and a plethora of other things don't have to be treated as though they are real. Oh, you can believe all you like, but without proof, it isn't real to those that don't believe.
What Muz said.
It follows from there being no proof that there is no proof something exists.
It does not however follow from there being no proof that something does not exist.
Its the same argument I have against atheism, while there may be no proof God exists that itself does not prove he does not exist, which is why I personally am agnostic, as I feel atheism's logical reasoning defeats its own argument.
This is much the same. That said, as Muz already outlined, the burden of proof rests with the one trying to prove something is real, because it is actually much more difficult, if not impossible, to prove something doesn't exist.
While its perfectly possible there could be a "Force" of sorts, I personally find such a concept rather silly, if only because we know nothing of it, therefore even if it exists it is meaningless to us without understanding, so it is simpler to live not believing in things like telekinesis than worrying about something that is irrelivant to our lives even if it exists.
As for the comment about wind and electricity, there is a big difference there as both can be observed. Its largely irrelivant whether or not this can be done with the naked eye for the eye itself is just a tool. Even so, most people played with those generators at school that make your hair stand on end, and cause you to "zap" people if you then moved close to them, that alone is an example of electostatics visible to the naked eye. The same is very much true for wind. Ultimately seeing the affects of a force are more proof of existance than seeing the force itself. Besides, you can see wind if you use a coloured gas, just because the air itself is invisible means relatively little.
Adien Falaut
06-02-2006 12:47:09
I agree 100% we have no right making a conclusion either way without proof
PRT melkor (Obelisk)/TYR/Tridens of Tarentum [ACC: INI]
StA / DC
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:LF - G:IRC - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:SC - G:AIC - G:MED - K:GS - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:LS - G:AL}
Muz Ashen
06-02-2006 14:19:54
I'm not sure that you understand, Melkor.
you can't really prove that something doesn't exist... on the scale we are discussing anyway.
Let's talk about the garage dragon.
Neighbor: "I have a fire-breathing dragon living in my garage..."
You: "Let me see!"
Neighbor: "OK, come on."
So, you go the garage, and see an old tricycle, some tools, etc...but no dragon.
You: "Well, where's the dragon?"
Neighbor: "She's right here...oh, i forgot, she's an invisible dragon..."
You:"Well, we could spread some paint or flour on the floor, and watch for footprints..."
Neighbor: "That's a grand idea, except that she flies all the time..."
You: "Well, we could always use an infrared scanner to check for the fire..."
Neighbor: "But see, the fire is not only invisible, but also heatless."
You: "Heatless fire? Anyway, we could always spraypaint the air, and the dragon would get some on it, and then we could see it..."
Neighbor: "That would work, if the dragon wasn't incorporeal..."
See, there's a massive absence of proof there. Every physical test can have an increasingly ridiculous explanation offered... but what does this mean?
What is the difference between an undetectable dragon and no dragon at all?
So what if you can't prove or disprove it exists, right? It doesn't really matter?
"But Muz, what if there really is a dragon in my neighbor's garage?"
And this is where we apply Occham's Razor. Occham's razor says that given two possible solutions, the one that presumes the least is more likely to be true.
So we can look at the alternatives.
A.) Your neighbor has a invisible, incorporeal, heatless-fire-breathing, flying dragon in his garage.
B.) Your neighbor is lying.
Odds are that your neighbor's got a screw loose or three.
Now, you can be very open minded and think "Well, it's not proved, but maybe later there will be more evidence to consider...but for now, i suppose that i'll just go on with my life much as i have..."
But you don't walk around worried about dragons, or leaving food out for them.
Your inability to invalidate his hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true.
Adien Falaut
07-02-2006 19:46:43
oh I'm not trying to prove anything except that an open mind is wise in the absence of proof
Adien Falaut
08-02-2006 11:53:52
I do understand Muz Ashen But also I myself tend to have more of a scientific view on any theory like for instance physics a theory is considered possible truth til it is proven false, that's how my mind works 1's and 0's I've been like that all my life. I thought I'd clear that up
Adien Falaut
08-02-2006 17:21:39
Sitting down reading your last post again I get what your saying I do tend to also get carried away in wild theories but it's all good
Ceric Crimson
10-02-2006 18:55:04
Wow...this turned into a Wicca topic?
interesting trend of though...
I tried wicca for a while...the most I got out of it was an advanced level of meditation and visualization.
The force is real! I..i...i..just havent seen it yet!
Ceric Crimson
14-02-2006 09:35:04
Adien Falaut
19-02-2006 15:05:42
okay cool someone is as radical in belief as I am LOL. so what can be done to harness it? that is the trillion dollar question. I've been a wiccan for years and I've not got much farther than Ceric but I'm willing to keep at it LOL who knows actually gaining that kind of power might be possible
Ceric Crimson
19-02-2006 15:58:48
Well...if visualization is possible...(and in that I mean a deep state of meditation in which you activate your senses and taste, smell, touch, hear things in your mind as if your actually doing them) then I'm willing to bet that a lot more is as well.
The thing that threw me off of Wicca was the whole "multi-gods" system. It got a little bit too hung up on that shtuff.
Adien Falaut
20-02-2006 12:03:05
yeah that is a-lot to soak in my sister took right into that. I often have wondered about all the stones that are use and how close if at they would be to algean crystals in a lightsaber LOL I don't know just thinking
Adien Falaut
22-02-2006 12:48:59
I was sitting at a friends house looking at a quartz crystal and thought of that I don't know
Ceric Crimson
22-02-2006 15:18:26
I was playing KOTOR and I was upgrading my lightsaber and for some strange reason I thought about lightsaber crystals, weird huh?
Adien Falaut
24-02-2006 12:23:22
I've notice since joining the brotherhood I've been thinking more about stuff like that and even more about writing I use to hate it in high school and college I avoided it as much as I can, but now it don't bother me. I can't wait till I can get a new computer at the house so I can start gaming that's what I'm really looking forward to. Another starwars thing I found was a series of blueprints for the ships and vehicles that was cool if anyone wants copies e-mail me and I get to it asap.
15-03-2006 06:22:50
I have heard of people who can actually levitate and do telekinesis by one of my mates ex's I dont know if she was full of [Expletive Deleted], nuts, or actually right, cause I didnt pay much attention to her.
So you never know if this stuff exists
Adien Falaut
15-03-2006 11:16:35
that's very true most peoples first reaction is to disbeleave even if it's right in front of their face
Sakh nhem
11-04-2006 13:45:50
i read this jedi thing on the web but i cant remember where. it said you can live your life as a jedi by always meditating and bot thinkin but feeling and stuff. and there was something else about the force being real. someone accually sensed wot a person was drawing when they were blindfolded and were several rooms away. if thats true then dam i do not want to meet them. they can sense wot your thinking... X-)
Muz Ashen
14-04-2006 09:51:39
Much of what Lucas took to make 'Jedi' exists in eastern culture and legends. After all he based Star Wars after Kurosawa samurai films.
Anyway, the japanese have a concept (or *had* a concept as the case might be) called 'Dai Rokkan'. This translates to 'Great Intuition'...what some would call 'sixth sense' that is one of the many side-effects of enlightenment (buddhist or otherwise).
'Haragei' is another such concept, meaning to 'gut-feel', more or less, and is said to be a way to tap into the reality of things by using great intuitiveness and sensitivity to the cues that are nearly inperceptible... it is as if that they become a part of a hive mind... that they are part of a larger whole.
Now, martial artists will often try to cultivate this skill, so that they 'feel' their opponent's intentions before they act. The concept of Haragei is frequently taught with Zen, which entails a rejection of intellection...that is to say 'do not think, just do.'
Are we sounding like yoda yet?
Xayun Erinos
15-04-2006 20:51:05
Hmm....I'd like to
think the Force was real. It'd be great, although you have to admit that in today's world any Force would not be used as it was meant.
Speaking of living as a about all those people that wrote 'Jedi' as other religion on their census forms? The kind of people that do that.......that has to be a mass declaration of virginity.
23-04-2006 00:36:01
That's a common myth. We use 100% of our brain.
No, If we used 100 percent we would be ultimate. The brain holds many secrets. Scientists say that we only use about 6.6 percent of our brains, and there the scientists here. Telekinesis is not real, the power can only be created not achieved, so it could be made real, the question is . . . how?
Muz Ashen
23-04-2006 03:06:17
Adien Falaut
23-04-2006 08:55:15
interesting reading muz
Aegor Raas
23-04-2006 11:58:37
Yes, it was. I still do not believe the Force exists. If it did, it would hover nearer to the Tao. The fact that there is a religion called Jediism tells me some people are obsessed. The Force may exist, but the fact that absolutely no one has tapped into it does present overwhelming doubt...
About the brain: The 10% myth is interesting, and I think people also fall into it because it makes them happy. People enjoy feeling good about themselves, and the belief that they can be anything if they can just tap into their full brain power would make most people happy.
Sakh nhem
23-04-2006 12:02:15
The Force may exist, but the fact that absolutely no one has tapped into it does present overwhelming doubt...
How would any of us know that no one has tapped into the force? Personaly if I did then I would want to keep it quiet. I wouldn't want every one on my back asking me about it.
23-04-2006 12:27:17
If someone tapped into an imaginary force then theyt would have ultimate power and I dont think they would want to keep it a secret.
Thanks Muz for that article, I think I have changed the way I think of it. I would think of it more of this way, we might use 100 percent of our brains, but alot of us dont use it to its fullest potential.
23-04-2006 13:59:18
Telekinesis? Nope. Not as long as I don't see it with my own eyes. And 10% of our brain? Yes. A lot of us only use 10% of their brains. I mean.. look at all those people being so stupid in thinking war is the way to get peace. And when you look at the commercials you also get the feeling that they believe we only use 10% of our brains.

Or people who are removing themselves out of the genetic pool with their foolishness - luckily before they are able to pass their genes on.
But since nature would be foolish to establish such a energy hungry part of a creature and leaving 90% without any use. I didn't read Muz's article, but as much as I think the 90% are used in what way ever. Steering the body functions, memories, activities while sleeping, eating, walking,... all functions done by the brain. Not all at the same time maybe... but I am pretty sure all of it is used. This is not a car where you don't need to turn on the radio ever to be able to drive it.
Psychic powers? No.
Aegor Raas
23-04-2006 14:56:45
How would any of us know that no one has tapped into the force? Personaly if I did then I would want to keep it quiet. I wouldn't want every one on my back asking me about it.
I don't understand why anyone would want to keep it quiet. As Star Wars has shown us, Force users are not immune to temptations of grandeur and power. I doubt that there are not enough real Force users, if any, that one would be corrupted and use his forces for evil. If someone could truly embrace the force, they could really be extremely powerful, almost unstoppable. Sure, it would be a topic of discussion and news reporting, but they would just be given power because of their state. No one has tapped into it because I cannot fathom that there would be no overt cases of its use. You can't know that you have tapped into the Force without using it.
Also, the fact that the Force is base on the midichlorians also presents some issues. We have not discovered these, and what they are made of is uncertain.
Sakh nhem
29-04-2006 06:50:11
I don't understand why anyone would want to keep it quiet. As Star Wars has shown us, Force users are not immune to temptations of grandeur and power. I doubt that there are not enough real Force users, if any, that one would be corrupted and use his forces for evil. If someone could truly embrace the force, they could really be extremely powerful, almost unstoppable. Sure, it would be a topic of discussion and news reporting, but they would just be given power because of their state. No one has tapped into it because I cannot fathom that there would be no overt cases of its use. You can't know that you have tapped into the Force without using it.
Also, the fact that the Force is base on the midichlorians also presents some issues. We have not discovered these, and what they are made of is uncertain.
Yeah. Now I'm begging to realise it wouldn't be secret...
30-06-2006 22:25:29
Telekinesis? Nope. Not as long as I don't see it with my own eyes
You don't have to see something to believe that it's true, at least I don't. Personally, I think that if we were to develope our minds a little more we could achieve stuff like telekenesis. Despite how much of our brain we use now, we can always achieve more, that's the point of evolution. I mean, if we did evolve from monkies over hundreds of thousands of years(and I'm not saying we did) then you'd think that by now we'd have the capabilities to fully put to use every part of our brain and more.
Plus, I think it'd be cool if we could make people explode like in the 1978 movie
The Fury
Who says we even have to be able to do it? We're just a bunch of monkeys. What's to say that the reason any of us can do it at all isn't because of someone else?
09-07-2006 16:43:05
That someone else would be god. I'm pretty sure, we could do telekinesis. By some freaky ass accident that we discover how to do it...I mean we cant just do it by concintrating really hard and crap. But some form of stimulant would probably 'help' us advance to that stage.
And for those who say "If i cant see it for myself then its not real."
What about the wind, what if I farted in your face, would that be some machine making some freaky invisble gas. What about that morning breath, you smell it but cant neccesarily see it.
And my favorite the Tornado...without the inviroment for its destruction, it would be invisible. Or do you not beileve in that as well. Oh and those hurricanes just last year that hit the hell out of Florida and other places near the coast. The hurricane is just like a Tornado except with water. Their is wind know..that stuff you cant see with your eyes.
The news can't make that up.
I've never been keen on the whole God thing, but ya, I think you're right about that. A stimulant could be able to do it, but do you really think that, if God's runnin the show, he's goin to be overly impressed if we rush his schedule? Maybe we just need to learn how to flex a muscle that we haven't found yet, maybe we need to go past the subconscious, hell, maybe we need to be cooked in a microwave, I don't bloody know, but the point is, if telekinesis is real, then we just need to figure out how to use it.
It could take another fifty billion years, we could figure it out tomorrow. The point is, we have to let it come to us, a stimulant could have side affects.
And to those who have to see it to believe it, if I were to cut you open and dissect you, would I see your soul? It's there, isn't it? When we bleed, it isn't a stream of emotion, or some liquid essence of us, it's just blood. But the soul is there, invisible and non-physical.
10-07-2006 02:45:25
Exactly....only the scientists could make a somewhat beilevable theory on such projects.
I hate scientists, if they can't make it bubble, fizz, change color, warp in shape, lose it's shape, or crackle with electricity, they don't believe in it. Telekinesis is just like souls: we'll figure it out when we're meant to. Hell, I've had bits of it myself. The trick is that if you don't believe it will work, then it's not going to work.
Kaine Mandaala
10-07-2006 09:17:48
I'll pop in on this whole discussion for a bit to throw in my nickel's worth of insight.
Extra-sensory powers... I can't move objects with my mind, shoot lightning from my hands or convince people to do things with the wave of my hand but I used to have a psychic bond.
Flat out truth is, whether you believe in it or not, some people have them. This might sound like total bullcrap to some of you but when I was younger I could basically see the future - well MY future. I would see glimpses of bad things that were going to happen. I would plan how to avoid the danger, and when the moment came up I would get a wicked feeling of deja vu. It would make me feel sick to my stomach. I'd instantly remember what I had seen and prevent the harmful things from happening. It was something that used to scare the hell out of me but it kept me from a number of strange and near-fatal accidents.
Seriously - people will probably read this and say "whatever" but I'm telling the truth. Depending on your level of faith it was guardian angels, a miracle, witchcraft or the work of the devil himself.
I've also seen ghosts - most notably the ghost of my favorite great-uncle. I saw him dressed in a hospital gown come out of a tree in my backyard, walk towards me and say "it'll all be ok" then reach out to me and vanish. I was about 10. I had no idea he was dead. My mother was inside the house on the phone. She had just received a call telling her that he had just passed away.
This kind of thing actually runs in my family. Many relatives have had similar experiences. I've spent many years just flat out repressing/avoiding these feelings. It was driving me crazy. Then again I could have just been crazy to start with
Religion and such aside, I highly agree with you, Kaine. I frequently dream about something to have it happen in RL exactly the way I dreamt it. The trouble is that people try to move crap and look at the future like its a book. We get wut we are given, not wut we want. Ghosts are always around us all, we jus choose to ignore them. Y do u think we trip over nothing, or guess the right answer on a test from time to time, or stop just before the car hits us? We see wut we are meant 2 see. Think about, say, demonic posession. Those are the ghosts that really want to stay but really shouldn't be here in the first place. Some of us are even blessed enough to have some useable powers. I frequently snuff candles, matches, and lighters by thinking about it. If you want to call me crazy, go ahead, I've heard it before, but the fact is, this crap is real. That doesn't mean u hav 2 believe it, u have every right not 2. Jus keep an open mind and think about the next time something big happens. If it's good, say a silent thanks just in case someone's lissenin. I don't tie myself down 2 faith, but I wouldn't wanna risk pissing off the wrong guys or girls or wutever they might be.
U don't have 2 believe this, but that duzzint mean that anyone who does is crazy. Except me, cuz I am. *twitches violently and lets out a maniacal clown laugh*
10-07-2006 14:55:31
Kaine Mandaala
10-07-2006 14:58:37
***Disclaimer: No I really don't have anything better to add!***
eTherapists Online
Really, they can help :ermm:
They tried. I ate them for dinner. Needed garlic.
(just to be clear, I'm kidding, put the gun down now)
11-07-2006 02:29:36
That thing in the picture can speak three different languages...except English!!!
And, I challenge the Prophet to a staring contest. (Im a Falleen beat that).
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
27-08-2006 17:58:58
If someone tapped into an imaginary force then theyt would have ultimate power and I dont think they would want to keep it a secret.
Well, would you really tell anyone if you had tapped into the wolrds greatest power? Thing of the greedy people wwho would threaten to kill you if you didn't use your power for them. THink of the skeptics that would shun you from society. Think of the religions you'd start and the wars that would follow. And, the hate-crimes that would be commited against your family. Hell, I would keep it a scret for that.
Which is why it's out there, but we haven't heard of it. It's just like the alien subject. Why don't they land and say hi? We'd blow their freakin heads off. Why don't psychics come out into the open? We'd blow their freakin heads off. It's a matter of humans being so paranoid that we automatically fear what we don't understand.
If there is anything telepathic out there, it's animals. Why do animals flip out half an hour before an earthquake, and then sit there like nothing's wrong during it? Why do animals flee a week before a flood? If you see the critters going, get the f*ck out of there. We evolved to build guns. They evolved to sense thought and danger. It has nothing to do with intelligence, it's a natural adaptation.