Jaysun Adumarii
16-10-2005 05:50:33
16-10-2005 12:25:02
Bug. Happen when people transfer Houses but remain attached to a Battleteam. The Battleteams are somewhat independent of the main Clan or House rosters so you aren't automatically reassigned when other things happen (for example: you could transfer from Taldryan to Tarentum but still be a member of a BT in Taldryan).
Just ask your QUA to have it fixed, if he just removes you then re-adds you it should solve the problem.
Tarax Kor
16-10-2005 23:39:51
What Goat and CoFo said. O-)
16-10-2005 23:55:01
What Goat and CoFo and Tarax said.