Jaysun Adumarii
30-09-2005 08:13:07
Just a quick query as to how long we peons who are DJK and below will be waiting to get a new warbanner.
Kaine Mandaala
30-09-2005 09:06:52
This answer will benefit many and end the mystery...
Jac is working on a form that will be available for current GoA holders to request their banner. The options will tailor themselves to the rank restrictions, and will coincide with the guides being put up on the Herald site. This form was planned to be up by now but it seems some complications are holding it up. A notice will go out telling people when it's ready.
Current GoA holders will have about 2 weeks to get to the form and request a replacement. After the GoA's are replaced it will be open for all members. So - unless you already have a GoA that needs to be replaced, expect it to be about 2-3 weeks after the form is announced.
Jaysun Adumarii
30-09-2005 10:03:20
Sweet. Thanks for the quick answer Kaine.
Kaine Mandaala
30-09-2005 13:11:11
No problem. I should have made an announcement about this before.
Corran Force
07-10-2005 10:58:38
This answer will benefit many and end the mystery...
Jac is working on a form that will be available for current GoA holders to request their banner. The options will tailor themselves to the rank restrictions, and will coincide with the guides being put up on the Herald site. This form was planned to be up by now but it seems some complications are holding it up. A notice will go out telling people when it's ready.
Current GoA holders will have about 2 weeks to get to the form and request a replacement. After the GoA's are replaced it will be open for all members. So - unless you already have a GoA that needs to be replaced, expect it to be about 2-3 weeks after the form is announced.
*pokes Kaine* Hurry with mine! j/k
Corran Force
13-10-2005 18:17:04
YaY! Thx Kaine, the new war banner looks sweet.
Vithril Isradia Kunar
15-10-2005 17:13:04
I used the form to submit mine, and I noticed the "last call" on the news page, has mine been rejected, or are you guys just really swamped with the requests? Not trying to be apain, I just dont want to get hit with your "special" warbanner".
Corran Force
15-10-2005 21:40:34
I used the form to submit mine, and I noticed the "last call" on the news page, has mine been rejected, or are you guys just really swamped with the requests? Not trying to be apain, I just dont want to get hit with your "special" warbanner".
You should also bug him about it in SWG too, Vith.
Kaine Mandaala
16-10-2005 13:51:45
I used the form to submit mine, and I noticed the "last call" on the news page, has mine been rejected, or are you guys just really swamped with the requests? Not trying to be apain, I just dont want to get hit with your "special" warbanner".
I saw yours in the list. Don't worry.
Macron Sadow
12-11-2005 00:16:08
Hi. I was wondering when the non-previously holding them folks can get one. Thanks!
Gaidal Dupar
14-11-2005 11:29:51
I've to agree with Macron. We have been waiting for more than 2-3 weeks now, so when will the war banners become available for other DJK's and higher ranks with no GoA? Thanks already.
14-11-2005 11:34:50
If you had been reading the DB news posts, Cyris had posted an update on Warbanners and the like. Basically, he himself had been away for a bit due to RL and is now currently going though the back-log of work. Warbanner request should be opened soonish, but due to the unexpected LoA, it has been delayed.
However, best bet is to mail the HRLD and ask nicely
Kaine Mandaala
14-11-2005 17:01:26
Also, Muz has been away for a while. Plus I'm not HRLD anymore (nor do I currently do any HRLD-type work).
So that leaves you only about 1 person processing the workload.
Tarax Kor
14-11-2005 18:52:12
So that leaves you only about 1 person processing the workload.
And as stated above, a person who's been on LOA of a sorts.
Muz Ashen
28-11-2005 13:34:39
If you missed the news post....
Who can have a warbanner?
Warbanner requests are open to anyone who is a GRD (Guardian) or higher. If you aren't a GRD yet, you can't have one (just like having to wait until DJK to get a saber on their dossier).
How long before I get mine done?
If you put a request in, it is in line.
That means it has to wait for a real, flesh and blood person (Cyris or I) to put it together. It is NOT a script-generatied thing.
Cyris is on LoA. Kaine doesn't do that anymore. That means it's all Muz, for the time being. I do a pretty good number of them in a week, but I'm still not caught up yet. And I looked at the list the other night and there was about a hundred or so requests. It's just gonna take time.
I accidentally resubmitted, but ohnoes I don't want to be at the bottom of the list...what should I do?
Nothing. The form replaces old requests with new ones, so your old request was overwritten. No worries.
OMGWTF! Where did my GoA go?
Away. Due to contractual obligations, the DB site had to remove the old Grants of Arms from their servers. Sorry, it sucks, I know, but the law is the law. Put in for a shiney new Warbanner to ease the throbbing pain in your heart. If it doesn't, see a doctor. And ease up on the fried chicken.
That's not what I requested!
Sorry. This means one of two things. 1.) your graphic sucked and we couldn't use it because of any reason from inappropriateness (no nudes, kthx) to just horrible resolution (in which case we will get something either much cooler for you, or try to reproduce the graphic for you, depending on how much time we have that day). In short, Cyris and I are Professional Graphic designers in real life, and if we think we can make yours much cooler than you might have foreseen, we will do it. So far, we've done a few of these, with no complaints, but it'll get one eventually. If you don't like what we did, for whatever reason, find a better graphic and resubmit a request, and we'll get to it when we can.
Should I bug Muz about it when I see him on IRC?
No. Every time i get bugged or PM'd on IRC, it makes a noise, like the Batman signal, so Muz goes and runs to see what is needed Instead of finishing warbanners. So you are just slowing it down for everyone. Plus, it makes Muz Mad to read "OMGWTF I n33d w4rb4nn3r!!one!11!" Mad Muz puts annoying people on the Bottom of the List. Just be patient, and yours will get done sooner.
I saw Muz on SWG today. Should I go and bug him, since he's supposed to be doing warbanners and stuff?
DiediediediediediediediediedieDiediediediediediediediediedie enjoy the bottom of the list DiediediediediediediediediedieDiediediediediediediediediedie
In case you missed that... No.
I'm in this club just like everyone else to have fun. If I am pestered during the few hours of Game Time I manage to get in (on vacation, as it were), I'ma go ballistic on you. And then you will get the *special* warbanner.
So, that should serve as a basic FAQ on warbanner stuff as of late. If some DC guy wants to sticky it, feel free.
In Darkness,