Favorite Star Wars moment
12-09-2005 11:14:33
Not just in one movie, but from all three and even the comics, books, TV, and more.
Tell and talk about your favorite moment in all of Star Wars history. The one(or more)thing you'll remember about Star Wars for the rest of your life!
12-09-2005 11:30:28
Not just in one movie, but from all three and even the comics, books, TV, and more.
Tell and talk about your favorite moment in all of Star Wars history. The one(or more)thing you'll remember about Star Wars for the rest of your life!
I have two moments that will live on in my memory.
The first is the death of Ganner Rhysode in the novel Traitor.
The second was the Fall of Coruscant and death of Anakin Solo in Star by Star. The images the author provided were so vivid.
15-09-2005 01:46:05
Hmm, favorite moment...
I'd have to say when Yoda takes over the Death Star and crashes it down on Palpy and the Imperial Palace in the SW:Infinities ANH comic.
15-09-2005 09:34:21
15-09-2005 16:40:44
one of my favorites is the Dooku decapitation
Ood Bnar
17-09-2005 08:42:08
mine is in the novel about episode three. when Dooku realises that his master has betrayed him and picked Anakin instead.
17-09-2005 09:20:25
I loved it when Yoda fought Dooku, like a little green ball bouncin around.
17-09-2005 11:06:48
when anakin slaughters the tuskens i hate those creatures they sound like pee wee herman on steroids
Ceric Crimson
29-09-2005 20:05:46
Well you guys already named one of mine with the Yoda thing.
The other favorite...when Anakin gets his @$$ handed to him by Obi-Wan and is lying by the lake of lava and boiling alive.
Movie ticket? Seven dollers.
Seeing the ignorance of youth finally tought a lesson? Priceless. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Macron Sadow
29-09-2005 23:10:28
I like Corran's fashioning of a saber from a swoop bike handle in "I, Jedi", and Exar Kun frying Gantoris in "Dark Apprentice".
30-09-2005 22:51:55
Exar Kun is an awesome guy!
Ood Bnar
01-10-2005 10:50:44
yeah! macron, that are some really great moments
01-10-2005 12:54:36
is Dark Apprentice a novel?
Ood Bnar
01-10-2005 16:08:40
It's part of a trilogy: the Jedi Academy Trilogy i believe
01-10-2005 17:24:18
ill check into it
09-12-2005 11:56:56
when the jedi order fell
09-12-2005 19:52:25
the duel of the fates ep. 1 Darth Maul really was a true master of the saber-staff
09-02-2006 23:49:17
It's hard for me to decide on my favorite. The two I like the most however are when Anakin is marching on the Jedi Temple and as Cain said The Duel of Fates sequence between Maul and the Jedi (I hate the cut scenes with Padme and her stike team though)
Darth Pravus
10-02-2006 02:08:31
Yoda VS. Darth Sidious - Since I'm a huge of Palpatine I was expecting to see some action from watching ROTS for the first time, and seeing him dueling Yoda was just an amazing experience for me
Order 66 - Seeing all Jedis being killed, with really no sound and with just that amazing score by John Williams, makes this by far one the most emotional and best scenes in the SW Saga
Ceric Crimson
10-02-2006 18:36:41
When Anakin looses all of his limbs and then BUUUURNS...
Sakh nhem
09-04-2006 07:09:30
I'll have to say the fight between obi-wan and anikan in episode 3. Its one of the best things I've seen in a star wars movie.
09-04-2006 09:27:14
I'm not sure where I read it.
But the best moment for me was when Ulik Qell'Droma killed his brother in a Dark Rage and afterwards realizes what he hed done.
Ulik is one of the most tragic figures of Star Wars.
He meant well. But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Baron Zarco
09-04-2006 12:42:01
My favorite moment was when Han Solo shot Greedo. I am talking about as originally shown when he shot Greedo before Greedo shot at him.
For me, the moment encapsulates in a short scene the type of committment and devotion that one needs in order to succeed. When confronted with his livliehood Han Solo did not hesitate. He did not phone a friend. He did not poll tha audience. He killed to protect himself and his interests.
He had shown goodness, before and after, e.g rescuing Chewie, coming back to thwart Vader over the Death Star, and so on. Yet, he knew how to act decisively within the context of who he chose to be.
In a world where everythng has become "wishy-washy," Solo is a role model. Lucas' decision to re-write that scene is as pathetic as it is tragic.
09-04-2006 18:35:04
For action: Duel of the Fates, Ep. 1. There is no better saber duel than Maul v. Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon.
For drama: Rebel's Death Star assault, Ep. 4. I still get chills when Han swoops in: "Y'er all clear kid, now let's blow this thing and get home!"
For humor: Cryo-freezing Han on Cloud City, Ep. 5. Leia: "I love you." Han: "I know."
For dialogue: High Command's meeting on the Death Star, Ep. 4. "You don't frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion is...ack...achhhhhh!"
Jac Cotelin
10-04-2006 01:32:44
My favorite moment:
Obi-wan and Anakin fighting in the control room on mustafar -- they do the force push against eachother and fly accross the room.
My favorite thing is when Anakin leaps across the room in like three steps going super fast.
Everytime I see that scene I'm like "FORCES SPEED! He hit f5!!!"
Xayun Erinos
10-04-2006 05:50:08
Hmm....favourite Star Wars moment......
Most lightsaber duels are great moments for me - I know a lot of people laugh during the scene, but when Yoda duels Dooku in AOTC, the transformation from this small, hobbling old Master to somersaulting, lightning-fast badass rocks. And whoever came up with the idea of Yoda drawing his lightsaber using the Force is a
Basically, all the various "YESSS!" moments of the saga are my favourites.
Muz Ashen
10-04-2006 16:15:07
Outside of the standard 'hell yeah' action movie sequences, one of the best sequences in my mind is where Vader has finished torturing Solo, and he's sent to the brig, where he remarks "They never asked me any questions."
Now, when I was a kid, i took it on the base level of how cruel vader was. But Lucas stumbled on something much deeper, even if he hadn't thought of it at the time.
Vader had just placed a long distance phone call to his son, carried on the pain of his friend, knowing full well that his altruistic son would come running into whatever trap he had prepared.
Intended or not, brilliance.
11-04-2006 07:52:48
"Once more the Sith shall ruuule the galaxy, and we shall have... peace..." It was great to see the Emperor return after so long. Also, at the end of Empire, when the Millenium falcon escapes. The Imperial officer is visibly terrified, but Vader lets him live. Vader, despite having no facial expressions to work with, manages to look proud, if a little frustrated, that his son eluded him. Oh yeah,and Vader marching up the steps of the Jedi temple, followed by the 501st legion. Astounding...
Asani Vosa
11-04-2006 12:06:56
I love the scene in Episode three where Anakin and Padmé are basically looking at each other from across a great distance.
Anakin is in the Jedi temple and Padmé is in her appartment.
The lighting in that scene is great. The music is subtle.
They sense each other.
I love that bit...!!! :$
My second favorite part.
When Vader comes to the 2nd Death Star and does his "You may disspence with the pleasantries, Commander." speach.
Very cool...!!!
Rich Gun
12-04-2006 21:38:27
What is my favorite star wars moment?
In ROTS when Anakin cuts Windu's hand off and becoms Darth Vader. Or when he gets put in the armor both are great.
Phoenix alThor
16-04-2006 14:46:44
My favourite Star Wars film has got to be The Revenge Of The Sith. There are loads of moments in there that are my favourite. Palpatine's one of my all time fave characters, so anything with him in, with his scheming and planning is great.
When Anakin meets with Palpatine at the Mon Calamari Opera. "Did you ever hear of the tradegy Darth Plagueis the Wise..." That bit is so great. Palpatine is just producing bait to Anakin saying that he has the power to stop death. Palpatine's plans are coming together as he manipulates Anakin throughout the whole film.
And of course the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan at the end was rather spectacular. Especially when Anakin's on the rock with his limbs chopped off. "You were my brother Anakin, I loved you!" Brilliant.
Aegor Raas
16-04-2006 16:12:46
Hmmm... From the movies: When Windu and Palpatine talk right before the fight. Something like:
"W: The Senate will decide your fate.
P: I AM the Senate.
W: Not yet.
P: Then it is treason."
And then when Palpatine and Anakin are talking in the opera type-thing, and Palpatine goes:
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."
I love that line. I guess I just like Sidious/Emperor/Palpatine a lot.
And out of the movies? The fight between Exar Kun and Master Vodo.