Sith Bloodfyre
01-02-2005 21:49:23
Just some real quick info, just as a reminder, and in a general location for people. To report scores, go log in on the website, and click the link "Submit Tournament Scores." This link is to be used for all of the events and Tournaments that I run. The other link can be ignored for the general use. The reason is, the one marked "Submit Tournament Scores" gathers all of the submissions in a nice, easy to read spreadsheet, that Jac coded up a while back.
Everyone can check those spreadsheets, and see how you've done, how your Clan has done, how anyone has done. Just download the sheet from whenever you want to have a look. Most Summits and leaders will probably want to wait until after the Event is over, to make sure they get the complete results.
As always, the Tournaments are bi-weekly, and you have to qualify for them by playing in one of the weekly events in the two week period (Tuesdays and Thursdays in #gmrg, all day), or by playing in one of the ICTEs in that two week period, as well. You earn Tournament points for each match in the Sunday Tournament that you play in, and the players with the most active, winning records will earn placing bonuses, as well. For more info on what items can be purchased with those points, go check out the Tournament Items List on the Sith Order forum.
As always, any questions can be sent to me via email,, or look me up on IRC, under the nick Bloodfyre (Sith|Out is me, too, just gone; leave a message).
03-02-2005 11:20:50
Anytime I go to that url it just asks me with what to open the asp. Can't we have a plain, simple site for it?
Sith Bloodfyre
03-02-2005 13:51:48
As far as I know, that is a plain, simple site for it. I never have any problems with it. If you'd like to know anything more specific, you'll have to ask Jac, since he coded it, not me.
Sith Bloodfyre
10-03-2005 13:25:26
btw, Jac added the option on that site to have the info released as an excel spreadsheet, or html. If you do the html option, you can C&P it into excel, and have the same effect (because some of it shows up as excel code, and doesn't translate in html). But it should be possible for everyone to get the info now, somehow.