Original Trilogy
27-08-2005 15:30:55
ok i read on this one movie site and it said that there were supposed to be many changes made to the trilogy such as (and these are only a few) vader apologizes to the emperor at the same place dooku went at the end of attack of the clones,yoda feeling a disturbance when alderaan is blown up, yoda is supposed to be digital in all films including PM the tauntauns at ats at sts are all supposed to be digital the lightsaber effects were supposed to be improved and the minor scene jumps when luke activates his lightsaber were to be removed the scene where palatine dissolves the senate the part where greedo shoots first was restored vaders helmet was supposed to be beefed up to match empire and jedi chewie was was supposed to get a medal (that always bothered me that they were racist against wookies there is a lot more thats from the top of my head ill try to find the site and post the changes do you think the changes should be made if GL releases all six together?
Nekura Manji
27-08-2005 16:24:40
So, basically, you thought they were going to completely remake the first three films for the special edition DVD. Including reshooting all the scenes that you think they should have changed. With actors who are now much older than they were, and who would tell George Lucas to stick his fingers up his arse if he asked them to reshoot the scenes.
Riiiiight. That's a viable source you've got there.
27-08-2005 18:19:44
Eh noone would have liked the remade movies, We loyalist stick with the originals. I hate remakes.
29-08-2005 15:26:06
Eh noone would have liked the remade movies, We loyalist stick with the originals. I hate remakes.
you dont have to remake the films to add a few scenes look what happened with jabba in ANH
29-08-2005 16:45:20
Nothing would have stopped them adding more scenes with Yoda, Palps and Vader... as none of them exactly age. The Senate wasn't seen in the classics so they could always add scenes there.
It was Lucas's plan for the SEs originally to add a lot more in. He got ANH up to an acceptable standard (for him) but he had hoped to seriously improve ESB and ROTJ with the same kind of updates ANH got (probably meaning things like making the Battle of Endor more dramatic with more CGI ships etc like the Battle of Yavin). But... he was pressured into an early release. He originally wanted to do the SEs slowly. The movie companies pushed him into releasing them one year after another, forcing him to rush them.
The list of special scenes like "Palps dissolving the Senate" are fan based though... those are from a list that appeared before the DVD release. Quite a few of them came from credible sources like Rick McCallum and were "We'd like to do this..." comments but not ones that made it to the final release. But... he is planning to release all six DVDs in one pack in (I think) 2007. These will almost certainly contain a number of updates and extra features, if for no other reason than to encourage people who already own the films to go out and buy them yet again just for the extra two seconds of shots added to ROTJ or whatever.
The theatre re-re-releases running from 2008 each year to 2012 that are being completely updated to make use of this new "3D" technology (which I have no idea what it really means or how it works) could well have a whole load of extra features and scenes and updates because they'll have quite a few years to improve them, and its likely they'll be doing more than just updating them to these 3D films, whatever that means. By 2012 I expect they'll have given the classics a lot of updates. If they release them in order (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) then it means ANH won't be until 2010/2011, and ROTJ not until 2012, which is 7 years away, so they might be able to do a huge amount to it with the advances in cinema recording, CGI and technology by then.
The SEs and DVDs aren't the end of it though... not by a long shot. I'm not even closing the lid on the sequels until at least 2014. So long as Lucas is still working on Star Wars in any form who knows what he'll decide to do. Its not as if he's known for sticking with his word.
29-08-2005 18:11:33
Xanos are you saying there could be another trilogy?
Kaelin Ring
30-08-2005 23:18:11
I heard all that they were going to do was the CGS series. I think the originals were much better than the new ones anyway.
01-09-2005 12:08:46
I heard that George Lucas has written nine episodes but refuses to release the last three. But that could be a complete load of bull.
Kaelin Ring
01-09-2005 20:17:01
Ya, you never really know until its released right?
01-09-2005 20:20:16
Exactly, I really would like there to be another three episodes.
01-09-2005 21:03:53
He said the original series was the last then all of a sudden we get slammed with 3 more I think he's dragging it out, makin star wars like a 3 generation thing
Kaelin Ring
01-09-2005 21:07:35
Hey, if he's making money, then why not?
02-09-2005 06:52:39
yeah but it can't all be about money. After all, it was the fans who made him and his movies a success, he needs to think about them too.
02-09-2005 16:01:45
Yeah and we want 3 more
02-09-2005 16:17:25
Yeah and we want 3 more
want three more that is an uderstatement..............i need them its eating me alive!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-09-2005 17:48:35
Read the books and beat the games that should take you about 1.....no 2....no 3.....Rest of your life.
03-09-2005 13:35:58
Read the books and beat the games that should take you about 1.....no 2....no 3.....Rest of your life.
its not the same as the movies lucas has nothing to do with those its like fan fiction exept by pros
03-09-2005 13:45:07
Diablos wants three more films! :@
Ood Bnar
03-09-2005 15:42:56
but about what should they go?
the zahn-trilogy is out of the question because the actors are too old!
if they want to make some serious movies, they probately go for the "New Jedi Order" era. the old actors are about that age, Harrison Ford could play the Older Solo!
03-09-2005 16:41:53
but about what should they go?
the zahn-trilogy is out of the question because the actors are too old!
if they want to make some serious movies, they probately go for the "New Jedi Order" era. the old actors are about that age, Harrison Ford could play the Older Solo!
thats what im sayin lucas needs to show some of the power of the ancient sith had by having a dark jedi discover it and restart the sith thats the only way the sith can be reborn
Ood Bnar
03-09-2005 17:02:19
according to the novels vader trained a few empirial inquisitors. maybe one of those could re-emerge. but i think seeing the Vong attack Coruscant would be pretty impressive!
15-09-2005 16:41:56
according to the novels vader trained a few empirial inquisitors. maybe one of those could re-emerge. but i think seeing the Vong attack Coruscant would be pretty impressive!
yes would be pretty nice to see
Ood Bnar
16-09-2005 15:10:45
it would, be nice to see the new republic fall under corruption and the vong using that weakness to move. but i think whe'll have to wait quite a while for this
16-09-2005 15:17:02
any wait is too long
Ood Bnar
16-09-2005 15:21:18
you are right! but remember the time we waited for the prequels! on the other hand: Lucas is getting old and can't wait too long
17-09-2005 11:17:05
he is getting old but im sure he could pass the torch onto someone who knew what they were doing
Ood Bnar
18-09-2005 04:05:43
i personally don't think he will pass it on to someone else. it's like his baby, his own creation! and he's not gonna let anyone ruin his 'legacy'
19-09-2005 18:33:18
im sure after he's gone someone will get their hands on it hopefully someone whos mind works the way his does
Ood Bnar
24-09-2005 05:52:39
let's hope hedoesn't put some sort of clausule in his will to insure that nobody can touch Starwars
24-09-2005 14:26:53
if that were to happen im sure that will would "disapear"
Ood Bnar
25-09-2005 04:13:35
lol, if someone would want to make those movies! he'd have my support
26-09-2005 16:59:48
and mine
26-09-2005 17:28:49
mine too.
27-09-2005 18:54:30
and the rest of the star wars obsessies
Ood Bnar
30-09-2005 13:48:32
for of course they would even pay him/her to make those movies
Kaine Mandaala
30-09-2005 15:52:39
What I'd honestly like to see is the Thrawn Trilogy put together as a straight-to-video cartoon in the style of the Clone Wars series (by Genndy Tartovsky). I think the Thrawn Trilogy, in a 1-2 hour CW style toon would be great.
Actually I can think of a few others that'd be cool like that including Splinter Of The Mind's Eye, Courtship of Princess Leia and the Jedi Academy Trilogy. Hell - if given the Genndy treatment I might even be able to stand Truce At Bakura.
Do I think the original trilogy should be redone? No. Not really. I accept the SE versions as they are, because if automotive manufacturers can release a new version of a vehicle every damned year, why not an artist? Granted only Lucas would really be able to afford to do such a thing...
While they were "fixing" the trilogy they should have fixed the Lightsabers in ANH and the Emperor's eye issues in ROTJ.
Ood Bnar
30-09-2005 17:04:11
correct, i agree with you completely
01-10-2005 12:56:39
make the new jedi order series into an animated series