Questions regarding lightsabers

Jaysun Adumarii

12-08-2005 08:47:28

In light of the comprehensive, and might I add very well written, lightsaber guide I had a few questions.

1.Will the form names used in the guide become official because they certainly are better than what we currently have.

2.There's a section about hilts and it mentions various styles. One that caught my eye was the double handed hilt which needs to be wielded with both hands at all times, obviously. Just wondering if you had to be a certain rank to be able to have your character use one because I think the style suits my character as he uses strength over agility.

3.I know form seven was off limits for anyone below a certain rank. Is this still the case or can any form be chosen by any rank.

Ark Dowell

12-08-2005 09:00:27

1. I think that the Forms will change names. I think I read it in the CM reports somewhere. Either that or I hallucinated again. :P

2. I think you have to be a DA to use a double sided LS. Though I disagree with this idea, there are reasons for this. To be able to wield something that cool, you must work for it and get promoted. This encourages activity or something.

3. I think you have to be a DA to use Form VII.

Anyways, that's all I have to say. And that's just what I think, they might not neccesariyl be true. Hope it helped.

EDIT- And speaking of DA's, congrats to everyone who has actually gained that rank.

Jaysun Adumarii

12-08-2005 09:14:08

Not double bladed, double handed. Its basically just a normal lightsaber with a longer hilt that you have to hold in both hands to be able to control it properly.


12-08-2005 09:40:50

1. These names will become official. The lightsaber guide is an official document and will be much more prominent when all of the new RPG and CS elements are in place.

2. No restrictions, through my knowledge, on how large your handle is. However, remember too that you can't have a custom lightsaber until SBM or having a large-handled hilt won't come into effect for yourself until a few more ranks.

Macron Sadow

12-08-2005 09:48:23

Halyon is quite right.

Ark Dowell

12-08-2005 10:08:16

Whoops, thought you meant a double bladed. I'm always reading stuff wrong. :P


12-08-2005 19:07:50

You have to know Juyo to have a staff.


13-08-2005 03:11:58

1. The form names are changing yes. The ones in the Lightsaber Combat Guide are official canon names so will be used in future.

2. The double-handed hilt is available to everyone after they can wield a custom lightsaber at KAP/OP/SBM. Though the range of ordinary lightsabers might be extended in the future to include some basic double-handed, curved, dual and double-bladed models.

3. Form VII is available to anyone who meets the pre-requirements (3 ranks in Makashi, 3 ranks in Soresu).

- The double-bladed lightsaber is available to anyone (no DA requirement anymore) who has ranks in Juyo (3 ranks in Makashi, 3 ranks in Soresu, 4 ranks in Vapaad are required to train in Juyo).

- The use of dual lightsabers is available to anyone (no KPN/OPM/SWL requirement anymore) who has ranks in Jar'Kai (3 ranks in Shii-Cho, 3 ranks in Soresu, 4 ranks in Niman are required to train in Jar'Kai).

- The use of dual lightsabers is also available to people who have ranks in either Shien or Sokan provided they have met the additional pre-requirements of 5 ranks in one of their Core Forms.

Bare in mind these pre-requirements apply to post-Rebirth criteria. They are currently being reworked slightly to enable use in the existing ACC setup though will for the most part remain identical to what they are currently in the Lightsaber Combat Guide.

Ark Dowell

13-08-2005 05:20:01

Awesome, I din't know that. But looking at the guide, the only thing I can actually learn is Soresu... Awww, I don't wanna be a defense freak...

Jaysun Adumarii

13-08-2005 06:40:44

2. The double-handed hilt is available to everyone after they can wield a custom lightsaber at KAP/OP/SBM. Though the range of ordinary lightsabers might be extended in the future to include some basic double-handed, curved, dual and double-bladed models.

I certainly hope basic designs for differsnt hilts are included in the future. Also after reading the replies I was wondering if there was anything stopping me from saying my character uses a longer hilt in fiction and run ons. I realise I won't be allowed to use on in the ACC but what about fiction.


15-08-2005 13:22:37

Nothing stops you saying your lightsaber is curved or double-handed anywhere really as it doesn't confer any actualy advantage- its just a cosmetic thing. Everyone builds their own lightsaber at DJK and so all lightsabers are 'custom' just the priviledge of showing a unique one on your dossier is reserved for two ranks above.