For Clan Taldryan's Codex I wrote this summery of the Split so new members could understand what others were talking about. I tried to make it a fair and unbiased telling of events that looks at the issue from multiple viewpoints. It might help anyone who is confused or curious about these events.
In April 2003, the leaders of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood declared their intentions to return to fully independent but allied "sister organization" status with the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet (, another online gaming group the Brotherhood was closely involved with. The Dark Brotherhood's leaders felt the Emperor's Hammer command staff, specifically the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer, were leading the club (including the Brotherhood) away from the fun environment it had once been and into stagnation. Feeling that they were at a crux in which only decisive action could save the Brotherhood from the inactive fate dealt to many online clubs, the Brotherhood's leaders issued the List of Grievances (To read list: to the Emperor's Hammer command staff and membership at large.
Although the conclusion of the document declares that, "It is not the intention of the Brotherhood to separate from the Emperor's Hammer, but to server ties with the authorities that have allowed the reputation to slide into decay," the leaders of the Emperor's Hammer immediately and unilaterally declared the co-signers of this document along with all who agreed with them traitors, and the stated that this "sister organization" movement was null and void.
The authors of the grievances document had suspected this would be the reaction and had warned, "If the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet is to fail, however, then the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi will take immediate steps to ensure its continued survival." Acting upon these words, the leaders used backup copies of the Brotherhood's main database and websites to continue the normal day-to-day workings of the Brotherhood, independent of the Emperor's Hammer, who now persecuted this "Rogue Brotherhood" as a group of conspirators and thieves. Many members of the now "Rogue" Brotherhood looked at the Emperor's Hammer and saw an group with tyrannical leaders who would not let them take actions that were in the best interest of the club, others merely saw a lack of communication and cooperation between leaders of both groups.
This is not to say that this was the reaction of all the members of the Emperor's Hammer or Dark Brotherhood. Many members were caught on the fence, not knowing what side to choose. Others were simply confused by the complex turn of events. Tempers flared on both sides, derogatory terms were thrown around, and to a certain point confusion and chaos prevailed momentarily.
Finally an uneasy consensus was found; all members who wished to remain in the Emperor's Hammer could request that their dossier be deleted from the "Rogue" Brotherhood's database and retain their Hammer characters. Since the Brotherhood database and website were under the control of the "Rogues", the Emperor's Hammer stated that it would quickly rebuild its own Brotherhood (known as the EHDB). Therefore all members of the Brotherhood were forced to choose; stay with the Emperor's Hammer, or go with the "Rogues". For most members the choice boiled down to a simple decision, "where are my friends?" Unfortunately many members had friends on both sides of the conflict and were forced to make a very tough decision.
The Emperor's Hammer proceeded to ban all "Rogue" members from its IRC channels and message boards, and prohibited its own members from joining "Rogue" channels. The "Rogue" Brotherhood issued no such sanctions on its members, other than to request that they not harass any Emperor's Hammer members, which had become a regrettable pastime for some members. The Hammer's hard-line stance was unfortunate in the situation, for the Brotherhood and the Emperor's Hammer could have cooperated and worked out an arrangement that would have been beneficial to both parties, but instead the two parted ways.
Time went on and things settled down, and members choose finally which group they would stay with. The Brotherhood went in its own direction and has flourished since the split. The Emperor's Hammer Brotherhood (the EHDB) has unfortunately fallen into a state of relative inactivity. Many members on both sides of the split look hopefully forward to the day when the "Rogue" Dark Brotherhood and the Emperor's Hammer may open communications again, and reestablish the prosperous working relationship of the past. This would allow old friends to reunite and again work together in an enjoyable environment. Many other members think that this reunification will never occur due to the established mindsets on both sides. Whichever argument is ultimately correct, all that current Brotherhood members can do is attempt to understand the events of the past from both perspectives, and work to maintain the Brotherhood as the successful club that it is today.