13-07-2005 23:27:56
If C3PO can speak so many langauges, why doesnt he speak the droid langauge that R2D2 speaks when in a conversation with him?
Muz Ashen
13-07-2005 23:32:11
he does.
but why bother?
R2 understands Basic just fine.
14-07-2005 09:15:34
he does.
but why bother?
R2 understands Basic just fine.
C-3PO seems to be programmed to speak basic by default. So, he'll speak basic until meeting someone who doesn't, then talk to them in their own language. He speaks to Chewbacca in basic as well since Chewie understands.
14-07-2005 10:31:05
Just reading the topic, I thought this post was going to be about something completely different... :$
I have to admit I thought it was gonna be a dirty topic. I guess I just have a dirty mind.
15-07-2005 06:49:02
I cant see why C-3PO couldn't talk in 'droid' he just doesn't need to. Plus it wouldn't really help the audience he there was a scene of him and R2 just bleeping to one another... if it was like that it probably wouldn't get through the cutting room as they'd deem it pointless for the film.
15-07-2005 13:41:54
I bet if they modified R2 he could speak basic, but everyone is too lazy....after all he did for them *shakes head*
15-07-2005 18:23:10
Hehe, this for you Alanna...
I'm sure C3-PO has the apropriate port for one of R2-D2's probs, but would it be at a comfortable height for the little droid?
27-07-2005 10:09:16
Windos, do you actually believe the stuff that comes out of your mouth? Or do you just not know what your saying until your done and look back at what you said?
04-08-2005 03:21:30
A little from coloumn a and coloumn b
04-08-2005 12:55:28
Hilarious, Windos...absolutely hilarious.
Truly, my aura of depravity has saturated all of Clan Tarentum.
04-08-2005 14:18:32
I can testify to what Oberst just said.
I mean that Clan has turned me into a sheep fiend......
04-08-2005 16:58:22
well tarentum is the clan of....castles that are underwater i guess....
btw, r2-d2 could "probe" c3po, c3po has a "connection port" on his "back area". if you know what i mean
05-08-2005 14:14:16
Tyrus come on man. Turning something civilized into nothing but Teenage Sexual Innunendo Banter. *stops talking before head explodes*
05-08-2005 14:19:27
Jaymz, chill. It's Star Wars. It is hardly sacrosanct. In fact, it's open to jocular humor both perverse and mundane - as has been proven time and time again in any numerous media outlets (Spaceballs, Saturday Night Live, etc. etc. ad nauseum).
05-08-2005 18:18:55
indeed, because of star wars' massive popularity, it's fully open to parodies and humor making fun of it...we're just kiddin, we're not a bunch of perv, well, some of us arent
08-08-2005 15:25:17
I know I was joking as well. Have you ever seen "Thumb Wars"