Who is the most evil
09-07-2005 08:29:46
This will prove who is the most evil person in the star wars movies.
Mike Halcyon
09-07-2005 08:42:30
You forgot "Darth Jac" >:P
09-07-2005 08:43:21
i was tempted to put yoda in u all know he is evil
jak i will next time lol
09-07-2005 11:13:45
LOL, ok Darth Vader is like my hero so i voted for him. But we all know Darth Sidious is the most evilist one out there. Think about it. In the Third movie, he did alot of lying to poor Anakin. Vader was wrongly influenced by Sidious. I just really hate to love Sidious in the third movie... im sure y'all think the same.
09-07-2005 13:59:25
Darth Vader was never completely evil. He always had some form of good left inside of him. Sidious on the other hand, beats all of them by far.
09-07-2005 17:32:42
Of course Darth Vader was never purely evil. He just went with Sidious because that is all he had left after Padme died and the Jedi's dead or in hiding. He just stuck around Palpatine cause he was alone. Kinda sad, but its the truth. Sidious just wants me to punch him in the 3 episode... lol. He did a good job of tricking Anakin.
09-07-2005 20:03:04
i regret voting Vader now but he killed younglings the bastard
09-07-2005 23:21:49
lol ur point?
your a youngling and id probably kill you if i got the chance
09-07-2005 23:40:49
hey carrnn, shut up if Darth Vader was real he would kill only you for beaing week and join the rest of the brotherhood coz were strong
Kaine Mandaala
10-07-2005 00:51:23
tsk tsk... Behave. And stop double posting. I've merged a ton of double posts this week. Don't hit that "Add Reply" button so fast.
Anyway, in regards to the topic, Darth Sidious is byfar the most evil of the list, followed by Dooku, Maul and Vader. Palpatine/Sidious is the perfect example of how the Dark Side works. Selfish, greedy, manipulative and emotionless.
Dooku shares most of those traits, but he is weak.
Maul is pure rage.
Vader is - as we now know - just a helpless pawn in Palpatine's game. His evil comes only from Palpatine's misguidance and his own impatience.
10-07-2005 13:52:31
I agree.... Sidious is hideosly evil!!
10-07-2005 16:52:14
I think Maul is more evil the Dooku. I mean come on, the dude could wield a double sided saber, he had some bad a** tatoos, and he didn't talk much. Serioiusly, that makes him scarrier than Dooku could ever be.
Kaine Mandaala
10-07-2005 17:15:30
I think Maul is more evil the Dooku. I mean come on, the dude could wield a double sided saber, he had some bad a** tatoos, and he didn't talk much. Serioiusly, that makes him scarrier than Dooku could ever be.
Scary does not equal evil. Maul's motivations, as far as we know, were fueled only by his desire for revenge. Dooku had a lot more to his cause.
10-07-2005 19:21:55
wow kaine, u got to that one quick. do u live on the MBs or something?
Kaine Mandaala
10-07-2005 20:41:07
I check the forums several times a day, but in no way "live" here, unlike certain people I could name.
Anyhow I still believe Vader is not as evil as any of those on the list - in fact I feel Grand Moff Tarkin was far more evil than Vader.
Vader has his impatient moments ("I find your lack of faith disturbing.") and his reckless/stupid moments ("Join me and together we can rule the galaxy...") but he does not really show any signs of outward cruelty like Tarkin ("Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready.")
Vader never seems to plan out his evil acts, so to me that really only makes him a bully with Force powers.
11-07-2005 09:53:03
how true Kaine... now that you mentioned it.... Vader doesnt seem so bad. LOL its funny how he is mention to be the most scariest and evilist Baddie in history... when in fact he isnt really evil.
Mike Halcyon
11-07-2005 10:03:57
If Kaine would be living on the forums, he'd be replying to run-ons far quicker >:P
11-07-2005 18:03:58
If Kaine would be living on the forums, he'd be replying to run-ons far quicker >:P
13-07-2005 02:25:15
who put darth jak in i made this poll it is only for the movies but watever i aint counting his votes but so yere
20-07-2005 17:36:03
keep up the voting but athough jak is great dont vote him but if u must ok
20-07-2005 18:17:10
I am the most evil, muhahahahahahahah!!
Seriously, I have to agree with the general notion that Palpatine/Sidious is the incarnation of evil in the universe!
All bow to Palpatine! Muhahahahaha
Thats my two cents
Eternal monument ot Palpatine
Servant of the Divine Emperor
20-07-2005 18:28:34
hmmm, ill tell you what you can do with those two cents mister
23-07-2005 10:24:55
Jac is the most evilest mwa hahahaha
24-07-2005 03:06:14
when did Jac become part of the star wars MOVIES..
hmm i dont remember there being a person called darth jac
26-07-2005 08:37:16
This isn't limited to the movies. Also, any GM during his term(s) and is refered to as Darth.
16-08-2005 15:15:07
This isn't limited to the movies. Also, any GM during his term(s) and is refered to as Darth.
Darth Maul was the most evil not sidious even though sidious was more powerful than maul sidios could contain his rage unlike maul who was constantly pissed off it was only when palps got impatient did he get angry it was like he had multiple personalities or something