Episode III disappointments
04-07-2005 08:14:25
To be honest, there wasn't a lot that left me disappointed.
There wasn't enough comedy banter between R2 and threepio.
We really should have seen yoda in Dagobah.
Natalie Portman's acting. Awful. She was almost convincing in Ep II, but in ROTS? "He said... That you'vce turned... To the Dark Side?" Come on, i've seen high school drama students with more emotion.
And the whole movie should have had about a half hour of Vader (in the suit) kicking more ass (with a RED lightsaber). That was the biggest let-down, no red lightsaber for Vader, tut-tut.
But I've seen the movie about 8 times now (had it on DVD for about a month but i'm still gonna buy the official release) and I suppose these points are forgivable (with the exception of the "NOOOOOO!!!").
Ark Dowell
04-07-2005 10:38:21
I found the final battle lacking, for some reason. I saw the trailers before the movie came out. About 70% of every single trailer had scenes from that final showdown. But when I got there, BAM! It was over within minutes. I mean, I thought it was going to be longer. WAY longer... But maybe that's just me.
04-07-2005 11:10:12
There's already a thread that kinda turned into this question - you may want to have a look. I think it was 'favourite moments in Ep III' - people started adding what they didn't like too.
05-07-2005 16:17:42
I think the Anakin/Obi-Wan battle was way too long. They should have shortened that and added to other stuff, like Order 66 and the wookie battle
06-07-2005 12:27:00
Things like more Kashyyyk and Dagobah were filmed they just didn't make it to the final cut, they'll probably be in a DVD SE or something.
Dark hunter
13-07-2005 18:53:15
Well according to the information i was able to achieve through star wars hyperspace the dvd of the movie will have up 13 deleted scenes and an alternate ending with more Vader kicking ass.
Shinichi Endymiron K
13-07-2005 19:04:22
I thought as much. The whole thing seemed rushed, like they cut out alot. I'm glad that there will be more on the DVD.
14-07-2005 15:51:15
Some months ago, I had seen what I now realize to have been a bogus Ep III screen cap of Palpatine and Darth Sidious standing side by side. So going into the theater, I was convinced that Palpatine would be revealed to be a
clone of Sidious. It seemed like a plausible idea to me, explaining the different age appearances between the two, and tying up the whole clone thing quite nicely. I think that would've been way cooler than how his disfigured appearance had come about, with the force lightning blow-back, or however you'd term it -- we'd been there, done that with Palpy in the end RotJ. What're the odds, the guy's been struck by lightning twice
16-07-2005 11:40:21
I didn't like Anikin's acting. He just doesn't have it down yet.
He did better than the first two dont get my wrong, but yea...
horus garm matt
18-07-2005 06:16:27
the make-up on palps is dire after his fight with mace... actually cringeworthy. you'd think, in a multi million $ movie, with magnificent space battles, epic lightsaber fights, etc, that george could make a pivitol character look beter than an 8yr old at a fancy dress party.
& 'noooooo!!!!!!' its darth vader for godsake. he didnt break nearly enough stuff too.
20-08-2005 13:25:32
the make-up on palps is dire after his fight with mace... actually cringeworthy. you'd think, in a multi million $ movie, with magnificent space battles, epic lightsaber fights, etc, that george could make a pivitol character look beter than an 8yr old at a fancy dress party.
& 'noooooo!!!!!!' its darth vader for godsake. he didnt break nearly enough stuff too.
i agree with the breathing but i expected to see vader flip out and say "what the hell have you done to me" i mean palps had an assload of money and gives vader the suit, pretty much the only reason he couldnt survive is because he was breathing volcanic fumes and ash they could have gave an eplanation as to why they couldnt just give him artificial lungs instead of the whole suit and of course the biggest dissapointment was anakin didnt use force lightning
horus garm matt
23-08-2005 10:16:55
having said that, the no thing isnt as bad as i first thought, the whole link between that no & obi wans (when mr gin dies) & lukes no. still a bit poop but not as poop as i first thought.
01-12-2005 12:18:49
would of liked to see more jedi die
Salth Khan
08-12-2005 14:33:58
...and of course the biggest dissapointment was anakin didnt use force lightning
The problem with that is that Anakin/Vader wasn't that powerful with the Dark Side yet. And since its a power he never used in the original trilogy, that would have problematic as well. The idea of Vader using the Force to choke someone somehow seems more within keeping with his persona as he evolved into Vader, than him ever using Force lightning.
Overall I was happy with the movie. But I agree with an earlier posting, it would have been better to have seen more of Vader post-battle with Obiwan.
I also would have liked to have seen even five minutes worth of stuff going beyond the final shot on the bridge of the star destroyer. Not to mention the momentary glimpse at Tarkin kinda left me wanting more at that point. Personally I'd like to see an Ep. 3.5, where they show what transpired between Episodes III and IV. Now that would be cool since it would be filled with all kinds of ground and space battles. >:)
Dark hunter
17-12-2005 21:02:52
Hey did anyone ever notice the switching lightsabers during obis and anakins battle? When Anakin has Obi in his grip and begins to push him down on the table it switches from Anakins to his during the shots. You even notice it in the trailer.
18-12-2005 11:03:30
There were only a few things I was disappointed with in the movie. I would have liked to have seen a little more than a fight scene between Anakin being a Light Jedi and suddenly being ok with killing children. Given he had problems keeping his emotions in check before, but seriously, he had to really think about wanting to take Windu out, but then Sidious says "Go kill all the younglings" and he's all for it....just weird to me.
"NOOOOOOOooooo!" Yeah...that was lame.
No real suited Vader action sucked too. He DID crush that room up pretty good though.
21-12-2005 04:13:39
One thing that struck me as odd too was the fact that EP3 Vader is ALOT smaller in stature that EP4 and up Vader. I know that David Prowse is ALOT bigger than Hayden Christensen, but they should have at least added some padding or something. I did like the fact that they had Vader show some emotion over the fact that the woman he turned to the Darkside for died (because of him I may add) but they didnt have to have the NOOO!!!!! added there, made him sound like a wuss. Also I wish they would have had Grevous use his 4 lightsabers more, all he did was twirl them around in circles till Obi cut em off.
27-01-2006 19:45:12
i just love the movie but i was thinking that maybe anakin should be more powerful
Ceric Crimson
10-02-2006 18:32:46
One word:
The "actor", Jake Lloyd was it?
Yeah...well, he almost ruined Darth Vader for me.
1. He has only two "acting" faces, the "angry" look (wow), and that vacant expression that you sometimes see on a dog.
2. He looped off Mace's fking hand!! WTF was that!? in the comics he just blocked the killiing blow...THE BASTARD!!!
3...no range...at all. They could have picked up a heroin adict off the street that could have played the role better.
I...hate..him, SO...
Darth Pravus
11-02-2006 06:50:03
I think all of you Vader freaks were expecting abit too much from ROTS
But I have to disagree with some of your statements.
Vader's NOOOO!
I actually like this scene, yes its cheesey, but its still understandable Anakin hade just lost everything he loved left, Padme.
Anakin not using Force lightning
Uh? Anakin can't know force lightning, he hasn't been trained yet to use the darkside X-)
but they didnt have to have the NOOO!!!!! added there, made him sound like a wuss.
As I already said: Anakin just lost everything he loved. Besides a wuss? damn it he hasn't been through his years as Vader yet, do you really expect Vader to go all "I see Master, oh well lets build a friggin deathstar and blow up Hollywood in case ROTS doesn't get Oscar nominated" :ermm:
The only disappointing things around ROTS I know is:
1. There sould have been more of an battle between Sidious and Yoda
2. The way Anakin turns to the Darkside is terrible, there sould clearly been more depth in the film, I mean sure the concept of ROTS was deep but the way Sidious lures Anakin to the darkside so damn quick after he killed Windu is just ridicoules.
Ceric Crimson
11-02-2006 12:37:04
2. The way Anakin turns to the Darkside is terrible, there sould clearly been more depth in the film, I mean sure the concept of ROTS was deep but the way Sidious lures Anakin to the darkside so damn quick after he killed Windu is just ridicoules.
Thank you!
11-02-2006 20:33:48
I hated Padme... what a baby! geez "anakin you are breaking my heart"... could that acting be more fake? Plus we kinda see her kicking ass in AOTC, and now she's a silly housewife or whatever the heck she is..
Also the dialogue were awful! "My powers have doubled since our last encounter count" or something like that.. cheezy!
"You underestimate my powers!" give me a break..
Other than that, it was good
Ceric Crimson
12-02-2006 18:20:41
LOL! Yeah...I can definatly agree with that.
...nothin' ruins a movie like bad acting and cheesy monologues!