24-06-2012 00:26:02
The opposition wishes to strike topic 3.
I'm so sorry it took me so long Teu, I had to stay with my Mom, she needed my help. Good luck, and have fun.
The Affirmative wishes to strike topic number #2
Good luck!
Selika Roh
24-06-2012 00:39:58
The topic will be: The Dark Jedi Brotherhood should hold Vendetta Events at least three times a year.
If both competitors would like to begin their debate during the prep period, send me an email and I'll turn you lose.
Currently Vendettas happen once a year and when they happen activity skyrockets, old members come out of the woodwork to participate and healthy competition occurs between the units increasing unit pride.
Every time a vendetta comes around most everyone from the lowest journeyman to the highest equite participates in the vendetta making them one of the biggest successes. Everyone is trying their hardest to win the event that everyone active takes part and does as much as they can. Outside of a vendetta activity is lessened, maybe the same handful of people who constantly do a competition occasionally or game once in a while. But when a vendetta comes around those people do everything they can.
Another thing that happens whenever the vendettas take place is they seem to bring back older members who don’t do anything during the normal year. I’ve seen lots of times a date for a vendetta is called suddenly five more Equites and Eldars are active in a unit who are generally don’t participate much but a Vendetta encourages them to come and have fun while trying to help their unit stomp other units.
Finally a third reason that Vendettas should happen more often is the pride for a unit or order is increased. If during any event you look in another channel or even in db, on IRC, you will see people almost at each other throats on why their unit is the best and in some cases convincing those in their units who don’t wish to do anything to do some events because the more events you do the better a chance of winning you have. During the Order vendetta a few years back, it was almost like being in a house didn’t matter but the order you were spurred everything on. As an Obelisk I was in the Obelisk channel often and it was rocking with us laughing and joking we would crush the other orders, and we did.
Vendettas bring everyone together, increase activity and bring back people who haven’t been around in a while. If more than one happened a year I’d think we would see a constant increase in the number of people we have who are sticking around on a permanent basis. Once a vendetta is over it is like the festival left town and everyone went home. The activity and fun of such a scale were no longer seen.