Selika Roh
22-06-2012 15:09:06
Incendus will
Kal di Plagia Vorrac will
- The Dark Jedi Brotherhood should hold Vendetta Events at least three times a year.[/*:m]
- The Dark Jedi Brotherhood should significantly increase the Clan and House ground forces allotments.[/*:m]
- High level equite promotions should be made availible to members who have not served directly in leadership positions.[/*:m][/list:o]
The opposition will strike a topic first, the affirmative will strike a topic second. The topic for the debate shall be the topic that remains. Please indicate which number topic you are striking here in the thread. Both sides must strike by 11:59 pm EST on Tuesday June 26th. Debates may begin at any point after 12:00 am EST on Saturday June 30th and will run through 11:59 EST on Friday July 6th. The intervening time between topic selection and the start of the debate is to be used for case construction and/or research. Depending on the topic, both real world and Star Wars canon examples and arguments may be used.
The format for the debate will be as follows:
- First Affirmative constructive (Not to exceed 1000 words)[/*:m]
- First Negative constructive (Not to exceed 1200 words)[/*:m]
- First Affirmative rebuttal (Not to exceed 600 words)[/*:m]
- First Negative rebuttal (Not to exceed 800 words)[/*:m]
- Second Affirmative rebuttal (not to exceed 400 words)[/*:m][/list:o]
No new arguments can be made in the rebuttals, you may however address any arguments brought up in the constructives. In addition, new examples can be used in rebuttals.
The opposition strikes topic 1.
24-06-2012 20:21:09
The Affirmative wishes to strike topic 2.
Good luck Kal.
Selika Roh
24-06-2012 23:26:16
The topic will be: High level equite promotions should be made availible to members who have not served directly in leadership positions.
If both competitors would like to begin their debate during the prep period, send me an email and I'll turn you lose.
01-07-2012 05:10:11
Let's get started then, shall we?
Leadership. A symbol of power. Leadership is what keeps the brotherhood where it stands. Without leadership, it would crumble.
Perhaps this is why members are required to have served in a leadership position to be promoted to equites. I, however, disagree with this, as do many others. Some people, are made to lead. For example, take Wuntila. He is a strong leader, and he has kept Arcona going for a good while now. He is looked up to by many members of Arcona, and even some outside of the Shadow Clan. Not all are capable of leadership, however.
While it is true that a Sith's main objective is to gain power, and a way to get power is through leadership, we can't just let everyone be a leader. A bad leader would make the brotherhood crumble. Also, we must remember that there are other orders in the brotherhood who's primary objective is not power. I'm starting to get off track though.
Yes, everyone is required to read and take both leadership exams in order to be promoted to knight. However, just because they took the exams, just because they answered the questions right, it does not guarantee their efficiency as a leader. The requirement should be changed from aedile to higher to battleteam leader, if not changed to nothing at all. This would open up more positions for future equites. We should also shorten the time period, so that everyone has a more fair chance to get promoted.
Not everyone is made to be a leader, and as such, they should not be made to serve in leadership positions in order to become an equite. There is also the fact that there are many people in the brotherhood, and each one who achieves knighthood would have to take on a leadership position for further progress in their standing in the brotherhood. What if the knight is not a good leader, and has to resign from their post early. Are they to stay at the same rank forever?
What I'm saying, is that we can't trust everybody to lead, so everyone should not be required to lead. Bad leaders would hinder the brotherhood greatly. There aren't enough positions, and everyone is required to serve as aedile or higher for their equite permission. If you are taking a post just to get a promotion, and not to make your house or clan better for members, then you aren't leading for the right purpose. The requirement takes away the real goal of leadership: To please your subordinates, to help them, to teach them, but most of all, to make their experience as good as possible.
These who would lead only for their own self benefit are the ones who are not fit to lead.