16-03-2012 11:26:20
Hey everyone,
I'm going to be trying to run a normal EV on Saturday night at 9pm EST (9pm works best for me due to my kids bedtime) for anyone who would be interested in coming. I'd like to commit to playing until 1am EST - I'm a bit of a night owl. If this doesn't work for folks then we can change it up but the earliest I'd like to call it is midnight EST.
What we do will depend greatly on who is available and since its a holiday it may not be enough to run an op. If not, I'd still like to either help folks clear Hard Modes to get gear or take on a world boss or two.
Please reply if you are interested in playing with the name of the toon you want to run with and your spec (include actual allocation #'s (1-37-3) if possible).
You can also show up at 8:45pm EST on Saturday and try to join if you can't commit, but it would be nice to get a head count. Also feel free to send me a mail in-game or message me if you see me on at some other point. I'll be on shortly after 8 EST to start setting things up.
NOV Rediir (Sith)//Plagueis