08-02-2012 10:53:13
Good morning/afternoon/night (depends completly on your timezone!)
Just wanted to announce that i will be running weekly Ops runs starting next week monday and weds from 2 PM EST (8 PM GMT+1) till 4 PM EST (10 PM GMT+1).
If you are interested to join, pop below a message or contact me ingame on one of my characters (Chaosu,Puriel).
The goal for this is to let european players or other players who cant play late see all the endgame of SWTOR.
Only thing i require is be prepared for the fights (read up,get buff potions,etc) and be geared (1 greenie at start can happen, but we dont need a player with lvl 45 gear or lower

) and most importantly, know your class.
Where we start first, we will decide later.
If its 8 or 16 man, all depends on how many are interested.
If you have any questions, feel free to whisper me ingame!
Korras (Jug Tank)
Usoahc (Merc DPS,Ranged)
Khan ( ass DPS, Melee
Sno (Sorc Healer)
Mokel (Ops healer)
08-02-2012 14:05:05
Hit me up if you need me and no one else does. Your times maybe less painful for me right now. Melee, Mara, Anni spec mostly columni, few tioneese, and a couple pvp fillers.
08-02-2012 23:02:53
Im starting a new shift soon i go in at 8pm so this time are perfect for me
Assassin TANK . 1 rakata 3 tionesse 2 relics Geared rest is orange 126 armor rating
update post with list man so ppl see we are interested
09-02-2012 02:07:49
updated as requested, wouldnt mind seeing some ranged signing up!
To make people get to the forums, ill let them sign up trough here
09-02-2012 12:48:54
can go on mon and weds, so i'd love to participate

pandora - melee dps

mokel - ops heal
love to if I can get geared in time.
Khàn - Deception Assassin
09-02-2012 19:18:15
if theres healers that need gear let me know and ill tank for u no matter how many FP u want a day (same for dps)
i got self voulenteered :O!
14-02-2012 05:44:10
looking forwart to weds ops then
14-02-2012 14:24:20
full clear on EV normal with undergeared people
As mentioned by Vasca'Edes, weds new run @ 2 PM EST.
priority spots on last ones that was there then filler spots for people that signed up here.
17-02-2012 08:28:42
updated list in top which i know will be there nearly every raid day.
need 3 more people dedicated to show up and after properly geared do attempts on harder versions of the Ops.
1 Tank
2 Ranged DPS
If i forgot to add u from last time in the list, i forgot to whisper for confirm if u want to be part of the group everytime.
Simple whisper me ingame if you want to know more/want to be part of the team.
Ill be on Chaosu / Puriel / Usoahc if you need me/got questions.
monday 2 PM EST (7 PM GMT) next run.
17-02-2012 18:46:46
I cant tank but i cant do anything until MArch 1st . ( i have a swing shift from next tuesday till march 1st)
28-02-2012 03:03:36
with kam showing up from next week, i still need some ranged dps.
if your interested PM me ingame or else i have to find people outside guild to recruit into our community
09-03-2012 01:31:25
chaos im sry but i wont be able to do this is to hard for my shcedule thought 12 hour shifts would be easier