05-02-2012 16:02:48
Hey All,
I'll be leading a normal raiding ops team through Karagga and EV over the next few weeks.
Our current roster looks like so:
1. Sarin/Marauder/DPS
2. Jaczor/Sorc/Heals (Or DPS if needed)
3. Valhavoc/Sorc/Heals
4. Ka'arl/Powertech/Tank
5. Invictus/Merc/Ranged DPS
6. Amagon/Jugg/Tank
Raid Note 1: In order to have smoothish runs from the start, each member of the raid group should be running as many hard modes as possible in order to gain some Tion set pieces. Your goal is to show up with no green gear on your toon.
Raid Note 2: Show up to all raids with your equipment in 100% condition, with a full compliment of med packs, and a full compliment of stims.
Update: Raiding will more than likely start the week of the 13th. Date TBD.
Updated: Def looking for more ranged. Any takers out there?
05-02-2012 17:13:23
id love to im soc heals though i dont know how your going to stack the group and i still have 3 levels to go ... but as soon as i hit 50 id love to start raiding
06-02-2012 14:52:32
Id like to join in ive doen a couple with Varoth Jugg Dps
06-02-2012 17:03:33
IDK if you need 2 tanks but if you do I'm in.
07-02-2012 02:57:40
I'm willing to Ranged DPS, but i need to know what times/days you plan to do these ops
If it's raid time and you're missing one ranged dps to go, poke me on it. I'll gladly help out my homies.
07-02-2012 20:30:02
I'm willing to Ranged DPS, but i need to know what times/days you plan to do these ops
We are going to use a flex schedule because the bulk of the group are old professional types with jobs that require flexibility in raiding. We will probably flow from week to week based on the teams decision.
07-02-2012 22:14:53
If you need me to help out let me know. Mara Anni DPS. Mostly all pve gear with a couple filler pvp ones. I know the fights too.
08-02-2012 01:45:05
I'm willing to Ranged DPS, but i need to know what times/days you plan to do these ops
We are going to use a flex schedule because the bulk of the group are old professional types with jobs that require flexibility in raiding. We will probably flow from week to week based on the teams decision.
That's good, sign me up then

i often work some random hours so thats good
08-02-2012 06:51:26
I'd like to join if you need a dps asssasin. I have mostly Rakata gear with columni gloves, boots, weapon and tionese hat.
08-02-2012 23:04:15
I could tank or mdps if this is between Tuesdays and Thursdays ( i work on weekends)
Selika Roh
09-02-2012 01:38:03
I'm all over wanting to get in on this stuff. Pretty much whenever/wherever, assuming I'm not away at a debate tournament (few and far between). I'd like to focus on my DPS Sorc but I also have a Powertech Tank as well if need be.