09-01-2012 03:13:15
Sup Brotherhoood, Varoth here with some quick points for DJB ops (raiding) As we continue to grow we'll get more and more players to fill raid spots and increase our diversity in classes. Soon we'll have a section for all raiding "does" and "don'ts" along with class sections where people can discuss rotations and tactics to playing each class as best as possible. We'll also have sections for video's of boss fights for ops and FPs. As End-Game content gets harder, dedication, skill, and Raid-Makeups become even more important so i encourage everyone to play their very best while in raids because few things are better then downing a new boss but nothing is better then downing it FIRST!
As the guild grows we'll also get more raiders ready to jump in and tear stuff up. Currently raids are 8man and 16man. As a guild of over 250 and growing we will have multiple raids of diffrent skill levels. I don't want the illusion that someone is a B class player because they aren't in a certain raid. As groups form it's best to have a solid core of players that work well together and have a solid makeup to make best use of the classes availible. Once damage/heal meters are availible we can effectivly see what the best means of "tearing it up" are and hopfully make all DJB raids competitive.
The amount of raiding a guild does seperates it from others. It is also very possible that our seperate DJB raids will be raiding on various times and days. A casual raiding guild raids 1-3 days a week. Moderates usually raid 3-4(sometimes 5) and Hardcore guilds raid 6-7 days a week. Depending on what raid you're in, you could raid 1 hour or even 4 hours in one day depending on how well that raid has the boss fights down.
As a final statement about raiding 101 i'd like to brush up on edicate. It's perfectly fine to cut lose a little in raids. we're here to have fun, down bosses, get gear, and then show off how good we look in that gear

.It's a MAJOR no-no to be extremly loud in vent or say unnessicary things in the middle of raids especially when the raid needs to concentrate on the task at hand. If the raid leader is explaining a strat to a boss fight, then he or she has the floor and no one else. if the raid lead mised something or you have a question then ask after the explenation. the raid leader should make sure everyone is ready before each boss fight and make sure that there are no more questions and everyone know's the strat. Now as of right now End-Game content is rather easy so if the raid leader allows it then it's fine to chat and joke without getting out of hand. During most fights it is common for the raid lead to do "call outs" for the raid to do certain things during a fight. This is the main reason for everyone to be paying 100% attention so as to not die or wipe the raid. Remember we're here to have fun and not do everything like stuck up nazis but we are sith so that may require a little shuting up and following orders

For my disclaimer i'm sorry for any spelling errors on my first major post. I'd also like to say that i'm here in this position because i have over 6years of WoW experience with both leading and being apart of top 5guilds on servers. I want us to have fun and down bosses. Downing them before our rivals makes it all the better. So let's open our credit accounts for some repair bills... Cus we're hitting TOR full force...
10-01-2012 13:09:36