K, so this should be a brief summary of the RO so far, will try and keep it updated, but if people don't mind summarising their own posts that would be fab
Week 1 Orders: War has been called on the Jedi of Odan-Urr and their home planet of New Tython. You have just received word to prepare and meet the rest of the Dark Council fleet before making your way to New Tython and attacking.
Anubis: Sid/Ash/Yacks/Shadow/Rig/Ben on Justice Comm Deck – Tal has been summoned to meet DC fleet above Antei – trouble with Odan-Urr Jedi. Plan: Old Folks Home to recon, main forces meet DC fleet. Plan for main forces – Vigilance on Justic in Hyperspace, Noobis to Prophet to organize fleet. Noobis (on Prophet) reports that fleet forming + getting ready to move to Hyperspace. Vanguard is staying in Kr’Tal system to protect it while rest of fleet moves out.
Ash: Ash/Sid on Justice: a bounty has been placed on Light Jedi sabers – concerned re internal war
Xander: Xander on Justice: prep for orders, Xander has been spending time with the crew so may know them better than others
Sid: Vice Admiral Slaxton/Sid on Justice: Sid announces potential for warm informs crew of plans, crew a little unsettled by this but move to stations
Bubbs: jumping into RO post on Justice, heading to comm deck to find BTL
Sena: On Justice: joins Bubbs, move to comm. Deck, briefed
Anubis: On Justice: Sid/Ash – Vanguard holding at edge of Kr’Tal system; HomeGuard fleet protecting Rybanloth System (esp Merach). Jac + Sid move to Dark Prophet II, Vardar in charge of starfighters on the Prophet from a TIE defender. Alanna + Bubbs move to Orthanc (Interdictor class). Amiz heading Hyperion Squad. Ash + Yacks to the Valor, Howie leading starfighters on Valor. Erinyes and Nubis on a Corellian Gunship each – providing support for Valor. Gobhainn commanding Sentinel. Vice Admiral Slaxton continuing command of Justice.
Corax: turns up in a shuttle to join Justice just before the jump to hyperspace
Week 2 Orders: New Tython has been invaded by Dark Brotherhood forces. Taldryan joins the fray on both counts. Taldryan is ordered to assist Naga Sadow in dealing with native New Tython forces
Anubis: Sid on Dark Prophet – Mandalorians have joined Tythonian Jedi to reinforce against DJB. Tal forces ordered to condition yellow. Vigilance all within Tythonian system, close to Naga Sadow forces. Jac reports Arcona suffering casualties. Orthanc ordered to stay at a distance and start gravity well generators. Valor, Stormwind and Flamewind to engage directly. Prophet and Sentinel to assist Sadowite fleet (co-ordinating with Final Way). All fighters launched, group troops prepared for invasion. On ground: Dropships in – Sena on board – msg from Shadow – orders for Muraght and Kaltace battalions to assist Sadowite forces upon arrival
Gohhainn: on Sentinel with co-pilot Commander Yrrdanni Szel (Zeltron female, red skin) – placing ship outside Sadow’s targeting range to provide flanking support so minimal risk of being betrayed by CNS. Planning on heavy assault – disable enemies defense, then shields and engines – attacking high power weapons from close range, focusing on large transports and smaller capital ships – primary heavy laser turrts, turbolasers and missile launchers first, must be less than half a click away before firing.
Sena: landed on New Tython - assigned a team (De’Jar, Vrax, Zimmer and Denezz – 3 male, one female).
Yacks: on Valor with Ash – commanded by Saiff Hessen. Letting the commander do his job ? Communiction with Dark Prophet – fighters busy but doing well, Mando forces heavy fighting, Shadow has set up a forward command post on ground, waiting for more forces before moving in, not rendezvoused with Sadow forces yet as lots of little blue tree huggers in the way.
Bubbs: on Orthanc with Alanna, commanded by Commodore Kordoo: gravity well generators started, prep for combat
Ash: On Valor with Yacks: Ash fed up of standing on a bridge, planning to meet up with ground forces. Golari Battalion on ground: Sithspawn + Dralin Forte – Ash meets up, Sithspawn not impressed at meeting up + supporting Sadowite troops, Sadowite troops report they are 50 clicks northeast of Menat Ombo (Shin’ichi reporting)
Gobhainn: on Sentinel – taking a beating but weakened many enemy vessels. CNS pilots doing a good job of catching Sentinel in blast radii + concussion missiles. Gobhainn rather likes Szel…. Reports to Dark Prophet II that Sentinel returning to Battlegroup Vigilance as low on ordnance.
Sid: Shadow on ground with Ateliuc Battalion between central mountain and Menat Ombo: area secure, primary objectives met – Shar with Kaltace battalion, minimal casualties, ready to form up for Operation Ferran’s Spear. Go ahead given to begin Operation FS. Sid gives Shadow free reign in actions with CNS allies, requests comm. Link with Con Methyas
Week 3 Orders: The battle rages on as the Mandalorians and light jedi managing to hold their own against the combined forces of the Brotherhood. The Dark Council has joined into the fray. The Deputy Grand Master has descended upon your battle field, along with more enemy reinforcements in the form of battle droids. Taldryan, along with Naga Sadow, are tasked with assisting the DGM and clearing the remaining forces.
Bubbs: Sid orders available members to surface to assist ground assault. Bubbs enroute to join Sena, Lannie remaining in command of Orthanc