Thran Occasus
23-02-2009 19:15:05
If you have questions, comments, Ideas, et cetera relating to the Run On, Post here!
We will also use this thread to discuss direction of the Run-on!
08-03-2009 14:59:09
Please remember, when writing about Arania, she has never encountered the Vong before this as she has been away for some time.
Talon Jade
08-03-2009 15:01:44
Are we going to assign elders certain objectives and thereby organize the clan so we dont have twenty people on twenty different tangents? Im sure we can make a list of who is participating and make it work.
Also Ive been in rogues awhile and Im not to good at navigating all the new websites...if you could post links on here to like our Clan order of battle and other useful things it would be a great help.
09-03-2009 14:18:14
11-03-2009 20:18:15
I'm confused about the locations where people are. I'm guessing that we can be on any of the ISDIIs or any of the MHCs?
12-03-2009 01:06:51
Looks to be that way, since the Fleet is currently enroute for this week.
As such, I don't think we've engaged in more combat then blowing up dead ships, so 'boarding parties of Vong' shouldn't be....umm, around (sorry Scyrone

12-03-2009 11:49:40
I thought we already arrived at the system and started clean-up duties?
12-03-2009 13:22:53
according to the orders from Kirs post... this week is supposed to be the 2 day trip behind the main fleet as we make our way thru the shroud.
13-03-2009 00:48:22
Looks to be that way, since the Fleet is currently enroute for this week.
As such, I don't think we've engaged in more combat then blowing up dead ships, so 'boarding parties of Vong' shouldn't be....umm, around (sorry Scyrone
lol, it's fine. I enjoyed your post IC: I must have inhaled too much spice during that mind trip
OOC: I actually talked to Thran about this. I basically asked what ships people were assigned too, and he just said anything for now. So I picked the Warspite since most posts seemed to revolve around it.
14-03-2009 20:42:35
We need to step up the orginizational aspect of the Run on.
Basically i think it would be a good idea to have three or four people that further the story with the rest of us more or less filling in our characters point of view. Select a few of the better writers to take care of the plot and the rest of us adding in personal details.
This would streamline the RO as well as keep it from straying o far off topic.
15-03-2009 03:08:39
But plot-line and participation might suck then. Even though this might be a crazy thing for a Dark jedi to say, if we, as in Scholae, wanna beat Taldryan, we do our best as a team, otherwise it's just the few people who made some amazing posts and some others simply just wrote some fillers in. Plus, not everyone knows how everyone else would act to certain situations.