Traan Reith
02-09-2008 23:01:27
Aboard Stellar Vibrations in orbit around Antenora
The com was buzzing despite the rather ungodly hour, something that had become an almost frequent annoyance back in his quarters down on the surface. It was why Tra'an had retreated to the private sanctity of his personal ship in orbit. Only five persons in Scholae Palatinae had this com code, and it was currently flashing number five, the most recent person to obtain the code. Groaning, Tra'an smacked the console, barely avoiding the extra strength that would have smashed it to smitherenes. "It's something like 2 AM Cethgus Incendia Zor-El, so this had better be incredibly important. If it's not, the next time I see you, I'm going to beat the crap out of you."
The voice of the Obelisk Prelate came back over the comms, rather stressed. "Tra'an, I have news about the whereabouts of Ood Bnar Sythe'rae, a DJK and very good friend of mine. I'd like you to help me retrieve him, and teach a lesson to whomever it was that is holding him hostage. I've been forbidden to go alone, because I tend to have a habit of leaving nothing behind and coming back mangaled in the process. Kara would kill me if I did that right now." The reasons not said were pretty compelling also, mostly that Ceth trusted him to watch his back, and not to get his ass kicked in a fight.
"Fine, fine. I'll be at Caina in about nine hours. This ship's starting to fall apart, so no bitching if find ourselves left without transportation at some point." Tra'an shut off the comm without even bothering to wait for a reply and gave his orders to the R4 unit he had found lying around in pieces in the Acclivis Draco hangar. It worked pretty well for a re-build. Tra'an conked out again on his bunk as the Brayl Class Freighter slipped inbetween dimensions once the hyperdrive spun up. Knowing Ceth, he was going to need his rest.
03-09-2008 19:02:22
Cethgus finished his comm with Tra`an and looked over to the bed, where his wife Kara Incendia Zor-El looked at him. She has been woken up by the call that was made, and he knew that he should let her get some rest. He wandered over to the bed and perches on the very edge of the bed and looked at her.
“You should be asleep” his voice was soft and caring
“As should you, I’m sorry but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation, are you going somewhere my sweetie?” Kara looked at Cethgus her eyes gazing into his.
“Aye, I need to get a old friend out of some trouble, I won’t be long, and Tra`an is coming with me, my love” his words echoed around the room.
“Look after yourself my love, and I will see you when I you return” leaning in the Krath kissed her husband gently on the lips showing her affection.
Standing up the Obelisk left her to sleep, and grabbed his saber, swords and Dark Paladin armour, deciding to wear it for this mission. He headed out of the Zor-El’s home and towards the local cantina waiting for Tra`an to meet up with him, though he would be there a while, he knew that it would give him time to plan for the upcoming times. Letting his mind wonder he started to wonder what Ood would think when he saw the two of them, it had been a while since the two had met. The prelate just wanted to find his friend again, and help him. Yet at the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for the Tra`an and himself when they arrived. Nothing was certain and there was more to this than it looked like, it couldn’t be that easy, that much the Obelisk knew.
Ood Bnar
06-09-2008 13:50:03
Snorting loudly Ood Bnar Sythe’rae sat in the brig of some out of the way space-station. Weird race, never seen walking talking trees and then calling him a demon? What the hell happened here and how on earth were these idiots capable of building space-stations if they were unaware of any races besides their own. It wasn’t like there wasn’t anyone around. This world was just 2 parsecs off of a main hyperspace route.
“who the hell do you think you are! Once my friends and associates find out I’m here, you’ll be in for it! Now, what are these cuffs around my legs and what the hell do they do! Well? Explain you inbred idiot!” the old Neti huffed indignantly.
Never being detained by an unknown enemy in his 500 years of life, the treelike being was scared for the second time since he lost his sanity all those years ago. Never having felt so weak and vulnerable he knew these weren’t just restraining cuffs that imitate Ysalamiri. The Neti, having evolved on Myrkr, were not exactly immune but could never the less access the Ysalamiri life force and drain them to sustain themselves.
Remembering his place, the ancient creature turned back inwards in meditation hoping he could keep the endorfines and other hormones carrying lethal drugs through his system contained in the outer edges of his hair. If those hormones could get to his core, he’d lose his connection to the force. What sick race developed a drug that would target midi-chlorians anyways!
Traan Reith
07-09-2008 17:10:56
The Brayl Class Freighter made use of its modified shields to make a combat landing on the ice fields of Caina, where Cethgus waited. The shields glowed cherry red, then an almost incandeiforus white from the excess heat. The field melted under the hovering craft as the shields snapped off and a ramp was lowered. Cethgus ran quickly and jumped, easily making the ramp without problem, even as the landing field melted beneath him.
The ship lifted againin a hurry, shields snapping back into being, having shed all of their heat into the atmosphere from dorsal vents. The ship lifted for the gravity well and slipped into hyperspace almost as soon as they were clear, from a set of coordinates that Cethgus had transmitted when the ship had emerged. Tra'an met Cethgus in the airlock even as the R4 unit piloted the ship. They met in a hand clasp. "Welcome friend. Make yourself at home in the 2nd cabin. There's naught that we can do until we reach the coordinates you gave me. Then we'll worry about what to do. We've got some cargo to make us legit, as I always leave something aboard."
Ceth just nodded as Tra'an returned to working on the perpetual maintenance of his ship. Turning to the walkway, Ceth found himself quickly in the spartanly furnished cabin that was always for guests, few as they were. It was waiting game, once again.
07-09-2008 20:13:40
Cethgus sat down feeling as if he shouldn’t be just waiting, but knew that Tra`an was right there was nothing he could do apart from wait. A slight hint of frustration was let out of the Obelisk as he just sat there waiting for something to happen. He knew that there must be something to do around here, on this ship or what was part of junk in the Prelates mind, but it got them from point a to point b which was enough for him. He decided to take a small walk and got out of where he was staying and walked around the ship.
“Cethgus what are you doing about” Tra`an’s voice caught the Obelisk’s attention.
“I was just wandering around this piece of junk” Cethgus let the last word slip out by accident.
“Nice to know what you think, but she is a good ship so don’t disrespect her please” Tra`an’s voice was always calm with Cethgus.
“Of course my friend, well I will read for a bit” Cethgus knew that he had to read something’s for his team while he was away.
“Well, have fun” as he walked away Tra`an smiled. Entering the guest quarters, the Obelisk sat down and took some work out and started to do it, knowing that hopefully this would pass his time quicker. he set to work and contuined to work on his own for the time being.
Traan Reith
17-09-2008 09:57:28
Tra'an woke and noticed something odd almost immediately. The first thing he noticed was that he was not on his ship. In fact, he was not a ship at all. The Obelisk looked around and found himself in a hangar of some place he had never seen before. The last thing he remembered was sharing a drink with Ceth before knocking off for the evening. There was a note nearby. "Tra'an, sorry to do this to you but it seemed like it was time. I've take the Steallr Vibrations and left for Clan Plagueis. Braecen's offered me safe haven there. Take care of Kara and yourself. Peace." It wasn;t signed, but seeing as how there had been only one person who could have left it, well, it was fairly obvious what had happened.
Looking around, Tra'an noticed that he at least had no shortage of ships to choose from with which to return to Antenora. A small chuckle escaped from his mouth as he started to imagine the fit of rage that Phoenix was going to throw when he found out what Cethgus had done. If nothing else, there was a chance Tra'an might be able to bid for the holdings of his ship stealing friend.
After puttering around with a set of tools he had found, it quickly became obvious that only one ship was really worth taking. It was a vintage, pristine YT-2550 that had been heavily modfied into a one man gunrunner. The ship came with two heavily modified R8 astromech droids that were very, very smart. They came with linguistic processors and could communicate verbally, which he found amusing after activating them as they had a fantastic sense of humor.
The ship also came with a rather large supply of non-perishable food. The Turrets had been replaced with Turbolasers that ran off a modified engine that had been tuned and modified for a higher output. The ship also came with two auto-turrets near the loading ramp. There were several smuggling compartments hidden throughout the ship, which he was pleased to note were not empty, but were actually full of New Republic Credits. Though he didn't expect to get much of a chance to use them.
The Obelisk smiled as he pulled out of the asteroid where he had been dropped off, leaving the facility behind. His smile quickly began to fade as sensors indicated that the generator at the facility was spinning up to overload. The hyperdrive was ready, so he jumped out for Antenora, leaving the place behind, and enjoying his new ship.
Cethgus sat down feeling as if he shouldn’t be just waiting, but knew that Tra`an was right there was nothing he could do apart from wait. A slight hint of frustration was let out of the Obelisk as he just sat there waiting for something to happen. He knew that there must be something to do around here, on this ship or what was part of junk in the Prelates mind, but it got them from point a to point b which was enough for him. He decided to take a small walk and got out of where he was staying and walked around the ship.
“Cethgus what are you doing about” Tra`an’s voice caught the Obelisk’s attention.
“I was just wandering around this piece of junk” Cethgus let the last word slip out by accident.
“Nice to know what you think, but she is a good ship so don’t disrespect her please” Tra`an’s voice was always calm with Cethgus.
“Of course my friend, well I will read for a bit” Cethgus knew that he had to read something’s for his team while he was away.
“Well, have fun” as he walked away Tra`an smiled. Entering the guest quarters, the Obelisk sat down and took some work out and started to do it, knowing that hopefully this would pass his time quicker. he set to work and contuined to work on his own for the time being.