Run On: Plot Development


15-07-2007 09:48:39

This thread is reserved to discuss future happenings/developments in the CSP GJW7 run on. Everyone is welcome to contribute, but lets make sure we work towards the overall objective and stay the course with the GJW Plot.

As the Grand Master has stated, this run-on will not be about future events, but the ones that have already occurred. The plot will tell us whom is in confrontation, it is our job - or goal - to fill in the blanks.

So lets get some ideas rolling! But lets make sure we do not introduce too many side plots, lest we distract from our goal.


15-07-2007 13:27:40

Just thought of this after my mail to the clan list, would it be ok to have a few references to Impetus' vacation to Ryloth in the run-on?

She'd have returned to CSP pretty much the same time the war starts, and likely would have missed the opening battle.


15-07-2007 13:29:35

Should we work the capture and freedom of Ras into the run-on?

I noticed there is a lot of direct overlap between this and that and the other thing. Should I work up a seperate story for my fiction? or would it make most sense to have a very similar story to whatever I end up doing in the next few days here in the run-on?


15-07-2007 14:53:35

Impetus - You would not be on vacation. The GJW story picks up immediately after the RoS... where you were in the Top 25 of the DB's participants and received a promotion to KAP for it! :P

Prajna - Good question. Lets get with Ras to make sure she doesn't want to write a short section about. It would be more appropriate from her eyes (and words). GREAT IDEA, though!


15-07-2007 16:20:42

I guess that this would mean that I would have re-joined right as the war started... Someone will have to check for me because I have no clue when the RoS ended...



15-07-2007 16:26:02

There will be inconsistencies in our actual timeline and that of the time btwn the GJW & RoS. For our purposes, we will say that you rejoined the Clan at the conclusion of the Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness; thus, were present for the awards ceremony in orbit over Antei.


15-07-2007 16:33:50

There will be inconsistencies in our actual timeline and that of the time btwn the GJW & RoS. For our purposes, we will say that you rejoined the Clan at the conclusion of the Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness; thus, were present for the awards ceremony in orbit over Antei.

Got it. Ok, now I know where to start. >:)


15-07-2007 20:54:32

The Quaestor stood up, and started to shout for attention, when the deck officer of the Excidium asked for his attention.

“Sir, Consul Braecen and Commander Sommetra request your presence immediately on the bridge.”

The Epis nodded somberly, and followed the deck officer out.

Okay, so it looks like I was summoned, but later in your post, it makes it seem like Timbal was summoned.

*scratches head*

Was Timbal or RevengeX summoned? :lol:


15-07-2007 21:28:27

The Quaestor stood up, and started to shout for attention, when the deck officer of the Excidium asked for his attention.

“Sir, Consul Braecen and Commander Sommetra request your presence immediately on the bridge.”

The Epis nodded somberly, and followed the deck officer out.

Okay, so it looks like I was summoned, but later in your post, it makes it seem like Timbal was summoned.

*scratches head*

Was Timbal or RevengeX summoned? :lol:

You silly goose, it was I that was summoned because you were busy getting HAD together... :D :P


16-07-2007 07:56:10

General FYI: I have set up Natth as the strategist in the war room for now. Please don't move him off there unless I do. I want to be there so I can throw out a few plot hooks now and then.

Please note that the correct spelling of the character for storyline purposes is Natth a'Niel and you will usually address him with "Master" and the full name. Natth on its own is only acceptable in third person (i.e. talking about the character, not to him. Only Braecen and Revenge may dare to call him just Natth...) and a'Niel alone is not a correct reference (it is not a last name).

General FYI 2: Since we can only use what is on our Order of Battle, we have to be careful with fighter losses. Before nixing more than two or three ships in a post, please check with a summit member and let's make sure which squads can take the hits.

Opportunity for a Journeyman: If you don't know how to write yourself in but have some ability in Engineering, my post gives you a good starting point. Grab a team and fix that valve!

If any other Journeyman needs a starting point, let me know and I'll set you up with an order in my next post.


16-07-2007 09:43:53

Whoops, sorry about that Natth a'Niel, I fixed up my post to reflect "Master" and your full name.

Also, I fixed up a few things here and there on my post to ensure that it's clear on who is doing what.

Brae, do you or anyone else have a plot outline set up as yet? It might be useful for everyone that's posting to refer to it so we don't go off-track.


16-07-2007 15:52:54

In the way of my master......

General FYI - I added on to the storyline for Journeymen that Natth so graciously set aside for us. To my knowledge, neither of us have any real engineering experience. Might have the possibility for adding comic relief ;)


16-07-2007 16:03:19

Should we work the capture and freedom of Ras into the run-on?

I really like this idea too, if I talk to her, I'll ask her about it.

Makurth Mandalore

16-07-2007 19:39:15

It looks like Ras has already made her way back to the ship :D


16-07-2007 20:49:10

I do not have a plot line laid quite yet... I am trying to find a happy medium between what the rules for this runon are and typical progression.

Always looking for ideas, though.


16-07-2007 21:54:27

I liked Thrans last post, where the Mandalores are escorting him to the consul's office. However I would like some input to how and why my character had him secured before i post.

Makurth Mandalore

16-07-2007 22:30:12

That and I got kinda lost as to where I was supposed to be after Raid went off and let the rest of us leave. Are we randomly wandering the ship or are we going back to the hangar?


17-07-2007 10:15:50

Seeing how all Clan memebers were ordered to the hangar, I think we would be reporting back to the area for briefings. Just my thought.


18-07-2007 05:18:16

Everyone stop a sec and check and correct the spelling and continuity issues, please? Like, we are in the hangar and Thran leaves from the bridge? Everyone hears something else on the com system. Some sentences are half finished or make little sense. Example:

“Let me go, Mandalore. You can begin to understand what the consequences of what has transpired here.”

Shouldn't that be "can't begin to..." ?

There are several such examples, problems with tenses, badly portrayed thoughts of characters not recognizable as thoughts which makes it look like the writer does not know tenses. I sure hope we can fix spelling and grammar errors in a master doc before submitting this.

Please, always make clear when it is someone's thought, as in 'He takes the wrong way' instead of just He takes the wrong way. Because the latter looks as if it should be He took th wrong way. Get it? OK :o)

OK, second thing - there is absolutely no point in everyone writing from the beginning again. Either you

- pick up where others left of, as in in the hangar, no point in long explanations how you got there
- or, if you absolutely HAVE to start a post in an earlier time set, make sure the reader knows it is the past... as it "had been waking up in his bed" instead of "woke up in his bed."

Because right now the dang run on time jumps so much, I'd prefer it deleted, posts saved and edited and then restart. *sigh*

The plot seems somewhat stuck at the moment, too, because we're just sitting around and can't do much. We'll see about changing that, though.


18-07-2007 05:30:25

Also, I know Master Nat did "extensive research" which is viable because he is a Dark Jedi Master... but remember we don't know anything about the enemy. We can't know their ground forces because we don' even know if they have any. We aren't even sure who or what attacked us. We can't ruled out this as a new NR or Imperial Remenant weapon.

Also, they are invisible to the force. Nothing is invisible to the Force. We are all Jedi. We have lived years as Jedi. Anyone who can feel it strong enough to know they didn't feel the Vong would be completely dumbfounded. It really wouldn't be in the realm of possibility to ANYONE that they are force void. I know that scares the crap out of my character.


18-07-2007 10:22:14

Good points, folks. I myself need to go back and modify a few things on my post to make it fit better.

Ok, once you get all that squared away, we have a bit of space that we can go further in. First, like Cooch suggested, read the back story:

Read the backstory here

Second, READ THE BACK STORY. Remember, the back story provides the ENTIRE framework on what our run-on is based on. You should be posting within the context of that framework.

Now that that is out of the way, a few points to consider for plot development:

Brae, what ships do we have in-system? I'm assuming that we left a good portion of the fleet back home to guard the system, so I'm unsure of that. Also, it would be nice to have a list of all of our assets posted, and with a "current status" attribute assigned to them to help us keep track of what unit is where, which ones are not committed to battle as yet, which ones are in battle, and which ones are either seriously hurt or destroyed. Possibly a stickied post can cover that.


18-07-2007 13:09:18

What I want to know is, where do we want the run-on to go. This should be open and people should be able to move it wherever they want to, but if this all happened in the past, then what happens next in the run-on shouldn't specifically have an effect on the main storyline for events 2 and 3 and 4 and... you get the point.

While Brae is thinking up an answer for Timbal's questions above he can think about these ones too: :lol:
Some of these are plot drivers, that we (or at least the Captain and his advisors) should decide now, so we have the bones of the run-on, then people kinda know where we're going without being told "Your character should do this".

Though, Brae, I would suggest that if you decide a plan of action, do not release it all in one post, because what will happen is you will say "We should do A, B, and finish the whole event at C" and the next three posts will cover those. Say "We want to work on A for a while". This isn't just to teach you to suck eggs but also to show how things should run to newer members.

Things we need to think about:
IS there a grand plan that the GM and DGM want us to have a finishing point with the specifics of a story behind us?
How long do we stay in the Shroud?
Do we all stay in the Shroud or do we break into teams to do other stuff?
How do we progress from knowing nothing about the Vong to being able to take them on sabre-to-staff?
Can we loose another ship when the Vong follow us into the Shroud and board? (Hand-to-hand a-go-go!)
Can we go back and defend Judecca?
What kinda stuff will have happened there - terraforming - hundreds of deaths.

An idea of where to go would be good. Currently everyone is in the hangar waiting for somethign to happen, but we don't know our boundaries. I have to admit though, I'm loving the idea that Brae has all the Mandalores act as his personal guard. Whoever thought that one up needs a pat on the back cos that's cool. B)

Did you know Cooch AKA Dark Boba wears Mandalorian armour...

Luv 'n' hugs


18-07-2007 13:22:52

I just have one question.

Since the DB operates within the SW Universe and we are approximately at 27 ABY, that puts us approximately two years after the initial invasion of the Vong on Corsucant. Are we saying that we have no knowledge at all of the Vong? Do we not have spies on Coruscant?

Course, this will probably all be explained away by "We start where the GM says we start and we know what the GM says we know," but the odds that one of our LoA members didn't see this coming or one of our Summit members didn't get some advance warning of this are fictionally slim.

/me prepares to be beat down.

Makurth Mandalore

18-07-2007 13:31:37

Good question, and before you flinch, I'm not going to beat you down :D

The only thing I could come up with was that since the DB as a whole "hides" where it is currently at, and I'm sure we have spies everywhere, the only thing I can think of is maybe the spies were killed before they could report back to their masters. Sure, there could have been at least one that reported back, but based on how the DB is reacting to the invasion now, do you think they would have believed their spies?


18-07-2007 16:37:25

One thing I have noticed is the fact of the matter of our attackers, at this point we are all scrambling to figure out who is the aggressor up to this point. What I'm surprised that no one has yet picked up on is the fact that Ras was held captive and since her return has yet been debriefed (and not in the term that you would like, Thran :P ) for any information about the attackers, their technology, or anything that may be of use to us. Just my opinion, though.


18-07-2007 17:39:10

That's why I had Niemand mention the attackers of the Republic. And I agree about Ras a debriefing will surely happen.


19-07-2007 04:24:09

A wizard did it.


19-07-2007 11:05:07

Now, with a tone of seriousness; this is what I propose where should the run-on go:

First, someone does the post detailing Ras' debriefing.

Then, we write ourselves as having made a blind jump into the shroud. What I suppose we did if I read the run-on correctly. The jump caused some glitches in the ship's systems, so we need to fix them until Sunday. Nothing serious, or too technical, just minor things that are easy to wrap-up plotwise. On Sunday, before the Round II starts, we write how we've fixed the ship and proceeded on our journey. Then we continue following the Round II post in the next week.

What we should concentrate on this week is write about how we're bummed, disorganized, and afraid of the new foe. Posts should be mostly about conversations and our characters' interaction with each other.

So who's with me on this one?


19-07-2007 11:25:20

I'm with you.

/me waves the banner high.

Brae: Perhaps you can post something telling where to go and what to do. We need to be split into teams and sent off in different directions. This should be done before anymore posts get written so that we all have a direction in which to be going rather than all of us reacting to the news.


19-07-2007 12:26:00

Also, I apologize if this was already stated in the story, where is the Excidium? Is it en route to Judecca, at the Second Darkness star system, or what?


19-07-2007 12:55:18

We are all on the Excidium, headed into the Shroud.


20-07-2007 13:05:50

I just have one question.

Since the DB operates within the SW Universe and we are approximately at 27 ABY, that puts us approximately two years after the initial invasion of the Vong on Corsucant. Are we saying that we have no knowledge at all of the Vong? Do we not have spies on Coruscant?

Course, this will probably all be explained away by "We start where the GM says we start and we know what the GM says we know," but the odds that one of our LoA members didn't see this coming or one of our Summit members didn't get some advance warning of this are fictionally slim.

/me prepares to be beat down.

Good point. Here's my take on the matter. We actually did get information from our spies, but in our arrogance we dismissed it as hyperbole. We're so self-assured in our strength that we just kept our noses in the air.

It fits the typical Dark Jedi meme. Thoughts?


20-07-2007 22:37:07

Timbal: That sounds cool.

/me struts.


So... anyone want to help point out where we're going with this run-on? Right now, people are splitting off and doing their own thing, adding a few miscellaneous posts, and I think we need some clear direction.

Brae, care to take the reigns?


21-07-2007 04:04:43

Actually, I'm in charge :P

Right now we are repairing the ship and discussing Intel info, getting mad at ourselves for not taking it serious earlier. also, the various stages of confusion and fear can be written about now, so we all know who thinks what later.


21-07-2007 06:59:27

And when are we actually go to do somethign that moves the storyline forward beyond the sub-plots? Is there a grand scheme and direction or are we just gonna see where it goes? Multiple paths?


21-07-2007 08:56:36

The problem is we don't know where to go next really until we hear Day 2 from the DC. Basically, we are trying to prep things for anything. For example, in my post I mention me being put in charge of the Legions for anything from a ship assault or defense to defending a full scale invasion on such as our home or Antei.

I think Zeron as Envoy, or perhaps both house leaders should be trying to organize the bulk of the Jedi type PC characters so we can divide quicker as needed tommorrow.

In addition, there are the Mandalore group. I am sure they will work together in project mayhem (name that movie for a cookie: pm me in IRC).

Mostly we should be working as house sub-groups such as Battle teams or however is deemed best for the situations that arise. This is how we are organized, and it shouldn't be different in RP.

Makurth Mandalore

21-07-2007 23:04:42

Hey everyone, sorry about my short posts. In my cluttered little head I accidentally got the word minimums for the ACC and the Run-On mixed up, so I'm going to post and try to make up for it *cries* :'(


27-07-2007 02:58:40

This week's story hasn't helped us advancing the plot really... so no idea yet where to take this atm. Asides, I have a feeling the way fiction is graded it doesn't really matter anyway. *sigh*


28-07-2007 10:09:08

Yay! :w00t:

After some discussion it has been decided that we will not wait for the official story-line of the GJW to be posted. We shall instead take full charge of the run-on. As you will see Imp and Ara have decided that there is Vong on the ship, which doesn't pass too far from the storyline as the graphics for this week says something about that.

Also, Judecca is under attack, as shown in the Week 2 fiction event. I think it would be silly if we didn't go and help our home planet so feel free to start a thread about that - as long as I am there! Please have a look at the Clan web-page and go over the details of what Judecca is supposed to be like, and also what ships we have - we need to get there from the Shroud afterall, and Braecen's not giving me the keys to the Excidium.

CSP Homepage HERE

Excidium will remain in the Shroud, with Vong boarding parties (and waiting for some official guidance as to where the run-ons should finalise), and a group is going to go off to Judecca. You can do whatever you want to along those two threads. Should you have any other ideas for where we could go please speak to either Arania by email or Niemand on IRC. :P

It does not matter where you think your skills lie. Even if you don't think you're very good or not experienced enough for Run-ons please take part. If you don't try, you'll never get experienced!

Traan Reith

28-07-2007 18:22:12

If at somepoint we want to make a break for Judecca, my Brayl Class Freighter is in the hangar. It's a heavily modified smuggler's transport. It can fly fast and has extra shielding because I used to hide in solar coronas to avoid the Empire. I took it from my employer when I went on the Run. It's got Capitol Ship main cannons on it. So we could make a run in it, but the draw back is that with all the modifications, It'll fit Me and 4 other people. Normally it requires 7 crew, but I modified it so I could run it on my own.

If you want, feel free to find me and Lucien in the Med bay, mention making a run for the planet, and it'll come up.


29-07-2007 05:21:20

Lucien has already said that he wants to go too, but I don't know what the script is about personal vehicles. Probably best to stick to the official Clan ones...

Traan Reith

29-07-2007 13:42:58

Apparently, consensus is that the Vong's dovin basal mines prevent ships from leaving the Shroud through real or Hyper space.


29-07-2007 17:32:16

I don't see anywhere in the fiction from the DC that the Vong have deployed any mines.

On another note, BF is heading for Antei. Seems we might be in a power struggle for control of the planet and therefore the DB. Braecen should take the Excidium there in a hurry whilst we make a break for Judecca. As far as what ship we would use, I suggest either of the VACs or the Emperor's Yacht. I doubt the Yacht would have been there though, which is why I would lean towards the VACs.


29-07-2007 19:05:30

A smile broke over Nagto’s ragged face baring his massive canines. The dovin basal mines his sappers had secretly laid in the system would ensure nothing escaped him. Their powerful gravitic fields would ensnare any ship attempting flight through either realspace or darkspace. His plan was sound, his men ready. Indeed the infidels would not escape him. But nothing ever did.

Will have also noticed that when we tried to hyper out of the system later in the fiction it didn't work.
There are dovan Basals preventing hyperdrive or any other method out of Antei so your trip to judecca isn't possible.


29-07-2007 20:05:20

How did I miss that????? :P


30-07-2007 06:14:33

No drama - looks like NPC's are gonna have to be used then. Which is good cos we can kill them all off. >:)

One other note - please be realisitic. A DJK would have serious problems taking on a Vong warrior, so lets not have Guardian's cutting swathes through their ranks... :blink:


30-07-2007 09:25:57

Yeah I was going to mention this but cooch beat me to it.
If we want to score well we need to maintain some realism when dealing with the vong.
Remember these guys are more then a match for your average Jedi or dark jedi.

Also I'm slightly confused, has the Excidium been boarded by Vong warriors and Voxyn or just warriors?


30-07-2007 12:35:02

Ok, I may be nitpicking here, but I've been doing research on dovin basal. Now I know we are supposed to follow the fiction that the DC gives us, but I haven't been able to find anywhere else that says that the dovin basal can interdict realspace travel. Not to mention that they can be destroyed. Everything I have read on them says that they emit a small gravitic anomaly that is similar to a small black hole. So, unless they spread them to overlap each other, there has got to be a way to get through them.

Any thoughts?

EDIT: Do we have a definitive idea of what ground troops we have stationed on the Excidium? I'd like to stick to our OOB as much as possible in the fiction events.


30-07-2007 18:10:43

Hmm maybe we need something much more than just repairing our ship in this annoying shroud thing .........the plot needs a boost

We need more ideas that can lead to loads of add ons...maybe something crucial, something important like us being destroyed at the start of the run on we proved our selves in just writing how we ended up and the beginning now we all believe we maybe stuck

All we need is a importants event to take place like a death, something we all can try to prevent and morn over

Then there is the assualt of Judecca... We need a plot line on that surely we could think of something

Get our heads together and get thinking !

-In darkness



30-07-2007 18:36:17

Ok, I may be nitpicking here, but I've been doing research on dovin basal. Now I know we are supposed to follow the fiction that the DC gives us, but I haven't been able to find anywhere else that says that the dovin basal can interdict realspace travel. Not to mention that they can be destroyed. Everything I have read on them says that they emit a small gravitic anomaly that is similar to a small black hole. So, unless they spread them to overlap each other, there has got to be a way to get through them.

Dovin Basal
Dovin Basals project powerful gravitational fields, and the micro black holes are used by Vong ships and the basals in place of shields by absorbing weapons fire.
They can do much more then just make little black holes.

Since there are different sizes I would assume they used rather powerful basals to prevent anyone from using hyperspace out of the system. I'm not certain that they would physically stop you from trying to fly out using standard drives(unless a few of them locked on to you were the combined gravity fields would probably rip your ship apart) but they would drain the shields off your ship and i'd be very surprised if there were no other Vong ships guarding them.

Basicly no matter how look at it the chances of making it past the basal at this point in the GJW are nil.

In my opinion I don't think we should be trying to go to judecca anyway.
1. We could never get a ship large enough to help past the basals.
2. we should focus on what our fleet is doing.
if you really have to involve judecca go with cooch's idea


30-07-2007 18:53:46

I am not trying in this post to tell you what to write, just attempting to provide some guidance in the face of the official storyline that is currently concentrating on a few individuals. The aim of this post is to hopefully get your creative juices going and hopefully fill you with enthusiasm about writing a piece for the Run-On.

Just Wookiepedia'ed Victory Class Star Destroyers on behalf of Lucien who is obviously too lazy to do it himself and there was the following info, showing that we have hundred of troops to kill on the VSD Excidium:

Quad turbolaser batteries (10)
Double turbolaser batteries (40)
Assault concussion missile tubes (20)
4 missiles each
Tractor beam projectors (10)

TIE squadrons (2)
Lambda-class shuttles (4)
Landing barges (6)
Crew 5,200
Officers (610)
Enlisted (4,590)
Gunners (402)

Minimum crew 1,785

Passengers 2,040 (troops)

Right, to clear some things up - Jedi Hunters would have their asses kicked by a Vong warrior. A DJK would probably put up a good fight and still have his ass kicked all over the place, just giving the Vong a few more battle scars to wear with pride. If you are going to battle, please attempt to make it probable. :P If there are two DJK's then that would work.

If you read my last post in the run-on then you will see that you can break into smaller squads should you like. This makes it easier to write about as you only have to think about the immediate storyline of the few people in your group, so go do that. Those people who choose to write about everything on a larger scale will have to make sure they read all the posts and don't get people mixed up.

There are some things you will need to know - Vong use a creature called a Yorik-Trema as their landing craft, so perhaps there could be a couple of these eatng their way through the hull and letting their 6 Vong Warriors and 30 Chazrach (crappy cannon fodder mini-trandoshan things) into the Excidium. There are links below for info on each of these, so please take the time to expand your mind and ensure that the story you're putting in fits with the Vong.

Yorik-Trema Wiki stuff here
Chazrach Wiki stuff here
Vong Warriors Wiki stuff here

As well as that, Judecca is under attack, and we need to know more about that. DO NOT suddenly transport your character there, unless you haven't yet been mentioned by name within the story so far. If you have then think about using a made-up Jedi. It doesn't matter if we have made up Jedi, cos we can kill them all off again at the end, which would fit in with Vong terraforming and stuff. Please look at the discriptions of the Clan home and base on the website.

Clan Planetary System Description stuff here

If you have any questions just ask. If you have anything to add please do so. If you see anything I have included that is incorrect please let me and everyone else know, and I'll even let you publically call me an idiot. But only once, or I'll have your eyes.


30-07-2007 19:41:41

LOL, not lazy. I Swear. Perhaps, however, I should have phrased my question differently. Of the Legions that we outline on our OOB on our Wiki, which ones are on the Excidium? Id like to use actual unit numbers and names and such, etc.

Traan Reith

30-07-2007 20:34:28

So, going to Judecca is out. We have 18 or so Vong and 90 shock troops on the ship somewhere. We are Voxyn free, but should think about finding a way to fry their landing ships, or perhaps commendeering them for a trip to Judecca.


30-07-2007 20:45:18

Wait... wasn't Judecca under siege? :P

Traan Reith

30-07-2007 21:06:56

Wait... wasn't Judecca under siege? :P

So if we sieze their landing ships, we could "maybe" make it stealthily back to Judecca?


30-07-2007 21:23:26

Assuming that the Vong landing ships are similar to coralskippers, they're piloted through cognition hoods (AKA the Vong and the ship have a relationship with each other).

Because of this, you can't simply 'seize' one (if I understand the material correctly) like you can 'seize' a mechanical ship.


03-08-2007 11:00:01

Lucien - I'd suggest we move our infantry-type troops about between the ships depending on the mission we're sending them on. :huh:

Judecca is not out. Our characters that are mentioned in the run-on so far are out, but that doesn't mean that we cannot use NPC's or characters on the Roster who have not yet been spoken about. Feel free to add to the thread I have started with made-up Dark Jedi / shock troops / TIE pilots / anyone else who may be on Judecca having the sh1t kicked out of them. :w00t:


04-08-2007 06:52:41

Dear Clan members,

Right now we have a somewhat more directed run-on plot, with Vong on our ship, and our members engaged in their respective combats.

However, still it feels too much like a number of individual stories mixed together. Do try your best to link them into one or two large action scenes. Do not be afraid to write about other CSP members, or join in their combats. After all, that is how a run-on should be written.

Thank you a lot.


04-08-2007 08:05:05

What happened to those Mandalore fellas on escort duty? :blink:


04-08-2007 08:48:30

Okay, I got Timbal and RevengeX grouped together with Kosk and his five soldiers.

I think the Mandalores got eaten by a giant gorilla bear. :ermm:


05-08-2007 18:00:35

Dear Clan members,

Apparently, we ARE going to Judecca after all. And apparently, we were doing it from week 1.

So, as a quick solution, I'll write Brae intending that from the start, and instead leading us into the Shroud to deceive the enemy/whatever. Actually, we took a different route through the Shroud guided by Nath that would take us out of it again and straight toward Judecca.

So keep killing the Vong and being bored.

EDIT: On the other thought, its late, and I'm lazy, so someone else better write a post like that.


06-08-2007 05:45:45


Even with long-winded emails like this one being sent out, please do not let that stop you from posting in the run-on. Even if you have never posted in a run-on before, of feel that your writing skills aren't up to it, please make the effort. All posts add towards our points totals and there are a lot of points to be made on this one event.

Please take the time (and it could take a lot of time) to read up on the run-on so far, the current official storyline, and the guidance notes and go get posting. You ccontributions count!

With the new posts of the official GJW storyline contradicting what we have already written in the Run-On we need to take some action to bring both aspects back together.

The new chapter of the offical storyline says that when the Vong turned up CSP all ran not for the Shroud but for Hyperspace and back to Judecca to help defend that... even though no mention was made of this before and the previous statements say that everyone went into the Shroud. Joy. At the end of the day it is CSP who will be penalised for not having the stories match up, so look at this as an opportunity for some creative writing rather than a problem to be dealt with! To that end, we have to correct it all, sort it out, and make some assumptions.

From now on it will be assumed that the Excidium is the only craft from CSP to remain in the Shroud. The remainder of our ships all leapt into hyperspace and are currently on their way back to Judecca, which is under attack from the Vong.

Those characters from the Clan who have already been mentioned in the run-on will remain on board the Excidium, fight off the Vong that have boarded, take on the Vong ships that are about to batter us and continue as normal along that thread

For those ships in our fleet that have gone back to Judecca, several of these will be destroyed (gotta love explosions!), and there would of course be a number of Dark Jedi on board on all of the ships. With all the current run-on participants' chracters on the Excidium this means we will have to use the other characters from the Roster not previously used to have the story as realistic as possible. No member characters will be damaged / killed beyond what is standard (a few scars never hurt anyone right?), though loads of others will die.
***Should you wish that we do not use your character then I would suggest you take part in the run-on and use your character as you want, not as how we see if being used.***

With multiple threads going on we need to try and simplify things, adn we should aim at having three different threads - four at the very most. One of these will be on / above Judecca, and another two on the Excidium / in the Shroud.

Please keep the run-on going. It is a marathon, not a sprint and we need people to keep posting, taking the story forwards and making sure we get points in the bank for the Clan.

These steps have been discussed in-depth between myself and Arania, and approved by the Consul. So we're to blame so feel free to whinge at us here on the Message Board

Love 'n' Hugs


12-08-2007 01:47:02

For those who have not read the fiction for day 5: the Excidium has magically left the Shroud and is now orbiting Judecca. Turns out we could get out after all. So not only are all our posts from the last week wrong, but we have been spinning our wheels on this run on. We have been writing in a direction completely opposite from what we SHOULD have been. Any ideas on how to fix this so we don't get completely hosed on points? Because apparently, the Vong never boarded our ship since we never went into the Shroud so all the Vong we have been fighting have apparently been in our heads. :@

Elad Cirith

15-08-2007 17:02:31

Have it be Braecen mentally preparing us to fight the Vong using mind manipulation and then lets get in the right place to make the run on correct :P


15-08-2007 17:15:38

Or maybe some kind of dream? We're really stuck.


15-08-2007 18:30:36

I think we should just all wake up at the same time and it of been a test to see if where ready, then we move into the real fight. As soon as i know what were going to do ill post.


17-08-2007 17:26:48

Malaki, please revise your post. We are currently fighting the Vong, so I doubt that Braecen would send all fighters to search for survivors of the attack on Emperor's Sword. Checking for spelling and punctuation errors would also be appreciated. :)


17-08-2007 18:18:47

Malaki, please revise your post.  We are currently fighting the Vong, so I doubt that Braecen would send all fighters to search for survivors of the attack on Emperor's Sword.  Checking for spelling and punctuation errors would also be appreciated. :)

Lmao...i didnt say im that good at fiction, ill re write it tommoz when i have the time...dw it will be sorted



18-08-2007 18:04:59

(Referring to Tra'an's post)

I'm not entirely sure I would have time to be able to receive a report since I'm fighting Vong with Kosk and Timbal. Maybe Cooch could try to contact me; I pick up, tell him I'm busy, and yell curses at him; he breaks down in tears and runs away; and I break the connection by throwing the comlink in a Vong's face.

I'm just kidding about the "breaks down in tears and runs away" part. :P


20-08-2007 19:16:37

I'm just kidding about the "breaks down in tears and runs away" part. :P

Suuuuuure... :P

Never mind that, problem resolved with my post. :D


22-08-2007 06:46:38

Ok, just finished reading the Week Six official fiction... So are we still taking out the Arconan fleet, or are they running?

Next, do we really want to spend the resources retaking Caina? I say we either mass nuke it or spread every possible chemical on the surface. Total destruction of the planet scorched earth style. Better that than giving them a foothold in the system....