15-07-2007 09:30:24
Having gone through a strenuous military exercise that has been called the 'Second Darkness', the clans accumulated for the awards ceremony. Ready to take their medals and promotions and retire for a few months to their respective systems to lick their wounds, the Clans were ready for a much needed break.
Fate disagreed.
So did the Vong.
In all of our times, we have not faced an enemy so relentless, so vicious, so devoted to our destruction as the Yuuzhan Vong. Their sheer manpower overwhelmed us, their alien technology catching us flat-footed. As the Vong wash over our fleets outside the shroud, many of our Clans' holdings are similarly attacked. Fatigued, outmanned, and scrambling, this may prove our biggest challenge yet.
Is this a trial of the Force, testing our devotion to the Final Way? Or is it our final step on it, our deaths ordained by those we can not even sense in the void?
During the course of this Runon, your clan is writing about events that occurred during the most recent chapter released for the GJW. Unlike previous runons where you write about the future, here you are writing about the past and your actions are constrained by those that are outlined in the released plot.
The run-on will be conducted in specially designated forums, already set up for each clan. Passwords may be obtained from your Consul.
The plotline of the runon may not deviate from that of the official plot, nor may it progress beyond the events currently shown on the current 'day' of the GJW site.
No one but the author of the post is permitted to make changes to it. The Author may freely edit his post up until another person posts on the run-on.
Run-ons will be scored on quality, number of guest participants, and number of contributing participants.
Quality is graded on four factors, each with a maximum of 50 points. Grammar, Readability, Realism, and Continuity.
A guest participant is defined as a member who makes at least three posts of at least 250 words each. Each Guest Participant is worth 2 points to the clan effort.
A contributing participant is defined as a member who posts a minimum of two posts of at least 250 words, twice a week (from Sunday to Sunday).
Each Contributing Participant is worth 10 points to the clan effort.
Final Scoring
Clan run-ons will be sorted by points and assigned points to their GJW total as follows:
1st Clan = 100 points
2nd Clan = 70 points
3rd Clan = 50 points
4th Clan = 35 points
5th Clan = 25 points
6th Clan = 15 points
Anshar, Muz, Kraval, Sarin
15-07-2007 13:25:05
I re-read the rules... I first thought I would get 10 points a week for 2 good posts. But now I think it is 10 total points if I have two good posts every week (12 posts). Seems weak since I can get 9 points for finding a good newb and beating him soundly.
15-07-2007 14:51:21
The thing to remember about these competitions is that our individual scores will give the Clan a 'rank' of 1-6 in that plaform. The platforms are: MP Gaming, ACC, Fiction & Runon. By winning the RO, we actually get 200 points opposed to - say - a 100 from the MP Ladder.
So every contribution to the RO is just as necessary as playing the games.