Cast of Characters


28-09-2011 03:57:09

Dramatis Personae

These are all significant characters introduced thus far(in order of appearance):

Dark Brotherhood/House Plagueis
- Muz Ashen(Human Male): Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Ashen, Grand Master of the Brotherhood, Lion of Tarthos.
- Halcyon Taldrya(Human Male): Sith Lord, Darth Bias(Name unused), Deputy Grand Master of the Brotherhood.
- Tra'an Reith(Shi'ido Male): Quaestor of House Plagueis, Supreme Commander of the Jusadih Military Regime, Obelisk Prelate.
- Libra Tzo(Human Female): Personal Aide to the Quaestor, Quaestor's Guardian.
- Unus Domus(Weequay Male): Rollmaster of House Plagueis, Dark Jedi Knight.
- Furios(Epicanthix Male): Leader Superior of Primus Pilus, Dark Jedi Knight.
- Koga Kage(Human Male): Member of Primus Pilus, Obelisk Templar.
- Kal di Plagia Vorrac(Human Male): Commander of Primus Pilus, Taskmaster of Plagueis, Last Son of Plagueis, Praetor to Darth Ashen, Sith Battlelord.
- Sarak Shai(Yuuzhan Vong Male): Aedile of House Plagueis, Lieutenant Supreme Commander of the Jusadih Military Regime, Sith Warrior.
- Zuser Whuloc(Human Male): Main Pilot of Primus Pilus, Protector.
- Octavia Morgan Obrie(Human Female): Fighter/Bomber Pilot, Dark Jedi Knight.
- Vessicant(Wroonian Male): Interceptor Pilot, Sith Warlord.
- Mograine(Human Male): Member of Primus Pilus, Sith Warrior.
- Voden Erinos(Human Male): Mandalorian, Member of Primus Pilus, Obelisk Templar.
- Arcadian(Human Male): Obelisk Templar.
- Thran Occasus(Human Male): High Admiral of HSP Fighter Corps, Sith Warlord.
- Taigikori Aybara Dupar(Human Male): Headmaster of the Dark Council, Sith Warlord.

House Odan-Urr

- Liu(Human Male): Jedi Knight of House Odan-Urr, Nemesis of Taigikori.
- Ge'tal Gaan(Unit): Mandalorian mercenaries assaulting the Dark Brotherhood.

House Plagueis Military Assets

Ascendant Legion

* Infantry - 26 Companies/4290 Personnel
* Scouts - 5 Companies/825 Personnel
* Heavy Troops - 17 Companies/2805 Personnel
* Engineers - 6 Squads/60 Personnel
* Medics - 23 Platoons/943 Personnel
* Special Forces Commandos - 20 Squads/80 Personnel

Light Vehicles
* Ultra Light Assault Vehicle x 72
* All-Terrain Scout Transport x 12
* All-Terrain Experimental Transport x 36

* All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft x 12
* All-Terrain Armored Transport x 12
* 1-L Imperial Class Tank x 72
* T4-B Heavy Tank x 18

Ascendant Fleet

Capital Ships
* CR90 Corvette "Silent Scream"
* Firefox-Class Fighter Carrier "Perdition"
* Immobilizer 418 Cruiser "Atrum Pars II"
* Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer "The Baron"
* Nebula-Class Star Destroyer "Ascendancy"(Flagship)
* Victory II-Class Star Destroyer "Ballista"
* Victory II-Class Star Destroyer "Instigator"

* Gamma-class ATR-6 Assault Transport "Marcescent"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Blatant Rascal"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Nomad's Ring"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Mad Sage"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Thunderbolt"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Sorcery"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Thorn"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Defiant"
* DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport "Shiver"
* Sentinel-Class Landing Craft "Night's Rage"
* Sentinel-Class Landing Craft "Keeper's Torch"
* Sentinel-Class Landing Craft "Ebon Blade"
* Sentinel-Class Landing Craft "Swooping Clawbird"
* Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht "Nebula Strider"
* Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht "Calm Sea"
* Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht "Respite"
* Multi-Altitude Assault Transport(MAAT) x 20
* Drop Pod x 24
* Armored Interface Craft-4 x 36
* Warlord Dropship x 2
* Theta-Class AT-AT Barge x 6

Starfighter Complement
* S1 Firespray-Class Patrol Ship "Relentless"
* S1 Firespray-Class Patrol Ship "Chaser"
* Scimitar Assault Bomber x 12 "Winter Squadron"
* Scimitar Assault Bomber x 12 "Serpent Squadron"
* Scimitar Assault Bomber x 12 "Archer Squadron"
* Scimitar Assault Bomber x 12 "Omen Squadron"
* TIE Avenger x 12 "Kite Squadron"
* TIE Avenger x 12 "Verdict Squadron"
* TIE Avenger x 12 "Discord Squadron"
* TIE Avenger x 12 "Dirk Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Ravager Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Torment Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Fortress Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Lurker Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Void Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Scythe Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Templar Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Omega Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Vortex Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Flamberge Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Chaos Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Huntress Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Spark Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Guardian Squadron"
* TIE Interceptor x 12 "Dawn Squadron"
* Z-95 Headhunter x 12 "Ambassador Squadron"

Military Possessions Record -

House Odan-Urr Military Assets

Tythonian Space Militia -

Ge'tal Gaan -

Odan-Urr Military Assets -


This topic is not official; rather, it is the work of Fiction Captain Kal di Plagia Vorrac to keep track of characters and other elements in our RO for the membership of Plagueis to consult on a quick-use basis. This should be used as a reference for all posters, lest we forget some important details. Should other relevant information present itself, it will be added to this topic.