Uneasy Alliances Run-on
21-07-2008 23:43:07
Kapsina; Jusadih System
Dark Tower
31 days before the War of Ascension
The Consul stood before the congregated members of Clan Plagueis. His arms were raised high, drawing everyone's eyes to him and silently demanding their attention and respect. Holding the pose for several minutes, he finally allowed his arms to fall at his side before his voice broke over the crowd - a cold, hard rattling voice. "Soldiers," he began, "I have called you before the steps of the Dark Tower to rally our strength and prepare for a great battle."
An intense buzz radiated from the group. Many of the Dark Jedi peers were quickly conferring, in whispers, that their newly appointed Consul was, in fact, deranged. The lingering Yuuzhan Vong pockets of resistance would require sufficient amounts of soldiers, firepower and time. The truth, from the Consul's perspective, was that his Clan was afraid to directly face their valiant, capable opposition in direct combat. Too many of the Dark Jedi had succumbed to allowing the Feudal Lords of the planets to take command and wage a guerilla war against the Vong. Success, if it could be measured, was not to the liking of the Corellian whom now directed the entirety of Plagueis.
"I have enlisted the Royal Clan, Scholae Palatinae, to aide us in this feat. Our mission will be a chore." He noted that several of the members seemed disinclined to honor such duty... others were mortified by the thought of working alongside another of the Brotherhood's five rival Clans. He could sense it all through the medium known as the Force. The essence that binds us all together; either because we are seeking more power or have no where else to turn with the power we have acquired. The hard, azure eyes of the Consul held - like a dam - back his thoughts from those before him.
"I cannot say with absolute certainty when their forces will be here, but I will not be waiting on them to take the lead in this dance. They will be our partner, heeding to my demands. I now look to each of you to develop provocative, new innovations that will lead us to the top; to conquer our Yuuzhan Vong resistance."
With his left hand, he motioned someone forward to the forefront. "As many of you know, I brought with me great change to our Clan. I assumed the title of Supreme Commander of all of our forces; encouraging each of you to join me in the bolstering of our military hierarchy - be it through agents of the Dark Side or bonafide military commanders." His gaze moved across the entire throng of Dark Siders, pausing to lock eyes with each individual in attendance. "I now implore you all to embrace your Lieutenant Supreme Commander, Zarc Kaeth." The individual whom he had previously motioned to now appeared before everyone. A blue mohawk crested the man's head, but it did not diminish his stocky physique. A stark comparison to the man at his side; the diminutive form of Braecen Kaeth.
Braecen turned to leave his subordinate leader to direct traffic. He would move to the Clan war room, awaiting the arrival of his fellow leaders as he put together a game plan for their forthcoming offensive. The trick will be convincing the Feudal Lords to execute the majority of the offensives with minimal Clan involvement; I cannot risk to throw away the lives of these most promising Journeymen.
Zarc turned to the crowd, his voice booming over their chatter. "Leaders and Esteemed Elders, I ask that you join us immediately in the Consul's office. The rest of you are to await further orders. I encourage you all to finish up any last minute tasks you may have and join the rest of us at the staging area."
Dark Tower; War Room
The individuals combined in the room where the 'who is who' of Clan Plagueis. A trio of Elders dominated the landscape: Dark Jedi Master Corran Force and Dark Side Adepts Jonaleth Isradia and Braecen Kaeth. The remainder of the Clan's leadership was arrayed about them; though in no particular order. A large pot of caf sat in the middle of the table. It was fresh, its aroma and heat spreading across the room.
Zarc was the first to reach for the pot. His tone considerably more relaxed in the midst of his colleagues, "I was hoping for several former leaders to be in attendance, but I know that several of them were on high profile missions." It was the Proconsul's polite way of inviting an explanation from the Consul as to why only the House Leaders and Elders were present. The Quaestor of House Exar Kun, Godo Nurok, perked up at the question, his ruby lens spectacles slipping down his nose a bit; giving him a view of the Consul over the rim of his glasses.
"I have sent summons for both Kal Vorrac and Ky Terrak. As to Cipher..." the Corellian let his voice trail off before he turned towards the powerful form of Jonaleth Isradia. "I would have to ask her Lord." The Consul had formerly been an Isradia and understood well the comings-and-goings of those whom professed themselves the Lords and Rulers of the planet of Vardor. And I have no intention of crossing Vardor's Masters, either. Braecen knew the Dark Adept before him read him like a book, as well.
"Until they return, we will have to make due." He withdrew a series of maps and books. Alaris Jinn, Aedile of House Satal Keto, easily recognized them as planetary maps and roster logs of the soldiers available to their disposal. He stood up, leaning over several of the maps and allowing his eyes to rove. "Do you also have the current feed pertaining to planetary position in the Jusadih System?"
Alex d'Tana, brother to the Scholae Palatinae Consul and Quaestor of House Satal Keto, withdrew a data pad and began to input a request. "I will have one in short order." To his left the Dark Jedi Master moved close to the table.
"I think we are going to need more caf."
Alaris Jinn
21-07-2008 23:57:04
Setting the pot of caf back in its holster after draining the last of what was there, Alaris set the holster to make a new pot and brought up a map of Aerun's western hemisphere. "Alright," he pressed a button on the side of the table and the wartable's display zoomed into a mountain range 704 kms south the Captial City, "while the Vong seem to be positioned pretty much all over Aerun at this time, they have a major stronghold in this range here."
"Defenses?" Came a voice Alaris recognized as the Dark Jedi Master.
Alaris shook his head. "I haven't read the report yet." He glanced to his Quaestor. "Alex?"
The lone d'Tana in the War Room pulled the data pad from his waist and pulled up the Intel Report. "Fairly heavy. They rotate their patrols, but they stay pretty consistant, to within 5 minutes. They are continuing the Vong-forming that they started during the Eighth, but their speed has been greatly reduced to to the lack of supplies."
He grinned his trademark I-have-been-drinking grin. "The Marquis seems quite satisfied to let them do whatever they want; he's made no attempt to remove them with what's left of the Aerunian military."
"Figures." Alaris added which brought grins from a few of the people in the room. "What about Nintura?" He asked, directing it to nobody in particular.
22-07-2008 14:25:25
The discussion had now shifted to the Jungle world of Nintura, a planet that had suffered tremendously during the invasion. A modest population of around 3 million almost scoured from existence as the surface of the planet was viciously bombarded by the Yuuzhan Vong. Godo had missed out during this terrible time of strife and was unfamiliar with these Vong. Consulting the datapad he was clutching he quickly scanned the basic briefing text.
The Yuuzhan Vong were humanoid though considered by and large a bit taller and heavier than your normal human. Curiously they were religious zealots who found the notion of mechanical technology abhorent and waged a devastating assault on the Dark Brotherhood. Their society seemed driven by the worship of their gods and their need for offering up sacrifices. Their love of pain was legendary and their use of organic technology extensive, Godo couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the sight of these creatures. How truly bizzare.
But of all their strange beliefs and self mutilation the more disturbing fact was that they could not be sensed through the force, which made them an especially dangerous opponent. Seeing the casualities and level of destruction inflicted by the Yuuzhan Vong he wondered if they truly posessed the strength let alone the resources to mount such a campaign.
"If it would please the Summit?" Godo allowed a pause, when no objection came he continued.
"The cities of Nintura remain in utter disarray, small teams have been attempting to restore key facilities and services. They have met with limited success. The jungles remain an unknown quantity however but latest intelligence seems to suggest there is a strong likelyhood of Yuuzhan Vong forces hidden there."
"Where's the proof?" piped up Alaris "We can't commit our forces on the basis of suspicion, we need solid proof. Though I respect your insight and experience you have not fought them."
Godo nodded conceeding the point. "Yes, true I have never faced these abominations. But I read an interesting statement from the local garrison commander who reported no less than three units who have mysteriously disappeared. Not to mention reports from the few remaining civilian populace. I would not recommend a full scale assault at this stage but I would be willing to lead a small force to determine enemy strength?"
22-07-2008 17:12:36
Nintura, once a prominent tourist planet stood in rubbles after the Eighth. Numerous reports had come out during the previous months about different unexplainable things. Troops disappearing, cities wiped out during rebuilding. Nothing seemed as if it were going right.
“I agree with Mr. Nurok in that we need a small team to investigate more into the mystery on Nintura. I would gladly be a part of that team.”
"Caesar, I am all for your effort but I have other plans for you and Keto’s Vengeance. I would prefer if you return your team and yourself to your Headquarters at Gryffon Prison on Morroth and await my orders." The voice was strong and powerful. It was that of Alex d’Tana.
“As you wish.” Caesar stood up, and bowed to the room as he exited. Not too far from the Consuls office were members of the Clan, waiting for their orders. A few of them looked nervous, while the others had a face of stone, as if nothing could defeat them. Caesar tried to hold in his anger at some of those young, cocky Journeymen. He began to think to himself. They will get what is coming to them one day, one day when they meet the Vong, they will understand, they will know. He exited the area before losing his temper. His modified TIE Interceptor, the Emperor was all ready to go as he gathered up his belongings and headed home.
22-07-2008 18:47:53
The Aerun's Guardian stood alone awaiting for further orders from the Summit. It had been sometime since he had seen some action. But of course it would not be the last. His last meeting with the Yuuzhan Vong was the most dangerous battle he had ever faced, and they beat him and his family. The scars still remained from that fight.
He knew vengeance was powerful emotion that would lead one to great power. But it was temporary. Galaphile did not want his own vengeance to interfere with his own quest for power. But he would do as much damage to the devilish creatures as he could.
I can't wait to kill....
Jaysun Adumarii
23-07-2008 08:21:20
Jaysun was unfazed by the news of the Consul's decision to seek the aid of the self proclaimed Royal Clan in the upcoming conflict with the Vong. He'd been a member of Scholae Palatinae, admittedly for a brief amount of time, and he knew that Braecen still had ties with his former home. Even the fact that the Vong were once again making there presence felt in the Jusadih system came as little shock, they seemed to be just about everywhere these days.
In actual fact the old Obelisk was looking forward to the coming conflict, he was a warrior at heart and what good was a warrior without a worthy adversary to test him or herself against. Once the leaders had retired to the war room to discuss whatever it was that leaders discussed at times like these Jaysun turned on his heel and left, making a beeline for the Dark Tower's mess hall. Grabbing a tray he piled it high with food, grabbed a chair and began to eat. A young Protector that he didn't recognize saw him from outside and walked over.
“How can you eat at a time like this?” he asked.
Looking up Jaysun replied around a mouthful of food “Kid, if I've learned one thing in my thirty years of being a soldier It's to eat as much as you can when you can. Who knows if you'll have time once the shooting starts”
“Are you serious?” asked the young man.
“As a heart attack kid. And once I finish this I plan on heading back to my bunk and getting as much sleep as possible, now if you'll excuse me my food's getting cold” answered Jaysun before digging back into his food. True to his word, once he'd finished his meal Jaysun headed back to his bunk, put his head on the pillow and was lightly snoring within five minutes, visions of battle filling his dreams.
23-07-2008 14:43:19
Jonaleth Isradia had never truly had the mind of a military strategist. To one raised in the cut and thrust world of feudal politics, the graceless and unsubtle physicality of military operations and manoeuvres was both dull and indelicate, the undertaking of small minds lacking the prowess to grasp and twist the infinitely subtle and delicate strings of mortal existence and mortal mindset. Indeed, he found the arts of moulding minds, bodies and spirits, the delicate surgery of bringing them to the point he desired, of pushing them towards his desired outcomes a far more worthy and rewarding pursuit. Military strategy was something for lesser men who thought their clever tricks could replace the skill of a warrior, the keen insight of a trained mind or the honed reflex of a seasoned fighter. He hid his distaste, however, fully aware that perhaps, just perhaps, some of his fellows’ clever tricks might mean there would be more to save, and mould. And they were acting in a way of which he approved; their Will was acting on the universe, and they were shaping it, not being blown along like leaves in a gale. As such, he tried to think of it as another game, and thought carefully.
It was ironic, however, that his true sympathy lay with the Vong, just as it always had since he first became aware of them. They held true the same ideals he did. They, more than any other, knew the power in unity, the power harnessed by strength, by growing not only in mind, but in body and spirit. The Dark Adept had even offered alliance between Vardor and a sect of the Vong invasion, allowing them free range throughout Nox and its worlds, exchanging knowledge of the Force for their flesh-crafting techniques, and with that knowledge, the Elder had pushed back boundaries and explored territories of the arcane not explored for thousands of years.
The alliance had only crumbled when fear had overcome the Vong. They had discovered the fate of Vardor’s own Gods at Jonaleth’s hands, and branded him the Heretic, Slayer of Gods, fleeing lest he lay their own twin deities of love to waste. That would be useful, later. There were few things in the galaxy that the Vong had reason to fear, and one of them now sat in council, seeking their eradication. They could not be allowed to remain, so he deigned to join the others – with the Vong gone, only the Dark Adept would possess the knowledge they had brought, to use for his own designs.
“We cannot fight a war on two fronts, my esteemed colleagues,” Braecen said, his voice sliding into place like oiled hinges, “our… allies… will be able to cover certain fronts on our behalf.”
“I concur,” Corran nodded, “we must make best use of our resources. We cannot afford all out assault. Tactics favour surgical strikes.”
Alaris frowned, “You cannot seriously suggest we attempt guerrilla tactics against these things again? That had as much effect on them as swatting banthas, last time.”
The Dark Jedi Master shook his head, “No. But we are too few to for hammer and anvil approaches. We must think carefully.”
Isradia remained silent whilst the discussion continued in a direction he considered wise. His eyes briefly met those of Braecen, and images briefly flashed between them, purer than directed words – a contact of thoughts. Even an army cannot withstand my powers, Jonaleth’s thought told him, I will tear down the heavens and uproot the mountains if it is needed.
If it suits your purposes, came Braecen’s reply.
And my purposes are aligned with those of this shadow of greatness, now. Braecen nodded. He was wise enough to know that the inhuman Dark Adept felt no loyalty to him or the Clan, for Jonaleth demanded that such be earned according to his own nature. Yet it was also true, as capricious and eldritch as the Grand Duke was, he would never betray a trust, and was a staunch ally when trust was earned, and he had, in his own way, just offered his service. The council continued.
Kaira Rohana
23-07-2008 17:04:50
Being in the bad off the room when Braecen had giving his little speech Kara stood there just taking it in. This was one time she wished she didn’t have to be here any more. The Vong again had crossed her path. If she could have she would have turned and left right now. It wasn’t like her how ever to run away from a fight and she knew that Godo or Alaris would find her at some point. Rather then make it hard for them to find her she moved to a corner of the room where she sank to the floor sitting there quietly. Any one that came closer to her at all soon just backed off. It was as if she was giving off a rather dark presence in the force right now. At least she just had to sit there and wait for now. They soon would learn what they would do doing but right now she was glad to have a few moments to herself to think over things.
26-07-2008 19:43:43
Fifth Level - Mess Hall
Dark Tower
Anubis stood quietly in the line, waiting to get some food. He had been in the war room when Braecen had given his speech, but had been hardly paid attention. War talk and strategy talk had always bored him. He had almost preferred to get out there and blow something up with a concussion missile from his starfighter, or slash somebodies throat in melee combat. Waiting patiently, he realized that when the fighting did begin, that he would need to be fully energized. Peeking over the soldier of the man in front of him, he got a look at today's choices of food. He picked out what he wanted with his eyes, deciding on what he would need to provide the right amount of energy.
After moving up a few places in line, Anubis had reached the kitchen. He grabbed the foods that he desired - a medium bowl of grapes, meats, lettuce, bread, dressing, and some sweets. Although it may not have been the best choice, he knew that he liked these foods. Looking around the mess hall, he didn't recognize a single person. The Valheru was still pretty new to the clan, and knew that it would take a while before he got used to the people that formed Plagueis. Gazing around the large room, he located an empty table and made his way over there. As he took his seat, he made his sandwich and dug in. After taking a few bites, he had set down his sandwich. He finished chewing and swallowed what he had just chewed, and removed Exotath from his belt.
The Obelisk set the prized weapon down beside him, looking the sheath of the sword before turning back to his food. He began eating again, thinking of his past and how he had taken Exotath from the glass case in his parent's bedroom without permission, and refused to let it leave him. He remembered how he had sliced the throat of his mother with it, and all of the other people and beasts that had lost their lives to the weapon. Closing his eyes to think about what he had done, the Annedu resumed eating a moment later. He had cleared his mind, moving any hatred out of his mind for the time being.
Anubis had tried to recall what Braecen had said, but he had just woken up when he attended the speech, and had barely been awake. The only thing he could remember was the word 'conquer' which meant that a battle was ahead. He made a note to get to work with training and preparing for the task that was to come. It was about time that he had gotten back into fighting anyways. Continuing to eat, the Hunter was soon aware of the crystal clear sound of a sword being unsheathed from behind him, and slowly placed his sandwich down as he snapped his hand towards Exotath, to find it missing. lifting his legs quickly, he spun himself around quickly to see a man holding the Annedu's sword, looking it over.
The Valheru rose to his full height, looking the man over. He had a small build, and was the same height as the Hunter. Locking his crimson eyes onto the man that held his weapon, he grabbed his lightsaber in his left hand, finger on the trigger as he he moved his gaze from the man's arm to his eyes. He clenched his teeth for a moment, letting his jaw loosen as he kept his eyes on par with the ones of the man in front of him.
"May I ask what you are doing with my sword?" asked Anubis, no emotion evident in his voice. The man shifted his stare from the sword to the Obelisk, holding Exotath firmly in his right hand. He smiled for a moment, before his face shifted to a serious look.
"Just admiring it, friend. Where did you get such an elegant weapon?" He had given both and answer and a question, which would sometimes piss off the Valheru. This time though, he would try and give this guy a chance. The Hunter's fuse had been quite short lately, though.
"It's been in my family for thousands of years. Now. Can I have my weapon back?" the Valheru asked, glaring at the man that held Torikan Anika's blade. He held his lightsaber tighter, knowing that sooner or later he would have to activate it and show this guy that he meant business.
"In a bit. I'd like to hold onto it for a while longer." Anubis clenched his free hand tightly. He wasn't about to let anybody ever tell him that he wasn't allowed to hold Exotath. Ever. Pressing the activation button on the lightsaber, he took a step forward toward the man that held the sword.
"If I were you, I'd give it back now, before you lose a limb. I have no patience for this, at all. I would rather prefer it if you returned it, before you lose a limb or get disfigured. Your choice, I just want my weapon back. Now."
"If you're going to talk smack, then maybe I should just take this and kill you with it."
Anubis clenched his teeth, and lanced forward. He twisted his lightsaber as the man raised Exotath to him, and swung it toward the forearm of the man in front of him. Unfortuanetly, he was too slow to dodge the sapphire blade before it cut through flesh and bone. The man yelled out in pain as his hand, along with Exotath, dropped to the floor. He let go of the sheath in his other hand, grabbing at his wound. The Valheru retrieved his weapon and it's sheath, removing the hand from the hilt of the sword. After sheathing it, he equipped it to his belt. A middle aged man ran up to them, making sure that the medium sized man with a severed hand was alright. He left to escort him to med bay.
Sixth Level - Security Center
Dark Tower
COMM: "Security, we need somebody assigned to bring somebody into the brig. James Lupin has had his hand cut off by a man wielding a lightsaber. He is at table seventeen, wearing red robes, white hair, and carrying a sheathed sword on his person. I'd suggest getting here immediately. Lupin out."
Security officer Baren Qatar had been sitting at one of the security terminal's when he received the message, and looked through the manifest of available clan members, as well as their location. After a few minutes of searching through the closest people and checking their profiles, he chose three of the best. Getting his comm ready, he opened a link between himself and the Guardian.
COMM: "Le'tum, this is officer Qatar in the security office. We just got a call from Lupin about an attack in the mess hall. Please apprehend assailant and bring him to the brig. Description is male, red robes, white hair, carrying a lightsaber and a sword, sitting at table seventeen. S.O. out."
Fifth Level - Mess Hall
Dark Tower
Le'tum looked around the mess hall, trying to locate table seventeen. Sure enough, he had located both the table, and Anubis. He was munching down on fruit, sitting peacefully as he read information from his datapad. Sighing heavily, the Sith made his way over to table seventeen, grey lightsaber hilt grasped within his hands. When he came within five feet of the Obelisk, he stopped. He checked over the description that he had recieved, and it perfectly matched the man in front of him. Clearing his throat quietly, he reached forward and tapped the Annedu on the shoulder. The Valheru placed another grape in his mouth, and chewed it. When he had swallowed it, he set down his datapad and turned his body to face the Twi'lek.
"Yes? Is there something you need from me?" questioned the Hunter. He got to his feet, standing just over oneinche shorter then the man in front of him. He looked up to face the Guardian standing in front of him. Le'tum looked down, no expression visible on his face.
"I've been assigned to escort you to the brig. Come with me."
"Why, if I may ask?"
"Because you've commited a crime. Just come with me. I won't take no for an answer."
"Fine. First, I want to send something."
"No. You can contact whoever you need to after you are inside the brig. Lets go," said the Twi'lek, turning his back to the Valheru. He proceeded off towards the turbo lift, Anubis slowly following in behind. He kept his ears peeled. The Obelisk didn't exactly know if it was a trick or not, but he still followed, though grudgingly. As both of them stepped into the turbo lift, Le'tum pressed the button for the sixth floor, where the barracks were located. The Sith had noticed that the Hunter probably had no clue that the security office, as well as the brig, was located on the sixth floor. Making a decision, he did something about it.
"Don't think that we're going to the barracks. Both the security office and brig are located on this next floor."
"I won't."
Sixth Level - Hallways
Dark Tower
There was a soft beep as the turbo lift reached the sixth floor, and the door slid open. The halls were actually quite full. The Twi'lek proceeded forward, the Valheru right behind him. Passing at least thirty six people on the way through one of the hallways, they hanged a right when they came up to the next turn, proceeding down that hallway and passing even more people as they headed towards the security office. When they reached the entrance, Le'tum pressed three buttons on a keypad, and the door slid open. Both of the men entered, to find several energy cells along the wall, and two terminal's on the other side. Sitting at one of the terminal's was a man, while the other was empty.
"Took you long enough." said the man as he turned around in his chair, facing Anubis and the Guardian.
"Hey, it's mad traffic out there, Qatar. You never have to leave this place," said the Twi'lek with a large grin on his face
"Sure. This the assailant?" asked Qatar
"Sure is," came a reply.
The security officer got to his feet, and proceeded over to one of the cells. He powered down one of the containment fields, and gestured for Valheru to make his way into it, and have a seat. After a few seconds, Anubis lowered his head for a moment. He raised it, making his way over towards the chamber. It was small, but the Annedu would be able to fit confortably within it for a few hours, if need be. Taking a seat as he entered the chamber, the field was soon reactivated. The Obelisk remained quite for a few minutes after Le'tum had left the office, before speaking up.
"Exactly how long do I have to remain here?"
Qatar swung around in his seat, looking the seated man in the eyes. He looked him over, before answering the question that had been asked a few seconds before.
"There are two ways to get out. You either wait for twenty four hours before being released, or you page somebody to come and vouche for you, and get you out of here. Either option is available to you at any time. Anything else?"
"Yes. Please page Alaris Jinn for me, will you?"
Alaris Jinn
26-07-2008 21:57:10
Dark Tower; Executive Turbo Lift
His patience was wearing thin. There wasn't much he could do, and it made him angrier and angrier. He wasn't allowed to head to combat until given the order, and this annoyed him. And now, he was getting called down to the Cell Block for a reason he did not know.
His patience was disappearing.
Dark Tower; Deck Six
Cell Block
Alaris was not amused.
His eyes met with the Hunter's for only a moment before Anubis darted his eyes back to the floor.
"I've allowed you into this House on the premise that you wouldn't make me look bad. Any chance to cause Taldryan pain was worth any risk, but if I have to continuously bail you out of here, you're going to find yourself on Rokir's doorstep with 'Please Kill' branded on your forehead.
"Is this clear?"
Anubis simply nodded though Alaris could see the supressed grin.
"Now," Alaris began as he gave the guard the signal to deactivate the forceshield, "who's limb did you remove this time?"
"He wouldn't give me Exotath back." Anubis couldn't contain his grin anymore.
Alaris retreived Exotath and Anubis's stock saber from the brig armoury and tossed them both to the Hunter. "I don't want to hear that as an excuse anymore. Come up with something more original next time."
Anubis bowed his head slightly. "Yes, Aedile."
"Now come with me," Alaris turned and headed out of the brig, back to the executive turbolift, "the Proconsul has requested your presence in the War Room."
26-07-2008 22:56:52
Dark Tower; War Room
“Ah, welcome to the War Room, Jedi Hunter,” Yzarc Rellik Kaeth said when the doors to the War Room opened, “I have a task for you. You are to take a squad of ships and do a little bit of recon. Your task is extremely important. Consider this another step toward Knighthood.”
“Am I to report back on the Vong, only, Proconsul?” inquired the Guardian.
“Unless something out of the ordinary happens, yes, report on the Forceless beings, only.” The Proconsul continued to say, “Your reports are to be submitted to every person in this room, do you understand?” Anubis Annedu nodded and the Coruscanti waved him off. Anubis left through the same doors he entered.
The caf began to hit Yzarc, and an idea dawned on him. “Who will train the new members on how to fight the Vong?” Yzarc asked. Everybody turned to Braecen Kaeth for an answer.
“If any of you feel you can use the extra workout in training the members, step forward,” Braecen said, calmly.
A few members stepped forward, the Proconsul included. “We’ll go take care of them now, my Lord,” one said.
Dark Tower; The Dojo
Yzarc was working with two Journeymen at once, he was teaching them the weak points of a Vong’s armor. “…Sort of, you wanna take the lightsaber, and stab it at where a human armpit would be. There is very little armor there, so if you stab hard enough, it’ll break through,” Yzarc explained. “Be careful, though, the Amphistaff can still whack you in the head, and trust me, it isn’t pretty when it does.”
Yzarc was still shocked that these Jedi Hunter were allowed to use lightsabers, but felt, that with the Vong it was for the better, especially when he saw what he could do with only a katana and a training saber.
Dark Tower; Landing Pad 2
Anubis prepared to get into the craft he was going to use for his mission. As he prepared himself, and his gear, he mused to himself. Why can’t we get normal leadership, I get a crazy Elder and a Templar with a mohawk, blue, no less. He smiled, as he got on the ship, and hoped that his mission went well.
27-07-2008 16:04:39
Shintera; Jusadih System
Alsvem; Sancrist Isles
Callus sat on the waters edge enjoying a calm breeze. The late evening sun did little to dry the sweat dripping down his back or to ease the pain in his limbs, it had been a long journey, but one he had found useful. Even if he hadn't accomplished his objectives
Callus had made the 3 day long hike to the giant monolith known as the Last Tower. Legends tell of an old hermit who lives in the tower with magical powers unknown in the universe. Having heard the tales and comparing them with others that had been recorded previously Callus confirmed the earlier assumptions of the Summit, that this wizard had some sort of connection to the force, unlike any that has been seen in the halls of Plagueis or the realm of the brotherhood.
Callus went to the tower to claim the secrets of that power for himself so that he might finally have the power to reclaim what was rightly his the ancient texts of Bane and Revan couldn’t be wrong, the Rule of Two… it was, and is the only way. Darth Plagueis himself knew this as did his apprentice, Darth Sidious. The Dark Jedi of this era have fallen from the true path, the Final Way; and as Darth Bane did millennia ago destroying Kane’s Brotherhood of Darkness so too would the Dark Brotherhood need to be destroyed so that the true power of the dark side could be revived.
Though it seemed Callus wouldn’t be the one to eliminate the Brotherhood, no, the Yuuzhan Vong we’re doing a fine job of that and wiping out Skywalker’s Jedi and the New Republic at the same time. Though the Vong we’re causing him serious peril as well he wasn’t in the mood for dying right now and so he would have to do his part in preserving the galaxy for the time being; little did he know that he would get his chance sooner than he imagined.
Kapsina; Jusadih System
Plagueis Communications Control
“Are they serious? We’ll never find this guy.” Sighed one of the communications techs looking over his orders.
“Well if it doesn’t get done I don’t wanna be here when someone shows up and is pissed about it.” Replied his partner. “This Bo’Amar character hasn’t gone far, their isn’t anywhere for him to go not since the Crimson Tide incident awhile back.”
“Was it really that bad?”
“They say he went insane during captivity, started mumbling constantly, rambling on about how the Brotherhood was defiling the darkside and the force as a whole.”
“And they still want him around?”
“Yea, that’s the funny thing isn’t it?”
Shintera; Jusadih System
Alsvem; Sancrist Isles
Callus’ apartment.
Callus was grateful now for the foresight to find and secure residence on every planet in the Jusadih system, even if it had been leveled in the initial wave of the Vong attack. His small nondescript apartment here on Shintera however remained intact. Though no matter what lengths you go through to keep things secret someone always finds out.
As he stepped from the refresher station his comm terminal beeped. Since he didn’t let anyone know of his whereabouts it was either someone selling something or someone who had gone through some lengths to locate him; unfortunately it was the latter. It seems that Clan Plagueis missed his company.
28-07-2008 22:43:39
First level – Corridors
Dark Tower
“Madness,” the Sith whispered venomously, stalking halls the farthest he could get away from the Consul without leaving the building. The thought of wiping the Vong from Jusadih, of repaying them for their crimes, was enticing, there was no denying that, but the risk of complete disaster was too high. Oh, they could probably deal with the terraformers, but showing resistance often had a way of renewing an enemy’s greater interest. It seemed that Kaeth had forgotten just how close Coruscant – Yuuzhan’tar – was, and that the Vong had voluntarily spared Plagueis’ domain only because they’d thought the system broken, beneath immediate concern, and certainly devoid of Jedi. It was suicidal stubbornness to hold on by their fingernails a stone’s throw away from those murderous freaks. Regardless of the Galactic Alliance’s recent victories, the Vong were far from blind and impotent. If they brought the boot down it would be destruction inexorable as Acarr’s sun going nova. The Clan had abandoned systems before, so why not now? He’d long suggested finding a new home, and paid for it with censure and political anathema. The Adept and his cronies would regret that someday.
At least the madman had enough sense left to seek help for the operation. Crawling to their old ally Scholae was bad enough, he had no doubt the “partnership heeding my demands” bit was whitewash, but Arcona? Unthinkable! What had both demanded in return? How much of Plagueis’ future had been sold away? The Sith could almost feel his stomach turning. I now look to each of you to develop provocative, new innovations that will lead us to the top; to conquer our Yuuzhan Vong resistance. Vessicant shook his head with a wry grin, imagining that a Base Delta Zero or two would be out of the question. Naturally, that’d be too easy. The Warlord paused before a model of the Vengeance, a ship that would, like himself, rise again. Closing his eyes, he exhaled, and rubbed his forehead soothingly. All he could do was obey, regain what had been lost, and try not to lose his mind in the process.
30-07-2008 14:53:37
Dark Tower; War Room
The low murmors of disagreement on strategy was beginning to take it's toll, angry cries were being exhanged between all those in the war room. Everyone it seemed had their own ideas about how to conduct a campaign against the Yuuzhan Vong. Some merely examined the holographic maps and datapads scattered across the floor and table, others merely stared on in silent contemplation like the much respected Jonaleth Isradia. Godo was becoming frustrated, he wanted to get out there, face the enemy, organise offensives and command fleets and not argue about insignificant details around a table. He realised that the situation was beginning to weigh heavily on him. Since having his connection to the force re-established he had become quick to anger and his patience becoming ever thinner.
"All I am saying is that without navel support at this critical time we have no hope of seizing territory from our hated enemies" pleaded one of the navel commanders.
"Enough! I will not have this descend into chaos." Boomed Braecen, clearly growing weary of the arguements.
Godo decided once more to encourage action "If it pleases the council, I again beseech you. Give me command of a strike force, I can bolster the local garrison and conduct offensive operations into the jungle. All I require is a sma..."
"Your request is denied." Holding up a hand to silence the objections of Godo, Braecen continued. "Though I commend your enthusiasm we have other priorities. I want you to assist in the assembling of our garrisons here on Kapsina and prepare to mount a ground defense."
"Defense?" Godo whispered. The room fell silent for a moment, watching the growing rage build in the Quaestor. For a moment he hung his head low before finally saying "As you wish Lord Consul, I will prepare the KDF for ground operations." Bowing stiffly he turned on his heels and left the room, frustration eating at him.
Kaira Rohana
30-07-2008 19:08:17
There were strong feelings coming from the door of the room where all the leaders and a few of the elders from the clan were. Kara looked up just as the door flew open. Her eyes fell right onto Godo standing there looking a little out of sorts. It wasn’t what she would have accepted from him. Watching him leave the room in quite a huff was something new to her, because normally she saw him keep his emotions very in check. This wasn’t like him at all something must have upset him greatly in that room. Not sure what to do she pushed up off the ground from the corner she had been in and quickly took off after Godo.
Following in step right behind him she thought it wise not to say anything for now. He seemed very angry about something and rather than her end up with his wrath upon her she stayed there quietly, just to make sure he knew she was around to help him if needed. Just then he stopped, turning on his heels and stared at her. Not sure what to think or do she stepped up to him with a soft smile. “What happened?” He just waved her off then grabbed her arm pulling her along somewhere.
05-08-2008 15:57:41
Desert, beyond the outer reaches of Ellesmeria
Kneeling down he scooped up a handful of the sand before allowing it to fall effortlessly, rejoining the desert. The crimson glasses he wore offered limited protection from the afternoon glare. How he envied the local populace whose eyes had grown accustomed to the bright light, further magnified by the miles and miles of brilliant white sands. Every planet has its hell, this was one of them. Though the planet of Kapsina was naturally arid there were still many areas where life still blossomed and greenery sprang up around cooler and more sheltered regions. There was of course the deserts, some stretched for thousands of miles and offered limited scope for population, it would be here that the battle lines would be drawn, it would be here that the men and women of Kapsina would gather their strength.
He was alone, hundreds of meters from the main force who even now were gathering. Thick black plumes of smoke rising above the shimmering heat were forming up. Make shift command posts were hastily organising and equipping the local Kapsina Defence Force or KDF. They were few in number but their skill was unequalled, use to the harsh climates and with a natural fierce pride they could face down an opposition many time their size. Coupled with the talents of the Dark Jedi and equipped with powerful ground based weaponry like the AT-AT they posed a significant threat to any would be invader.
Godo stood back up, brushing off the few grains of sand left on him. He wasn't use to the heat, having recently spent almost two years travelling through space, the stale air and cool temperatures. Now his vision was clouded with a harsh glare and an unyielding heat, he would gladly trade the rigours of ground-based command for a cockpit of his TIE Defender, a gift from his hated enemy, the Dark Council.
Turning he began trudging back to the main force, climbing a ridge he received an impressive view of the KDF and the Plagueis military. With practised and well drilled precision they had already built a small city in tents, stretching off for seemingly miles, the unmistakable silhouette of the cat like AT-AT's in the afternoon sun were forming up a line, scattered amongst those vast feet were literally legions of soldiers supported by as yet unknown machines, no doubt tanks and artillery pieces. Scattered amongst the earthy browns and greys of the KDF were the blacks of the Plagueis military. Godo felt a pang of sorrow for their numbers were greatly diminished since the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, a mere shadow of their former glory. He felt a sense of guilt and sorrow for not being there when the Vong heel cracked the back of Plagueis. Reflecting on this, he was perhaps spared a grim fate and a chance to strike a blow against the invaders.
Clambering down the ridge he made for the forward command post, no doubt there would already be a familiar list of names, all keen to make their mark for the greater glory of the Clan.
05-08-2008 22:07:51
Galaphile Dupar layed the pen down on the table. He was in the Desert on Kaspina. A bit away from Ellesmeria in the forward command post. He was part of the main force, and would be by Godo Nurok's side as he led them to battle. He couldn't defend his homeworld, but he can damn sure defend his capital planet. A couple years ago he was named Aerun's Guardian for warding off the Crimson Tide's inner leader, Alonzo Bodelle. Now since Aerun lay in ruins mostly, his title was put to shame.
He could not stop the Yuuzhan Vong from destroying Aerun while he was there. But he and a couple other of Dark Jedi managed to rescue Scorpius and Dismal from the clutches of the Embrace of Pain. Something they claimed was indeed terrifying. Even to a Dark Jedi.
Galaphile wiped his brow. It was very hot outside and he was not used to the hot weather yet. He had already took off his cloak and it lay in his tent. He sensed a familiar presence. It was Godo.
Galaphile frowned. Not out of anger but of anticipation. He had once been to battle with Godo before. When he first ran into the Crimson Tide. He was very useful in that fight, and was one of the reasons they won. Godo walked into the tent.
"Galaphile Dupar. I should have known I would see you around here sooner or later."
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Not a chance to give back what the Vong gave to us. Bastards."
"Yes, yes. We'll need that anger once your on the battlefield."
"But Godo if you don't mind me asking. What is the general plan besides defending. The Vong are clever abominations."
Kaira Rohana
07-08-2008 17:57:59
Desert camp
If she saw Godo anytime soon she might chew him out for picking the hottest place to make their defence against the Yuuzhan Vong. Yeah, that’s why she stood in the middle of a desert as the sun beat down, baking her from the inside out. It was hard to find any place to cool down at all. He had dragged her all the way out here to help with the battle. It was fine really; she would deal with the heat later. For now her mind needed to be on one thing, the battle that lay before them all. Kara knew that this wouldn’t be easy. The Vong were a void in the force. This meant that fighting off the Vong would be that much harder without using the force on them. Kara knew that some of the men she was standing around wouldn’t make it back alive, she just hoped she would stay alive long enough to yell at Godo for bringing her to a place so warm.
Standing just outside the command post she waited for Godo to return. He had gone out to scout out the area a bit. Rather than wait inside the tent where someone might ask why she was there she thought waiting right outside the tent would be best. Although with the heat she now was wishing she was inside. Quickly she slipped back into the tent. Moving to the corner she sat down waiting to listen to the plans. She was well out of the way and no one really saw. Just then Godo walked back in and started to talk to the others. This would be something she would get to hear, what they were planning to do or at least that was her hope.
08-08-2008 23:33:45
Ralph, a recent addition to the command team of House Exar Kun and Godo’s loyal assistant, stood by with a handful of papers waiting for the Quaestor’s perusal. There were reports on KDF strength, supplies, armaments, area recon, support lines, a couple replies about the restocking of his wine cellar, and other reports outlining the other reports and a couple reports that were solely there to report that Godo had received the reports. The tall Cerean, dressed in his typical suit and belt, with several small, razor-sharp throwing knives tucked in the front. His lightsaber was clipped at his right side. He also wore his only family heirloom, a large sword, hanging on his left hip, but it was barely visible under the large sweeping black leather trench coat he wore over it all. To wrap up the look, the Aedile had on a sleek pair of black sunglasses that you could not even see where he was looking.
The Guardian handed the stack of papers to his boss and mentor with a shrug and hidden behind his glasses was a look of sympathy mixed with a desire to follow his elder into a glorious battle to protect the clan he loved so much. The Quaestor looked over them only long enough to throw them on the table. Ralph nodded towards Galaphile, eager to carry on the fight wherever it may take them.
“All seems to be going on schedule my Lord Quaestor. And I have tried to keep Kara from spreading rumors of the Teddy Brigade around to the KDF. Though that will be a tough job.”
Godo turned back to glare at Kara who had snuck in and was sitting in the corner while Ralph went on conducting the business end of making sure the armies were well supplied and ready for whatever might happen. Concern etched a frown on the Guardian’s face as he approached Godo until he was standing facing his shoulder at a right angle. And quietly, the Cerean spoke, saying, "Sir. Preparations are going as smoothly as we can expect. But will it be enough?"
11-08-2008 00:43:06
Kapsina; Desert
Callus blinked in the high sun of the Kapsina desert. He pulled a pair of dark tinted glasses from one of his pockets. He turned and looked back at the landing feild. His old battered Z-95 sticking out like a sore thumb among the other newer craft assembled. Callus grinned at the semblance that his ship provided as he made his way from the landing area to where he saw others assembled most wearing robes that were commong among the Dark Jedi of the brotherhood, Callus was anything but common.
Callus wore his white tanktop and a pair of khaki utility shorts with his lightsaber hanging against his left hip and his DX-2 distrupter pistol on his right. Most of the journeymen standing assembled infront of what he surmised was the main command tent.
He made his way to step through the flap when an aqualish soldier he didn't recognise put his hand out to impede his progress.
"Command staff only." The Aqualish said in passable basic. Callus grabbed the wrist of the guard and flipped him to the ground in an instant and trod on his stomach as he made his way into the tent.
He looked around and saw a few familiar faces as they all turned their eyes on the Prelate. Callus smiled at them and removed his glasses.
"Aww come on I havent been gone that long have I?"
12-08-2008 02:40:59
Ralph walked over and saluted the Prelate before offering his hand to shake.
"It is good to see you Master Callus. This may be less of a one-sided fight now. I trust your journey was good?"
The Aedile turned as a Rodian handed him another report. Ralph nodded and read over it, calling for a med team to help the Aqualish that was lying outside the tent. The Guardian sighed as he excused himself from the newcomer and went off to request some more weaponry and rations for a band of locals who refused to stand helpless as their planet's safety was in question. They had seen several groups like this spring up, varied in their trades, but united in their love for Kaspina and refusal to let their world go quietly into the night. As he got off the commlink he walked over and handed yet another report to his boss and commander.
"Master Nurok, another band of Partisans requesting to join the fight, 15 of them from a small settlement about 15 kilometers from here. I have sent for additional weapons and rations for them, and in case we find more citizens who wish to stand up and protect their homes."
19-08-2008 15:42:54
Kapsina; Desert
"Master Nurok, another band of Partisans requesting to join the fight, 15 of them from a small settlement about 15 kilometres from here. I have sent for additional weapons and rations for them, and in case we find more citizens who wish to stand up and protect their homes." at that the Aedile handed Godo a stack of data pads containing the latest intelligence reports on Vong activity in the region.
"Excellent Ralph, assign them to the mixed regulars and brief the commanders." At that Ralph bowed slightly and left to issue instructions, even through the noise of an army preparing for war the Aediles commands boomed across the camp.
Still sorting through the latest reports he acknowledged a familiar presence "Mister Callus, nice to see you amongst our number. I trust you had a safe journey?"
Callus gave an evil grin before thumbing in the direction of the guard he had dispatched. Godo nodded, though his attention was firmly fixed on the data spread before him. "I would like you lead a division, move it here so it runs along the eastern desert fringes" at that he indicated on a large holographic map the desired location.
"Expecting trouble?" Callus responded.
"The worst kind, game?"
With little more than a nod Callus strode off. This mission required brute strength and vicious close quarters combat, something he knew Callus would excel at. Kara, who still remained in the corner of the makeshift command post nervously handled her custom rifle, she was scared. War was never a pleasant thing and the thought of front line combat was making her feel sick.
At that the Proconsul appeared, the startling blue Mohawk and imposing figure instantly commanded a healthy mixture of fear and respect. "Report Quaestor." he barked.
"Lord Proconsul." he bowed before continuing "We have secured the heights, a small force is currently digging in and providing us with accurate intelligence. The bulk of our army is assembling on the flats whilst Callus supported by a division is moving on the enemy flank. I then hope to have three divisions used against the main enemy strength."
Yzarc, Proconsul of Plagueis stood by Godo’s side and took a moment to survey the map. It was a good solid plan, but it was assumed that their allies would be landing by nightfall.
"Cancel that order. I want you to bolster our defences and prepare to halt the enemy advance."
Godo was astonished by this order. "With due respect Lord Proconsul, the enemy are still not at full strength. If we strike now before they can land their full number we can divide their force. Cut them in two and finish them quickly!" impatience and excitement betraying Godo's feelings.
Yzarc let out a long sigh "There are no reinforcements. Scholae Palatinae is not coming to reinforce us. We're on our own."
Silence descended on the command post.
Kaira Rohana
19-08-2008 17:31:15
Kara just watched as others came in to the common tent. Knowing full well that they had enough to do with out her under foot she stayed in that corner making sure to stay well out of the way of what they were doing. Here she could try hard to at least learn what was going on with her clan and that was what she wanted more then any thing else. Smiling at Callus and Ralph as they both walked in with different stance to Godo. At times she loved to see how they all interacted because each one was so different from the next. For some reason Kara always thought that all Dark Jedi were the same. That wasn’t the case at all as she sat there watching them.
It was only the last person that entered that made Kara wanted to get up and leaver. Seeing the Pro Consul enter the tent made her tense up a bit more then she had before. Kara could feel that Godo knew just how she was feeling right now. It was as if he could since her uneasiness. She knew that he wanted to say something to her but couldn’t. The fact that he cared enough to know what she was going though made her feel a bit better. It was the since of not being alone and that they all were going though a little uneasiness right now. Yet she heard those words of no reinforcements and that Scholae Palatinae not coming made her jump up off the floor. “NO, your wrong…” She stood there shocked at her self for even say any thing. Her face turned about three shades of red before calming down. Kara some how knew that the other clan wouldn’t let them down. How she knew wasn’t something she would be able to tell them. It was just feeling she had. Like a lot of her feelings more often then not they came true.
19-08-2008 23:49:41
The Aedile turned in shock at Kara's outburst. It was disturbing news indeed, but somehow he had suspected as much. He turned back to the Proconsul and bowed deeply, speaking with great caution.
"Master, with all due respect, with no reserves, no reinforcements coming... isn't it even more important that we strike first, before they are at full strength. Such a move might make them cancel any further landings. I shall dispatch runners to the locals, trying to rally more partisans. We shall at least need every being we can get."
The Cerean turned to his Commander, hoping for some support, or at least guidance. Ralph made a motion to an Aqualish standing by the entrance to the tent who turned and started dispatching runners to the locals. This was their home as well. If things were going to turn ugly, which right now was a distinct possibility, they should be given an opportunity to defend their homes. After all, Heroes aren't always the strongest, or the fastest. Sometimes all it took to be a hero was the desire to protect something you hold dear in your heart.
Ralph felt this very tug in his own heart. A desire to protect this, the only home, the first real FAMILY he had really known. He would protect it with his life, if it called for it. As the Guardian stood there, waiting for the Commanders to speak, he let this feeling flood through him, lending him what felt like the power of Kaspina itself. As if the planet itself was lending it's strength to those who were going to stand in its' defense.