Operation: Frozen Fortress

Nekura Manji

21-04-2005 11:31:51

Firstly, the specifics for this competition, taken from my first Quaestors report:

"As you may have noticed, the third Sadow Chronicle was released earlier this week- amongst the articles was one by myself, asking for volunteers for an expedition to the ice planet Loki to try and find the old HMR base, which was apparently carved out of the ice. If you were confused by what the hell that was all about, allow me to clarify- I want a team of seven members for a competition based around the trip to Loki to find the old base. My intention is to create a password-protected forum/topic on the message boards, so that a run-on can be created, documenting the journey and events along the way. However, I also intend to work other platforms such as fiction and the ACC, and *possibly* multiplayer platforms into the Operation later on. If you want to participate, and (very likely, although I'll have to speak to Muz and Goat) get rewarded for it, mail me at NekuraManji@gmail.com."

If you wish to volunteer for the mission, you can also post here- those of you who have volunteered, feel free to offer suggestions on what kind of things you feel should be included in the mission. I'm open to creative suggestions. ^_^

EDIT: Oh, and it's open to EVERYBODY in the Clan- members of both Marka Ragnos and Ludo Kressh should feel encouraged to volunteer. :)


21-04-2005 12:56:24

I'll take a crack at it.

Macron Sadow

21-04-2005 13:41:05

Artifactsss..... *drools*
By your command, Masster. I am with you.

Nekura Manji

21-04-2005 14:03:03

Sweet. That means that, so far, I have a team of five warriors willing to travel to Loki with me. Anybody else willing to fight for the glory of Naga Sadow?

Oh, and all those who've volunteered, a question- what do you want to see in this mission, aside from just a run-on?

Macron Sadow

21-04-2005 14:21:57

graphics maybe? Some ACC vs monsters? Poetry?


21-04-2005 14:41:06

Scantily-dressed females.

Nekura Manji

21-04-2005 16:57:40

Apart from scantily dressed females.

But yeah, I like the sound of the poetry idea... I'll try and work that in. And as for ACC vs. monsters... let's just say Manji has a cunning plan, but it's waiting on some developments in the ACC to be recognised. ^_^


21-04-2005 17:01:42

how bout IRC for some dialogue sections, if we can get enough people on it at the same time


22-04-2005 00:21:24

* packs a pair of skis, a pair of snow boots, a few snow jackets and pants, about 10 slabs of booze, a large cookie, his favourite pair of boxers, a pair of sunnies, a few pornographic mags, and a beanie with a large K on the front of it *

Yeah, I like Macron's graphics idea. That should be part of it too.

* continues to cross of his list of all the things he's going to need for the trip as he packs them *


22-04-2005 11:14:56

Count me in

Nekura Manji

22-04-2005 12:43:15

IRC sounds interesting... but that would require everybody to stay in character, and lots of scheduling to get everyone on at the same time. It's a sweet idea, but kind of difficult to realise. And yeah, graphics sounds good. My idea is that at some point you can try and create graphics to show an inscription on a wall of the fortress?

Also, with that- since there are going to be people on the mission who can't (or don't want to) do graphics, I'm thinking of instigating a points system for the mission to determine who's done the most and who's going to get the medals at the end. Something like 1 or 2 points per run-on post, 2 points per page of fiction, 4 points per piece of graphics, 5 points per ACC battle... something like that. Feedback?


22-04-2005 13:56:31

Ill go if ya need me.

Nekura Manji

22-04-2005 13:58:22

Every little helps :D

Thanks, dude... that means I now have seven volunteers. But if anybody else wants to come, they can still volunteer- seven is the minimum.


22-04-2005 14:04:23

ka-ching...should be lots o fun ;)

Macron Sadow

22-04-2005 14:06:05

I like the points scale.... and it should be fun, I agree! Yahh!


22-04-2005 14:16:25

I like the point system too, though people will play the system, drawing a pic in 2 minutes for 4 points, then taking possibly a few weeks to complete an ACC battle for nearly the same amount.

Nekura Manji

22-04-2005 14:19:06

Good point, although I kind of had that in mind. So how about... we make the points system variable, and based on quality? For a longer ACC battle that is of high quality more points will be awarded than for a five minute scribble. Sound good?


22-04-2005 14:20:26

Sounds like a plan stan...haha...stan...nekuras new name is stan!

Nekura Manji

22-04-2005 14:27:22

Call me that at the risk of having your fuzzy little balls ripped off. :D


22-04-2005 16:39:52

Stan! Stan! Stan!...ha ha you can't do what you said because my balls aren't fuzzy.


22-04-2005 16:42:57

either are mine..

Kat Pridemore

22-04-2005 19:44:53

I'm relatively certain you already have me on your list, but just in case you don't... *grin* I can join as well. The point system sounds like a good idea, especially since all of us have different skills, as in most teams.

Kat Pridemore

Muz Ashen

23-04-2005 02:21:48

/me debates getting in on this and ticking off a lot of hardworking journeymen....


Nekura Manji

23-04-2005 05:01:56

No ex-Quaestors! ^_^ Only kiddin'. It's up to you really, although it would probably piss off people- having to compete against the fiction/graphics/ACC mastery of Muz Ashen. :D

Muz Ashen

23-04-2005 23:03:20

heh...I'm busy enough as it is...i'll let you guys have the glory on this one :)


25-04-2005 12:01:13

Subforum created.


25-04-2005 13:37:41

/me wipes his brow at the fact that Muz wont be participating :P

Macron Sadow

25-04-2005 14:19:54

no doubt! ;)


25-04-2005 15:06:36

Add me to the entourage, I can not resist an expedition.


25-04-2005 15:26:50

So when are we scheduled to begin?

Nekura Manji

25-04-2005 15:51:12

I'm just writing the opening post right now. Hold your horses, children. ^_^


06-05-2005 10:34:50

* jumps up and down in excitement and breaks Manji's line of thought every five minutes to ask *

Are we starting yet? Are we? Are we? Are we?

* Manji responds by knocking Konar unconscious using some funky samurai move before resuming work again *

Nekura Manji

10-05-2005 17:00:47

Damn kids. <_<


24-05-2005 00:54:18

*Raidoner must be the oldest in the Clan*


07-06-2005 10:36:27

I like the idea of a graphic for the next stage of the frozen fortress run-on. Unfortunately, you will get no picasso out of me, but I'll try.


07-06-2005 11:27:22

Lol...get back! or ill use my mpaint on you!

Nekura Manji

07-06-2005 14:56:27

Whatever you can do is cool... as long as it isn't stick figures :D


07-06-2005 17:14:16

im most skilled in stick figures and stuff like that!NOOOOO!


07-06-2005 17:49:58

What if it was done by the cave-man native that we fought in the ACC? :P

Kat Pridemore

07-06-2005 21:02:38

lol This should be interesting....



07-06-2005 22:52:42

can i laugh if you draw worse than a caveman? :P


05-04-2006 15:49:31

is it to late for me to join ?? /me looks hopefull

Kaine Mandaala

05-04-2006 16:32:56

is it to late for me to join ?? /me looks hopefull

The last post before yours was 10 months ago. I think you might have missed it.