A Warrior’s Destiny
15-01-2011 13:12:49
Alliance Judiciary Detention Center
Galactic City, Coruscant
34 ABY
Year 2, Month 4, Day 12…. Right? Creon opened his eyes and looked at the tally marks on the crusted walls and counted them. ‘Yea looks right.’ Creon had a life time sentence, but he counted the days because every year on the 9nth Month his mother would come to see him. It was the only form of interaction he received. Whether it was dawn or dusk of that day, Creon didn’t know. There was no light, no window of any sort, no way to keep time. So he just went by the tally marks which he only marked every time he woke up from a sleep. Maybe he was off a day or two because he didn’t sleep very long. Who knew? But was there really anything else to do? He was already past the point of loneliness and he knew insanity would kick in sooner or later. He already had self conversations to the point he would get in arguments and laugh at jokes. It was pitiful to the guards, but then again, they don’t have to stay in a dark, dusty, and crusted box cell for the rest of their lives either.
Creon assumed it would be morning for him, so he started his mornings doing some exercise. The food they gave through the slot wasn’t enough to keep what strength he had back home, but he tried his hardest to keep himself strong. He lost allot of weight since he was in here, allot of it was his muscle. Creon always did what he could however, to keep the strength going. Then breakfast came: A slice of bread and Water. Lovely as always.
Hours passed by as he sat on his bed, alone in the darkness. He went over everything in his mind he learned from his tribe. He practiced his martial arts and even took the pipe off the sink (which never really worked to begin with) to represent his quarterstaff. He forgot many things, but the ones he remembered he did his best to keep close in his memory. This included the army as well. He hated the stormtroopers, he hated all of them. He hated his father for making himself one of them. The techniques however, taught by the the instructors about the electro staff and heavy armor he did find useful, but the fact he was away from someone precious, even though she betrayed him, tore him apart. Perhaps had she not been in his heart before, he would enjoy the Army and not stay to rot here... Zabraks live much longer than a normal human being, so he didn’t enjoy the fact he would see generations of guards in this place staring at him like he was a demon for decades.
Year 2, Month 4, Day 13…. Again he exercised with pushups and sit ups with his feet under his bed to hold him. “Should be around breakfast time…” he said right before the bread and water came through the slot. It was a weird feeling in his head how he guessed the food would come. He shrugged it off, most likely just getting use the place now. When the lunch slot came in later the day, he didn’t even eat it.
Something wasn’t right as he lied in his bed curled up and lost in empty thought. Something was there, in his mind... Something was calling for him, reaching out somehow. Something dark, and very...VERY strong. He thought he was going crazy at first. But over time, Day 14, 15, 16 the same feeling kept coming, and it was always stronger than the previous day before. This made him terrified.
Four Weeks Earlier....
Throne Room
Council Chambers, Reena
34 ABY
The Throne Room was dark, cases of Jedi & Sith artifacts where dimly lit, and a window behind the throne was the only source of true light. Reena’s High Lord stood at the window in a deep meditation. It had been just about a year since the Jeric Cyrin left the brotherhood. The former Head of State, his father, had been assassinated & Jeric returned home to investigate. The Privy Council asked him to take his father’s place for the remainder of the term.
“My Lord, the negotiations with House Calipsa were successful and our coalition with them and Mecetti will continue to hold power in the Great Council.”
“Excellent, is that all?” Jeric asked has he turn to face his Vice Chair.
“As you know your father’s term as High Lord ends this month. Since you only served a year, on someone else’s term non-the-less, you could ask the Council to serve your own 8 year term.”
“I dont think that will be happening Lord Grant. I came here to find my father’s assassin, I accepted to serve out my father’s term in the hopes of drawing out the assassin. It clearly hasn’t worked and I did what was asked of me, no need to ask the council for more.” Jeric explained to Lord Grant as he sat in his throne.
“What will you do then my Lord?” He asked seeing the High Lord glaring over at the collection of artifacts
“I still have much to learn about the Dark Side, but one day I may return to rule again.” The Dark Jedi said with a grin on his face. If Jeric ever came back he would return the Tapani Sector to the way it was thousands of years ago...an empire.
3 weeks later Jeric’s, or rather his father’s, term as High Lord ended. Jeric was pleased to find out his former Vice Chair, Lord Grant, was elected High Lord. A few days before the end of his term, the Council did ask if Jeric wished to take his own term. Jeric denied, but promised them he would one day return to lead House Reena to glory.
After packing up the throne room, Jeric went to the family’s palace. His wife & pilot of the Lord’s Shadow, LT Vikaa was just about done packing when Jeric walked in.
“So what is the plan my Lord?” Vikaa asked.
“No need to call me that anymore hun. Finish packing, after the ball tonight we return to the brotherhood.”
“Of course darling.” She said as Jeric made his way to his personal office.
Jeric sat at the desk thinking about his return to the brotherhood. Would he be casted out of his house for leaving so abruptly? Would he not serve as Assistant Emissary to the Dark Council? Jeric knew his masters in Naga Sadow where upset they lost a valuable asset. The Herald who had just return from a secret mission at the time was displeased.
Serving as High Lord would no doubt make him a better assistant to the Brotherhood’s Emissary, he knew the Herald would see this and forgive him. However, he needed something to bring back to House Naga Sadow, so his masters would overlook the fact he left. Jeric sat still for hours thinking of what he could do until his concentration was broken.
“Darling its time for the Ball.” Vikaa said, dresses up as only a Lady of the Tapani Sector would.
Jeric nodded and moved up stairs to change into his ceremonial High Lord Armor. The coronation ball went smoothly, only lasting a few hours. At the end the coronation was held, Jeric made his farewell speech and handed the Scepter of Lordship to Grant officially making him the new High Lord. Hours later Jeric & Vikaa where on there way down the Rimma Trade Route.
“We’ll be on the Corellian Trade Spine in less than five hours.” Vikaa told Jeric. “After that it should be a few days till we reach Coruscant for supplies & fuel.”
“Thank you hun, I’ll be in my meditation chamber. If you need me just call.” Jeric said holding up his comlink.
Jeric still needed something to bring home to Naga Sadow. Sure he found a few new Sith artifacts while he was gone but nothing they would want. With the recently conflicts in the brotherhood and the destruction of the Great Clans, Naga Sadow, just like the other houses where looking for new disciples. Thats it! Jeric thought to himself. An apprentice, Jeric would take on a new apprentice after his last one betrayed him. But where to find one? Jeric wanted someone who could act as his bodyguard. He was so used to having his detail of Royal Knights following him, guarding the throne room, & protecting the family palace.
A warrior, someone strong, someone who is not afraid to kill. Jeric search through a database of military personal. He found a few possible candidates, a former imperial commando, an alliance heavy trooper, & a imperial officer gone bounty hunter. Jeric was very good with hacking holonet system, so it didn’t take long to access their full profiles. The Imperial Commando would have been a good: fought in many bloody battles, lived thru them all, and had a high midi-chlorian count. Unfortunately he was killed a few months ago by a gang. The Bounty Hunter had an impressive history: served as a naval officer for the Imperial Remnant, has over a 300 bounty’s collected. But his connection to the force was so weak he wouldn’t be able to use the force no matter how much training. This left the Heavy Trooper: A Zabrak Warrior, who was drafted into the Alliance Army. Apparently he went mad and tried to return home, killing many troopers in his way. He was apprehend and is now serving life in the Alliance Judiciary Detention Center. Jeric checked his medical file and found his midi-chlorian count was just around 9,000, more than enough to be consider for training.
Such a waste letting a potential dark jedi rot away in prison. I guess its a good thing he is on Coruscant. Jeric thought to himself, as he stood up and walked over to the view port. Jeric pushed out with the force, hoping his potential apprentice would feel his power. “I’m coming for you Creon Khamier!”
Creon Khamier
16-01-2011 21:19:50
‘I’m coming for you Creon Khamier!’ boomed the thought that woke him up screaming. His eyes stared at his hands, and he looked around to make sure he was still where he always has been. “Who are you?” he growled in a low, rough, but quiet voice. This being, this power… It tortured his mind. The presence was only getting closer and closer with each and every day. He didn’t bother to mark another tally; this wasn’t going to count for another day. He wanted to go back to sleep. But the voice wouldn’t let him.
He curled on the mattress and tossed his head around. What was this feeling?! It was maddening. Perhaps this was the insanity people would speak of when in solitary confinement. It’s been two years already, it made no surprise to him that it should kick in sooner or later. He was going insane, it was really happening. And this voice that was ‘coming for him’ intimidated him. He peered around the small room once again. It was dirty, completely concealed in darkness; he had not seen a sun since he was thrown in this place.
Why must they punish a man like this? Murder was wrong yes, but no man should endure the effects of insanity inflicted by his own mind. All he wanted was to love and protect. All he wanted was to be happy. But his father took that from him, turned him into a number amongst ranks. His own son was just a tool he wanted to die for his cause. He took Creon from her, took him away from his home, his people, his life! And Creon promised he would return, he promised he would come back for her! She said she would wait for him! That she would believe in him! And when he returned she was already wedded to another!
The anger overwhelmed him. It seeped into his heart and filled his mind with hatred, fury, and above all, revenge. It consumed his heart and mind which spread through his body. He screamed out into the darkness and slammed his fist into the wall…
When his anger was diffused, the palm of his hand pressed against the spot he had punched. There were small cracks within the center spot where he had let out his anger on. How could he punch a wall so hard and make even a dent, let alone an actual crack. This was not his strength; he wouldn’t be able to make such an effect even when he was stronger and healthier. He had lost allot of his strength since then and yet, these small cracks still appeared.
Year 2, Month 4, Day 17… He scratched another tally mark on the wall next to his bed. After what just happened, he wouldn’t be able to catch anymore sleep for a while…
25-01-2011 17:28:03
Meditation Chamber
Lord’s Shadow, Corellian Run
34 ABY
“...and also our weakness. This is the reason there can only be one Dark Lord, achieved through their god given destiny. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. This is the way it must be. Soon shall you be granted your destiny, serve the strong till they are meant....”
The sounds of a communication alert broke Jeric’s concentration. He was meditation on one of the many teaching stored inside a holocron he found years ago. That one had always stuck with him. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. He thought as he walked over to the consul to open the comlink.
“Yes, Dear?”
“We are entering the atmosphere of capital now.” His wife answered him. Jeric closed the comlink and made his way to the cockpit of the shuttle. As he entered the sight of a thousand ships engulfed the view-screen. He could’t remember the last time he had been on Coruscant, probably during a mission for the Herald’s Office. As Jeric sat down in the co-pilots seat he reached out with the force attempting to feel the presences of his soon to be apprentice.
It was weak, but Jeric could sense the anger. He smirked as he envisioned a possible future.....Lord of his own Dark Empire, with his new apprentice at his side.....many things would have to happen before that would be possible.
Creon Khamier, you have no idea the power you possess. But soon my young apprentice, soon you will know. Jeric thought to himself as he watched the clouds breakaway and the cityscape of the galactic capital come into view.
“When we land, I have a few things to attend to. I should be long hun.” Jeric said to LT Vikaa as she searched for a public landing pad. Jeric would have to be careful, he was on an Alliance controlled plant, he didn’t want to attract any Jedi. Minutes after Vikaa landed the shuttle Jeric reached out to locate Creon. Creon’s presences was growing weaker, Jeric could only assume this was because they had him caged up like an animal. With a bit more effort the force pointed him in the right direction.
“Don’t be to long darling.” Vikaa called out as she left to get supplies.
“I won’t.” Jeric said, to soft for her to even hear, as he stood there waiting for a public transport. Now Jeric had to think of a way to get into the prison.
Creon Khamier
31-01-2011 17:23:40
It’s here! It’s on this planet! He felt it knowing it was too far away, but now it was too close. Creon hoped he was right about this feeling, because the consideration of this being all insanity terrified him. He had been locked away for too long, of course the mental pain would reach him to do this eventually. He had trust in himself that this was indeed true, that something really was coming for him. The real question that he then was concerned about was why was it, whatever it is, coming for him?
He paced around the room faster than normal, almost in a panic. He had his pipe, in case he had to fight. But he knew something like this could easily kill Creon. Death no longer concerned him however. He had lost his life 2 years ago; he would have rather died than be locked away here for eternity. If he was going to die today, he was ready and willing. But if it wasn’t here to kill him, what would happen? If this feeling was true, and some powerful force was going to come for him, what would happen to Creon? Anything is better than rotting away here he thought.
As time went by, it felt like hours for Creon. He walked around the walls impatiently, trying to find something in them he knew wasn’t there. Hope filled his heart to finally leave this place and the urge to break free now was all he thought about. The breakfast slot came in, bread and water… Creon ate it slowly this time, trying to keep a thought on how the bread tasted and the water felt. Maybe it’s the last bread and water he will have here? Last meal as a sane person or actually the last meal, it didn’t matter.
It was probably insanity, he told himself. This wouldn’t surprise him in the very least. Creon would have to deal with insanity sooner or later. Maybe he could be ok with it? Trick his mind to think he is somewhere else, with real people, and a life once again. All in his imagination within this cell. At that thought he slapped himself when that feeling came to him again. What foolish thinking! To enjoy living in a dream world due to insanity. He didn’t want that, he was terrified of it! He wanted whatever it was to come for him, and to hurry up.
10-02-2011 10:22:11
Air Bus X76
Senate District, Coruscant
34 ABY
Lost inside his mind Jeric sat in silence abroad the public transport. He was reaching out telepathically hoping to stir emotion in his potential apprentice, making him succumb to the dark side easier. He was able to see that this young Zabrak still dwelled over the lost of a love one & had much anger towards his human father. This will be good, Jeric thought to himself. Moments later Jeric broke out of his trance sensing he had arrived.
A chime rang throughout the transport and a metallic voice came over the speaker, Now stoping at the Judicial Plaza, next stop Legislative Borough. Thank you for choosing Coruscant Air Bus.”
Jeric rose from his seated position in the back of the bus, as he moved by the passengers he could feel them staring, their fears, their anger. Such a weak bunch normal humanoids were. Jeric made his way into the Alliance Judiciary Department’s HQ, better know as the Judicial Arcology. It was no surprise that when Jeric requested to visit a prisoner in solitary they denied him. With a little persuasion thru the force Jeric was able to get permission into the detention facility. It was a short ride to the Alliance Judiciary Detention Center but once he arrived he was questioned how he got permission.
Jeric didn’t have time to play around anymore reaching deep inside the force he released an explosion of light blinding the guards. The Tapani Noble pushed thru the disoriented guards and made his way to the bottom level of the facility. It didn’t take long to figure out which cell his soon to be apprentice was in. Tapping into the force again he pushed all the light from his vicinity creating absolute darkness on the Solitary Confinement Level.
It was here, in the facility. Creon could feel the evil and if it wasn’t insanity that he felt, whatever he did feel was driving him to it. Creon picked up his medal pipe and backed into the corner of his cell. He was scared but at the same time hoped whatever was coming for him would put an end to his suffering. Creon had spent almost 3 years in this hell house, at this point he would embrace death. A flash of bright light shown thru the food tray slit then pitch blackness came over the entire floor. The sound of the riot alarm being activated startled Creon. He stood there griping his pipe tighter, getting ready to attack. Then with no notice at all the door to his cell was ripped off. Creon look up into the darkness he could make out a shadow standing a few meters in front of him.
Jeric watch the frighten Zabrak back up until he hit the wall. He was scared but at the same time look ready to fight. This was good, the dark side would feed off that fear.
“How do you know my name?!” Creon blurted out to the shadow. He began shaking his head in disbelief. Maybe this was just a dream or maybe i have finally gone insane, Creon thought to himself.
“How I know you name is not important, what is important is you have alot of potential. I can feel the hate inside of you, I can sense how scared you are.”
“Leave me alone!” Creon yelled as if he could make the shadow disappear.
“I know you want revenge for what happen to you, I can help you seek revenge. I can give you a life of importance, of meaning.”
“This is not real!” Creon cried out like someone on the verge on insanity.
Jeric reached out with the force and slammed Creon against the wall behind him. “I am very real and the power I can give you is stronger than you will ever be. Stand beside me as my apprentice and I promise you will not regret it.”
Creon stumbled to his feet. That pain he felt in his back was definitely real. What this shadow said must be real, and if it wasn’t there was no harm in taking the offer, Creon thought to himself.
“I accept....my master.” Creon said with a tone of hatred.
Jeric threw a datapad onto his new apprentice’s bunk. “Your first test, escape the prison and meet me at the landing platform. The datapad will direct you to it. If you do not arrive in 2 hours I will hunt you down, be sure of that.”
With that Jeric quickly left the facility lifting the darkness he had created.
Creon Khamier
11-02-2011 19:02:43
The light was dim to a normal man’s eyes, but for one who has not seen much light in nearly 3 years it strained Creon’s pupils to see in it. He was finally free, and he was going to get revenge. He was going to kill EVERYONE!
The alarm was like a warm greeting. He stood where the darkest corner in the hallway was when the response 5 guard squad mobilized to get to his cell. Creon caught the rear man off guard just before he passed him by grabbing his helmet and ripping it off. The human guard’s face was in complete shock until Creon smashed his skull into the hard stone walls. He then yanked the gun from his dead hands and fired at the other 4 who still had their back turned at the time. After their slaughter, he raced down the hall still keeping near the darkest parts of the area as possible. Until his eyes could adjust, he needed more darkness.
Around a corner was a large room full of equipment for both prisoners and guards that branched from the cells. When Creon moved into the room a turret almost detected him. He quickly hopped back around the hallway corner. The alarm was still blaring in his ears so he had to move fast. Once more squads go to the prison chamber and found out he wasn’t there, the search wouldn’t last long until they recaptured him. He didn’t have time for a plan! So he immediately charged in the room and slid behind one of the manufactured metal boxes for cover once the turret detected him and began to fire. To his left he found a ladder heading up to a bridge pathway that the turret rested upon. Without hesitation he dashed his way to the ladder and yanked himself up the way as fast as he could. Around the same time soldiers swarmed inside the room and began looking for him.
The turret immediately turned to face Creon when he charged around the walkway held up by bars attached to the ceiling. It then began to fire, as well as the soldiers. Creon growled at the shot that scratched past his hip when he had to slide on it to get behind the turrets base. His arm wrapped tightly around the neck of the turret where the barrel was, as if to put it in a chokehold. He kicked the base of the turret and arched his back and broke the neck line connecting the turret barrel to the base, causing it to lose its movement control. Shots were still being fired at him, so Creon ripped off a metal plate on the base that covered the control wires of the turret. He reached in with his hand and ripped out some cords that made sparks fly and the turret to uncontrollably continue to rapidly fire nonstop. Creon then pulled the turret and aimed it at the soldiers as it rapidly wiped out the room. When all of them were dead and the ammo had diminished, he made his way down and into a bright room he was hoping to find. The prison’s power room…
A given in light robes walked quickly into the room of a judge that regulated the conditions of the prisoners as well as oversee its activity. “Your honor, you should evacuate immediately! There has been a breech in the prison!” The human chuckled holding a datapad and leaning back in his chair. “Its only one little Iridonian Fentin, don’t be afraid. Though he seems to be the animal, I have a bigger one.” He says pressing the activation signal of a Foreign Intruder Defense Organism that was no longer in use for war and was donated to the prison for high security emergencies. “This will take care of our little problem Zabrak problem…” he says with a chuckle was he looks at his datapad’s camera on the Defense Organism.
In the power room Creon found some electromagnetic pulse generating tips that he could use to make an electrostaff. He broke off one of the poles in the building structure and tied down the tips onto the pole with cables that no longer worked. To his surprise there were no guards in the area. But when he finished constructing his weapon, he heard a steaming landing of a large disk like droid that anchored itself with legs. On top of it sprang out cables that whirled above it. Creon twirled his newly made staff and advanced towards his new opponent in a determination to defeat it.
The Defense Organism’s motion detectors activated its cables to try and grab Creon to rip him apart. One tried to sweep beneath his feet but he leaped over it and continued to run towards it. Only 8 cables were going after him, though he had to show his skill in dodging, it still wasn’t enough to get him before he was within arm’s reach of the machine. Creon tried to stab the electrostaff into the droid, but the armor was too thick and one of the electromagnetic pulse tips fell off the edge of his pole. The tentacles then wrapped itself around the weapon and yanked it from its reach. Creon was surrounded by the tentacle cords. Before he was yanked away by one of them, he was able to smash his fist through the glass of one of the motion detectors of the droid. The smash made the droid almost lose control and the cable that held Creon whiplashed and threw him hard into the ground. With his breath knocked out and his head a little dizzy, Creon was hesitant to stand back up while the droid attempted to recover again and focus on destroying its target. He adjusted his dizziness and found the broken electrostaff with one pulse tip still on it. He picked it up immediately and with a loud roar, threw it like a spear at another motion sensor on the front of the Defense Organism. The electric shock from the staff made the droid figgit and all 26 cables came out in a desperate attempt to kill Creon.
Looking at all those tentacles, he knew he couldn’t get close enough unless he blinded that last motion sensor. He began to run as hard as he could to the power core of the entire facility. He saw the switch that would shut down all the power, but before he could get to it, two of the tentacles wrapped around his legs and pulled him from under his feet. Creon yelped and immediately grabbed one of the poles closest to him. He tried to reach for the switch, but could barely reach it. His arm stretched out as far as it could go but it was still no use. He was losing his grip to the superior strength the cables had, but without physically touching the switch, an inward and powerful passion to move it released from his mind and the switch was turned as the cables yanked him away. Creon could see more clearly now with less light in his eyes. He arms grabbed on to a power cable connecting from the core, but more tentacles from the droid wrapped around the cable and him and pulled him above it. Creon squirmed and tried to break free of the tentacles. Due to the lack of light, the last motion sensor’s capabilities weren’t working as well. The droid mistakened the power cable for Creon and all 26 cables began to pull apart the power cable. Creon landed again, knocked out of breath, but got up quickly due to his rush of adrenaline. When he stood, he noticed he was face to face with the last motion sensor of the Organism. He was shocked and only stared at it without making any movement or sound. The sensor moved across his face, but he made himself entirely still until the lazer moved past him again. Once it moved past him, Creon reared back his fist and smashed it into the last motion sensor and immediately turned to dash towards the power core box again. The Droid was now blind in a certain distance and had to rely on its Long-Range Sensors to see him. It retracted its armored legs to take flight, but it was too late. Creon pushed the switch to turn the core on. The power was restored and the cable the tentacles were wrapped around sent an enormous shockwave into the droids system that caused it to spin in flight until it smashed the ceiling and cause an explosion on the roof and malfunctioning the power core again, making the rooms go back into darkness..
Fentin ran with the judge down a dark hallway, but with a flashlight they were able to make clear the way. “Hurry! I think the landing platform is this way!” he says. When the Givin opened the door to the next hallway leading to the landing platform outside the facility, the lights began to flicker back on. “That’s convenient..” the judge says in a small breath of relief. But when they turned a corner, the Zabrak convict stood right in their way with a dark look of bloodlust and hate. They turned to run away to where they came, but Fentin wasn’t fast enough. Creon grabbed the squirming Given and held him above his head with one hand grasping his neck and the other on his skinny legs and pulls downward in opposite directions. The Given screamed when Creon roared in anger as blood splashed down on his head when Creon tore Fentin in two complete halves and then made his way to his next target.
The judge immediately locked the doors and barricaded them with his chairs and ran on the other side in complete fear. The doors began to bang and move. There was a monster on the other side, and the judge was terrified for his life. Creon tore his fists through the wooden doors and smashed one of the chairs out of his way. That gave him enough leverage to kick open both doors. The demonic stare and beastly growl of the Zabrak summoned the hands of death. Creon knew this judge, it was the same one that condemned him in his trials. “Listen, if you kill me, the entire council, the REAL ones who locked you up, will come after you to kill you if you do this!” he said backing into a corner. Creon stomped towards him and blasted, “They will fall as well!” “You couldn’t! The death of the council means the death of us all!” Creon grabbed him by his neck and yelled in his face, “Then prepare for your death, fool!”
The chock made him scrape Creon’s closed fist for the chance to breathe. But before the zabrak released him he smashed his horns into the judge’s face with a headbutt which caused blood to skew from his head and his body to fall back against the wall. Creon yanked him by his hair and smashed his fist continuously into his face, making his lip bleed, his nose leak, and his eyes turn black. The zabrak dragged him by his arm and grabbed his face again and smashed it through the judge’s desk into the ground and then threw him across the room against a window that shattered on the ground. The judge couldn’t think straight, blood covered what little vision he had left, and he felt too much pain he no longer wanted to live. His weak body began to try to crawl for the edge of the window to fall out, but the Iridonian warrior dragged his body back to him by his feet. Creon gripped both hands on his face and plunged his thumbs inside his eye sockets, causing mass amounts of blood and screaming to erupt. After seeing him squirm and scream in pain, Creon finally ended his life by stomping his foot on the throat until he could no longer breathe life. “No one, not even you, will deny me my revenge…”
Out of the entrance of the prison facility, the Iridonian murderer stepped towards the landing platform coated in the blood of his slain. His eyes were fuelled by so much hatred the glimmer of a golden taint clouded his pupils that were set on the man who freed him, his new master…
15-02-2011 20:07:09
Judicial Plaza Landing Platform
Senate District, Coruscant
34 ABY
Jeric stood on the edge of the landing platform, his back to the blood covered Zabrak that now kneeled before him. Jeric gave off a little smirk, glad that Creon had accepted his offer, before turning to face his new apprentice. Creon was a bit out of shape, still trying to catch his breath as he bowed his head at the sight of his master’s face.
“I oblige myself to your teachings. I sense your power, I desire it so that I may one day seek revenge on those who condemned me.”
“Come my apprentice, its time to leave this world.” Jeric said as he turn to face the approaching shuttle. Creon stood up and walked over to his master’s side. The Lord’s Shadow gently touched down on the platform. The loading ramp lowered to revile LT Vikka, Jeric could immediately sense the attraction Creon had so he made his way up the ramp and kissed his wife on cheek.
“This is my new apprentice, don't be kind to him.” Jeric said with a wink.
Creon looked away and understood that she was his master’s spouse, loosing interest almost as fast as she had caught his eye.
“Hello ma’am.” Creon said as he walked up the ramp. LT Vikka just started at him, closed the ramp and made her way to the cockpit.
Creon sat down on one of the passenger benches in the main holding area. The cockpit door closed behind LT Vikka as she walked in. Creon still couldn’t believe he was free, maybe he wasn’t. The man who freed him was still a mystery. Who was he? What is his name? What were his master and the women talking about in the cockpit? Where we’re they taking Creon? So many question left answer, Creon started to question it this was real.
With a hiss the cockpit door came sliding open. Creon’s master came out and stood before the seated Zabrak. Creon jumped to his feet, “Who are you and what are you gonna do with me?”
“I thought I already answered that question, I will help you seek revenge. I will give you power you never thought you had.”
“I know that but WHO are you?” Creon said a bit more aggressively.
“All will be reveiled in time my young apprentice, for now just sit tight and do what you are told or I promise you, your freedom will be short.”
What seemed like a day or two later, Creon was awakened by the thud of the shuttle landing. He struggled to get up, still weaken by his two years in solitary. His master came out of the cockpit and waved for Creon to follow. As Creon began to follow his master he could hear the distant sound of waves crashing against a cliff. Creon followed his master down the ramp and to his amazement a large pyramidal structure loomed in front of him and his master. Jeric was already walking towards a pair of cloaked figures.
“Evening your Excellency.” Jeric said with a bow in front of his old mentor & friend Taigikori Dupar. Then looked up and gave a nod to Ronovi. “I bring you a new initiate for the Brotherhood.”
“Outstanding Jeric. Is that him?” Taigikori said eyeing the Zabrak that stood at the bottom of the shuttle’s loading ramp.
“Yes, he is a powerful warrior despite his low midi-chlorian count. However it is enough to be consider for training.”
“Understood, we will make sure he is trained properly before you take him officially.” The Headmaster’s Praetor said with a nod to Jeric.
Jeric returned the nod and made his way over to the Zabrak. Creon broke out of the trance he was in when he notice his master coming.
“Its time for you to being your initial trials.”
“Trails for what?” Creon question.
“We need to be sure you are capable of even being a dark jedi. You will spend the next couple of weeks here. Then I will return and all will be revealed to you.” Jeric said to his apprentice. “Now go, I’ll be back for you if you succeed.”
Creon just did as he was told, he didn’t want to be killed or worst thrown back in prison. As the two cloaked figures led him into the pyramidal structure Creon could only hope he would succeed.