Trivia Feb. 07, 2009


07-02-2009 08:50:04

Here is the latest installment of trivia. Thanks go to Krandon who helped me out this past week by making the trivia for me since I was working my arse off once again. Meaning...if they are jacked, blame him. Not me. You know the drill. Send the answer to me at

1. In the Birth of a Legacy section of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood wiki page, who became one of the most dynamic and influential Jedi in the brotherhood?

2. During the First brotherhood civil war, what did history dubiously refer to Crona as?

3. Who was Lord Jac Cotelin’s successor?

4. Who was Khyron’s first apprentice? Second apprentice?

5. Which years did Lord Cotelin reign for the second time?

6. Which Jedi found the Potentium, a group maintaining that the Force is only good and that there is no dark side and was eventually expelled for these teachings?

7. Who unified the Sith nations on Korriban in 28 000 B.B.Y.?

8. What was the name of the Battle where Count Dooku learned the name, “Jango Fett”?

9. In what year was Palpatine resurrected as a clone?

10. Name Leia and Han’s children.