One Line


21-01-2009 12:03:41


A New Competition.

What you do is you add to the story ONE LINE at a time. for example
Person a: He ran as the sun starting setting over the hills.
Person b: Because he hoped the monster woudln't get him.
Something like that.


You can post multiple times in a week, however you must have AT LEAST one post between your replies.

A MAIMUM of 4 characters can be introduced in a week.

You can only write one line or rather one sentence at a time.

Each post is judged out of 5 points. Points are based on creativity and following the plot line, those that don't follow the plot line will be given less points and maybe even removed.

Each story will last one week so from Wednesday to Wednesday and will run for 3 weeks in total. The top 3 people in each week will recieve shinnies and the top three over all for the 3 weeks will also recieve shinnies!

Now to beging week one:
Something brushed up against my foot and my surprise turned to horror as I looked down and saw the last bottle of Sadow.


21-01-2009 12:13:19

I grabbed the bottle as it started to tip over from Imperial's touch.


21-01-2009 12:13:56

On second inspection, I realized it was just ewok juice.


21-01-2009 12:15:04

"Woe, and alas!" I cried, bringing the whole House running, "For our stash is depleted and we don't get another shipment until next week!"


21-01-2009 12:17:39

But Joseem remembered that a Bottle of Sadow is neverending.


21-01-2009 12:35:33

"Yet this one is broken," I cried, pointing out the large crack in the side, as we watched the last few ounces leak onto the floor.


21-01-2009 12:50:46

And be knew why, he need to be a Son before it worked for him.


21-01-2009 13:06:38

All the Sons were away on Very Important Business ™, and the big party tonight was in two hours.


21-01-2009 13:46:10

The party was to have over 600people and this bottle surely wouldn't last until the Sons had returned.


21-01-2009 14:25:12

desperately I raced to my comm port


21-01-2009 14:33:14

I tried to remember one of the son's number but my mind blanked and forgot everything.

Macron Sadow

21-01-2009 15:00:46

So, I went to Bob's office and got a bottle of hearty grog.


21-01-2009 15:25:29

However, I was despaired as I realized the bottle of grog was nearly empty, as our Consul was an alcoholic.


21-01-2009 15:41:16

I tried to look in the wine cellar, only to find 3 bottles of Corellian brandy.


21-01-2009 15:57:06

I cursed in despair, realizing how meager our supplies were, but from the depths of my sorrow I hatched a brilliant plan!

Macron Sadow

21-01-2009 16:31:38

I would ferment my old stinky Dark Jedi workout socks and distill the juice into an incredible whiskey!


21-01-2009 17:05:48

I "borrowed" Bob's enormous still and started throwing in socks, various undergarments and gym towels, and cranked the dial up to High.


21-01-2009 17:20:41

In a record time of 30mintues, the whiskey was ready for serving.


21-01-2009 18:22:28

I had a DAC sample it, and his ensuing sip caused him to cough and soil his armor.


21-01-2009 19:37:30

"Blimey," he said, "this stuff is stronger than a Wookie lumberjack; I love it!"

Macron Sadow

21-01-2009 19:40:46

And then he vomited bits of fermented socks all over the deck, making a huge mess that made everyone laugh.


21-01-2009 20:04:29

"It's still good!" he said after taking another swig.


21-01-2009 23:10:38

Suddenly he growled, beast-like, and started to turn a strange shade of green.


21-01-2009 23:22:59

"What is happening to me??!!??" he screamed.


21-01-2009 23:39:56

It appeared I was suffering from the dreaded .. chumba-wumba

Macron Sadow

22-01-2009 01:08:36

"No matter, er, baarrrf!" said the drunken DAC clone as I wickedly waved more vile nasty rotten-sock liquor under it's nose on the sly in order to make it chunder.


22-01-2009 01:54:26

He then grabbed the bottle from my hand, downed the rest in one gulp, and sped down the hallway on all fours.


22-01-2009 10:49:23

As he scuttled across the floor heard someone at the door.


22-01-2009 10:56:17

Joseem walked through the door, saw the DAC on all fours and petted his head, "Good DAC."


22-01-2009 14:30:24

"Woof," said the DAC, and promptly sat.


22-01-2009 15:56:18

The DAC began to drink the bottle while sitting and staring at Joseem.

Macron Sadow

22-01-2009 18:49:37

Just then, a herd of pink elephants sent by Bob burst through the front door looking for sock liquor.


23-01-2009 16:24:17

The lead elephant trumpeted, "Fear us, our lavender tusks and pepto-hued bellies! We are here to drink and make merry!"


25-01-2009 15:32:14

The elephants begin to drink the sock whiskey that was created.


27-01-2009 14:00:21

And then I woke up with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed with a pounding headache.

Macron Sadow

27-01-2009 16:03:21

I reached for the alka-seltzer and aspirin, thinking "Good lord, another one of Bob's famous hang-over generating parties."


27-01-2009 16:26:39

Then I rolled over, glass of water in hand, and found myself face-to-face with the DAC in bed next to me.


27-01-2009 20:01:59

Seeing what was before me, I fell backwards off the bed and landed amongst a huge pile of drink bottles.


27-01-2009 23:27:15

"What...What happened last night?" I say to the DAC.

Mack Deslin

28-01-2009 04:01:13

The DAC smiled at me devilishly and said, "Define 'happened'."


28-01-2009 09:18:26

A brief moment of silence passed between us, then I threw up a little bit in my mouth.


28-01-2009 11:10:39



Now let's see what happens to poor Bob shall we?


Bob looked down at the stick and shook his head, "Why did it have to be blue?"


28-01-2009 11:24:20

The stick had turn blue because of the snow that was about to fall.


28-01-2009 12:27:08

Apparently on hoth, wearing pants really was extremely important.


28-01-2009 14:15:48

Because without pants, Bob would get an extreme case of frostbite.


28-01-2009 14:23:32

Out from behind him Bob heard a large roar, stick in hand Bob stared as a hundred wampas charged towards him.


28-01-2009 14:26:50

He stood there waiting for the closest wamapa to reach him.


28-01-2009 15:42:52

"Look out!" he heard from above, then a fur-coated rider reached down, snatched Bob off his feet, and tossed him onto the nearest wampa.


28-01-2009 16:12:06

Bob and the wampas rode for kilometers, before they finally stopped and he got off.


28-01-2009 16:54:37

One of the riders had seen his Magical Snow-Sensing Stick and their superstitious leader wouldn't let him tag along anymore.


28-01-2009 17:15:45

The wamapas left Bob alone in the snow once more.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 17:16:28

Bob became very depressed and wished he had a friend to celebrate with.


28-01-2009 17:32:01

He pulled out of his back pocket a flask of his famous sock whiskey, that everyone loved.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 17:36:30

After taking a swig Bob layed down in the snow and started making angels of Iego in the snow.


28-01-2009 17:37:57

Just then a furry tauntaun rode by.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 17:40:30

Bob got up and tried to mount the Tauntaun however the Tauntaun was scared of his magical blue stick.


28-01-2009 17:44:55

Bob used the power of the blue stick to calm the Tauntaun into letting Bob ride it.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 17:49:47

With the Tauntaun calmed down Bob started to ride and follow the foot prints left in the snow by the Wampas.


28-01-2009 17:51:33

The foot prints led Bob to a cave that was inhabited by hundreds of wampas.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 17:54:26

Taking another swig of his sock whiskey Bob was surprised to see the Wampas dancing.


28-01-2009 17:56:04

Stabbing the magical blue stick into the ground, he walked to the rest of the Wampas and started dancing with them.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 17:58:05

However Bob had forgotten about the superstitious leader of the Wampas during his joy ride with the Tauntaun.


28-01-2009 18:05:34

Bob passed around the sock whiskey to the wampas.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 18:16:41

The sock whiskey made the Wampas start jumping in unison.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 18:19:52

Sorry, this was a post that somehow got sent twice. :P


28-01-2009 18:22:34

With all the jumping, a Wampa hit Bob causing him to go unconscious and waking up later stripped of his clothes.


28-01-2009 20:09:33

Suddenly Rage swelled up within Bob, for they had taken his booze


28-01-2009 20:48:14

He searched the entire cave looking for his booze, but only found a blue home pregnancy test.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 21:03:51

This fueled Bob's anger even more and he began to hate the color blue.


28-01-2009 21:06:50

As his anger surged he felt an odd soreness between his legs.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 21:12:08

Quickly Bob sat down in the snow to try and ice away the soreness.


28-01-2009 21:16:20

His skin started to turn blue, but his rage kept him warm inside.

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 21:35:20

In fact, Bob began to be so warm that he started melting the snow.


28-01-2009 21:37:30

The snow beneath him started to turn red, orange, and yellow.


28-01-2009 21:45:30

Bob ignored the red and orange snow and began to eat the yellow snow.


28-01-2009 21:50:26

"mmmm," Bob says, "I love this yellow snow."

Ekeia Iclo

28-01-2009 21:53:15

However the force-enhanced red and orange snow began to feel lonely for being ignored by Bob and began to plot revenge.


28-01-2009 22:03:17

The orange and red snow started to form a bed of ice stakes underneath Bob's butt.


28-01-2009 23:02:25

"Son of a Sith," swore Bob as his butt was stabbed with a bed of ice stakes.


28-01-2009 23:07:19

Bob stood up and started to kick and break the bed of ice stakes.

Macron Sadow

29-01-2009 00:32:16

Grabbing several stakes, he impaled a few of the wampas and made them drink the unholy Sock Whiskey.


29-01-2009 01:04:51

The Wampas got sick off the whiskey and started puking everywhere.


29-01-2009 04:25:30

Standing up, Bob realized that his butt had gained incredible Force powers from being impaled with shards of Force-enhanced ice.


29-01-2009 09:21:13

"Fear the power of Bob's butt," he yelled at the wampas as he downed a shot of Sock Whiskey.


29-01-2009 11:30:56

Turning, Bob loosed a blast of powerful Cheek Music and knocked all of the puking Wampas flat on their backs.

Macron Sadow

29-01-2009 11:32:11

"Speak, O toothless one!" gagged the leader of the puking wampas as he passed out.


29-01-2009 11:34:08

Downing another shot of the sock whiskey, Bob said, "I am the almighty Bob!"


29-01-2009 12:05:31

"BURP!" replied the Dark Jedis in unison.


29-01-2009 12:26:27

Which is when the explosion occurred, explosive diarrhea from Bob's ass - propelling itself out with such force it caused him to spin, covering everything within 100 yards around him.


29-01-2009 14:38:22

The Dark Jedi ran for cover as the diarrhea went everywhere.

Macron Sadow

29-01-2009 17:14:06

Macron laughed in the lab as he saw the spectacle on remote video, saying "Ah hahaha! The weapon against the Far Outsiders is complete!"

Ekeia Iclo

29-01-2009 17:47:11

Back in the Wampa cave, Bob was once again lonely and drunk.

Mack Deslin

29-01-2009 17:56:37

Luckily, he had brought one of Macron's Ewoks

Macron Sadow

29-01-2009 18:53:04

Reputedly, the Sith Ewoks were cuddly and could take a lot of punishment, according to Malisane.


29-01-2009 20:31:44

Bob moved towards the Ewok, slipping slightly on his own pooh


29-01-2009 20:35:56

Spotting one of the empty bottles that was most likely lying on the ground, the Ewok picked it up to only send it crashing against Bob's leg.


29-01-2009 21:08:24

Bob's leg started to uncontrollably bleed, so he started to chase after the crazed Ewok.

Ekeia Iclo

29-01-2009 21:14:06

After he caught up with the Ewok he tackled it down into the snow.


29-01-2009 21:15:45

Bob wiped off his leg on the Ewok fur, but as he did so the Ewok bit him.

Ekeia Iclo

29-01-2009 21:19:46

Almost immediately Bob started foaming at the mouth and growling.


29-01-2009 21:21:57

The Ewok ran out of the cave screaming, leaving Bob behind.

Ekeia Iclo

29-01-2009 21:25:15

However Bob was drunk and 'rabiefied' so he decided to chase the terrified Ewok.


29-01-2009 21:29:57

But before he ran after the Ewok, Bob cut off the fur of a Wampa for warmth because he lost his clothes before.


30-01-2009 09:06:24

Then, freshly clad in his Wampa-booties, mittens, tam, and loincloth, Bob set out to brave the elements and exact his revenge.


30-01-2009 10:32:58

Sensing that man-love is in the air, Kir and Jac Cotelin arrive

Ekeia Iclo

30-01-2009 11:47:41

However Bob was too preoccupied to sense the new arrivals.


30-01-2009 12:45:23

Bob continued to charge after the Ewok that had bit his leg.


30-01-2009 14:51:23

Jac and Kir's passions take over, and they begin to hump the Ewok as Bob brews more sock-whiskey while playing with the dolls he had in his bag.


30-01-2009 15:31:06

Once the sock whiskey was finished, he drank more and gave Jac and Kir some of it.


30-01-2009 23:51:52

Then they danced around in a circle claiming they were each the queen of england.


31-01-2009 03:33:43

They began to fight to determine who would be the queen of england.


31-01-2009 09:12:29

To drunk too realize anything, they soon had empty bottles and were using them like lightsabers.

Ekeia Iclo

31-01-2009 11:22:19

This made the Ewok giggle.


31-01-2009 13:48:53

Jac eventually broke the bottle on Bob's neck making Bob extremely angry.

Ekeia Iclo

31-01-2009 15:29:20

While Bob was busy being extremely angry at Jac, Kir took advantage of Bob's unfocused mind and broke his bottle against Bob's ribcage.


01-02-2009 11:04:16

In retaliation Bob started to pee on them


01-02-2009 11:42:19

Due to his inebriated state, and not really knowing what was going on, even though Bob was angry at him, Jac started to catch the pee in an empty bottle.


03-02-2009 12:06:57

After catching all the pee in the bottle, Jac threw the bottle into the blue snow making it turn yellow and Bob's favorite kind of snow.

Ekeia Iclo

03-02-2009 18:06:06

Bob dove face first into the snow.


03-02-2009 18:17:42

He began to eat it, loving it the entire time.


04-02-2009 11:23:21

Well I must say that story was certainly...interesting. However I find it lacked alot of the story character that was in the first one. Remember, even though you can post after one other person has posted it is very important to keep the story line alive and open for others to jump into the story.

That being said I think my faviourte line has to be "Fear the power of Bob's butt." I am tempted to even make that the first line for this weeks story but afraid of where that might head ;)

So your Third Week Beginning is:

"The Star Destroyer hummed with activity as Clan Naga Sadow members prepared for war."

Congrats to last weeks winners.


04-02-2009 11:40:34

Macron strode across the bridge, surveying preparations, but stopped short as an unexpected warning flashed on one of the displays.


04-02-2009 14:31:08

He looked at the screen reading the display 'gammoreans?" he thought to himself


04-02-2009 22:42:20

Overwhelmed by sheer curiosity, Mac resisted the urge to call for alert; instead, he pointed to the approaching blips on the radar screen and said, "Bring us closer, Lieutenant."


06-02-2009 00:46:51

The Lieutenant brought the ship closer, into the range of its guns.


06-02-2009 01:07:44

When suddenly a giant marshmallow appeared in space


06-02-2009 01:44:57

Macron seeing the giant marshmellow exclaimed "What is that doing here?!"

Ekeia Iclo

06-02-2009 07:56:11

Deciding he needed to investigate the giant marshmallow he yelled out to the Lieutenant, "Lieutenant, send out a team of droids to bring that marshmallow inside."


06-02-2009 12:43:51

'and remember to equip them with chocolat and cookies, i want smores dammit!" he added at the last moment


06-02-2009 13:04:06

The team went in only to find it to be completely empty inside, but instead found Bob meditating in the center of it.

Ekeia Iclo

06-02-2009 17:19:32

"Hehehe!" giggled Macron.


07-02-2009 20:17:44

Macron approached Bob and challenged him to a duel at eating cookies and milk.


09-02-2009 05:08:32

Little did they know that both cookies and milk had been spiked with Force-enhanced liqueur.

Ekeia Iclo

09-02-2009 07:57:36

"Lieutenant, come over here and judge for us," commanded Macron.


09-02-2009 11:55:50

The Lieutenant waddled over to judge the competition

Ekeia Iclo

09-02-2009 12:48:46

"Ok boys, you have 10 minutes to eat as many cookies and drink as much milk as you without puking it back up," announced the Lieutenant.


09-02-2009 13:04:52

Bob and Macron started shoveling cookies down their throats and gulping down milk.


09-02-2009 13:26:49

Suddenly Macron farted

Ekeia Iclo

09-02-2009 13:42:56

Bob fainted from the odor coming from Macron's butt.


09-02-2009 14:39:46

The Lieutenant declared Macron the winner due to his obnoxious farting and Bob passing out.


09-02-2009 15:51:14

Alarms started going off, "We've got to get this marshmallow out of the cargo bay, she's gonna blow!"


09-02-2009 19:05:08

Macron picked up Bob and left the marshmellow before it was jettisoned into space.


10-02-2009 10:34:46

"Who needs oofies when you've got this murmurred Macron

Ekeia Iclo

12-02-2009 17:51:00

Bob finally started to come to only to find his face next to Macron's butt.