27-12-2008 11:00:59
Well, a week without it and it's back, trivia! Due to my lack of stable IRC, there is no live trivia today. So there are 20 questions here and you have until Midnight central time today (Saturday) to get your answers to me. Same thing as before on the awards.
Edit: Since I've gotten this twice now: All but the last 5 are DB based.
1. How many years before the Sons of Sadow settled on Sepros was the planet discovered? (1 point)
2. What is entrance into the Inner Order of Naga Sadow based on? (1 point)
3. What do the Book of Memories, the Book of Wisdom, and the Book of Twilight belong to? (1 point)
4: Who created the first Holocron and when was it created? (2 points)
5: What is Dystopia and how many floors does it have? (2 points)
6: When was House Primus Goluud founded and when was its dissolution? (2 points)
7: What is the largest moon of Sepros? (1 point)
8: Who was Trevarus Caerick’s apprentice during his quest for the planet Lehon? (1 point)
9: What was one of the principle worlds of the Orian system before it was destroyed by the dark sorceries of the Sith Lord Urias Orian? (1 point)
10: Why is the planet Njord not completely ignored even though it is impossible to have life there? (1 point)
11: What pair of twin planets in the Orian system orbit Orian Major on a double-helix? (1 point)
12: Why was the True Brotherhood really created? (1 point)
13: Who created the Society of Envoy? (1 point)
14: Which is the only remaining society in the DB? (1 point)
15: What is the furthest planet out from Odin? (1 point)
16: Who did Tyranus send Jango Fett after and what was this person the leader of? (2 points)
17: Who caused General Grievous’ hacking and coughing? (1 point)
18: By the time of the Clone Wars, how long had Dooku been a practitioner of the Force and how long had he been a Sith Lord by that time? (2 points)
19: Who actually makes protocol droids (Anakin made C-3PO, but who actually makes all the others?) (1 point)
20: The Jedi Starfighters came hard-wired with a specific droid model, what model is it? (1 point)
Send all answers to me at kemyrda@gmail.com. Winners will be announced tomorrow morning. This may take some digging for these answers, just warning you!