Clan Naga Sadow Artisan's Competition - Trivia Con


06-02-2008 19:27:39

1. Weekly trivia about Clan Naga Sadow's history, via email.

2. Weekly trivia within each House, via email, about the history of the particular House

Emails Answers to :

Competition A

Naga Sadow
1.Who was the founder of Clan Naga Sadow?
2. Who is the Consul of Clan Naga Sadow?
3. Who is the Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow?
4. What year was Clan Naga Sadow founded in?
5. Which two groups joined to form Clan Naga Sadow?
6. Which Two Houses Constitute Clan Naga Sadow?
7. Name the Clan’s Public Front
8.What was the house originally envisioned as?
9.Where is the Head Quarters of Clan Naga Sadow
10. What is the URL to the Clan Naga Sadow Webpage?

Competition B

House Marka Ragnos
11. Who was the founder of House Marka Ragnos??
12. Who is the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos?
13. Who is the Aedile of House Marka Ragnos?
14. What year was Clan House Marka Ragnos founded in?
15.What is the headquarters of House Marka Ragnos?
16. Which two Battle Groups were commissioned by Derev
in House Marka Ragnos?
17. Who was the founder of Battle Team Ravana
18. Who is the current leader of Battle Team Ravana
19. Who was the founder of Team Night Hawks
20. Who is the current leader of Team Night Hawks?

House Ludo Kressh

21.Who was the founder of House Ludo Kressh?
22. Who is the Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh?
23. Who is the Aedile of House Ludo Kressh?
24. What year was Clan House Ludo Kressh founded in?
25.What is the headquarters of House Ludo Kressh?
26. Which three Battle Groups consist House Ludo
27. Who was the founder of Jade Serpents?
28. Who is the current leader of Jade Serpents?
29. Who was the founder of Sapphire Squadron?
30. Who is the current leader of Saphire Squadron?


12-02-2008 17:13:31

1. Weekly trivia about Clan Naga Sadow's history, via email.

2. Weekly trivia within each House, via email, about the history of the particular House

Emails Answers to :

Part A

Clan Naga Sadow
1: What Rank was Tron when CNS was founded?
2: Who was the first Proconsul for CNS?
3: How many Consuls has CNS had?
4: Who was the consul during the 1st GJW?
5: Name Three Members of the Inner Circle
6: What is a bottle of sadow?
7: What is the rank of the current Consul of CNS?
8: Name two previous positions held by the current Pro Consul
9: How many GJW’s has CNS been involved in?
10: Name an individual who held the position of pronconsul and Consul at different times?

Part B

House Marka Ragnos
11: What rank was Ximeno when HMR was founded?
12: Who was the first Aedile of House Marka Ragnos?
13: How many Dark Jedi have served more then QUA once?
14: Name who they were?
15: How many HMR QUA's have been CON's?
16: Name two?
17: Who is the Overlord of HMR?
18: What order specific House did HMR start as?
19: How many Sons of Sadows have been QUA of HMR?
20: Who established the rudimentary "Mentor" program in the early days of HMR?

House Ludo Kressh
21:How many Quaestors have been in charge of HLK
22:Which Quaestor managed to bring down a House of Arcona and a House of Taldryan?
23:Who was Quaestor during the split?
24:During the 6th GJW, who was Quaestor of HLK?
25: How many Aediles did HLK have?
26: How many HMR QUA's have been CON's?
27: What rank was Eagleye when HMR was founded?
28 : who was the first Aedile of HLK
29: Who was the last leader of the Iron Fist Battleteam?
30 :What was the original name of the Jade Serpents?


21-02-2008 22:10:50

1. Weekly trivia about Clan Naga Sadow's history, via email.

2. Weekly trivia within each House, via email, about the history of the particular House

Emails Answers to :

Part A

Clan Naga Sadow
1. Who was Nephets?
2. How many GM's and DGM's have come from CNS?
3. In what place did CNS Place in the 3rd GJW?
4. Name a clan with which CNS has had a feud with
5. What is the Final way?
6. Who may use the last name "sadow" now?
7. Which Pro-Consul has a name based on a line of famous Shogun in ancient Japan?
8. What is the Alcoholocron?
9. How many heralds have come from CNS?
10. How many hands of justice have come from CNS?
Part B

House Marka Ragnos

11. Which QUA of HMR said "An upstart organisation known as the Guild is trying to lure our members away from us and infiltrate our organisation with spies. If anyone is contacted by this organisation I would like to hear from you ASAP."
12. Who did Quaestor Trevarus Caerick chose to be his first Aedile?
13. Which QUA established the "Dark Librarian" position?
14. Who did Rage name as his Aedile when he became Quaestor?
15. Name the three House Summit positions?
16. Which Aedile of House Marka Ragnos tradigly died (in real life) after shortly getting the position?
17. Who was the first QUA of HMR after the Split?
18. House Marka Ragnos once claimed who as their House Mascot?
19. The Ragnos Cathedral is located in which military town on Tarthos?
20. Trevarus Caerick sought to archive the stories and writings of House Marka Ragnos by building what?

House Ludo Kressh
21. Who is the new HLK Aedile?
22. Who was the 9th Quaestor of HLK
23. Who founded the Order of the Black Guard?
24. What does "Dominatio per Noctis" mean?
25. Which Quaestor of HLK is a Valheru
26. Name a prominent family represented in HLK?
27. who is Overlord of Kressh ?
28. As what are the Jade Serpents maneuvers also known?
29. Whats the name of the Sapphire Headquarters?
30. What does a member receive upon Indoctrination into the Jade Serpents?


03-03-2008 23:08:06

1. Weekly trivia about Clan Naga Sadow's history, via email.

2. Weekly trivia within each House, via email, about the history of the particular House

Emails Answers to :

Part A
Clan Naga Sadow
Where is the Great Massassi Temple?
Who discovered Sepros?
What did Kiln Tobasa and Trevarus Caerick raid?
who spread a corruption of the Force that turned whole Clans into mindless puppets?
Which former GM just joined CNS?
Name three councillors to CNS
How does CNS feel towards Clan Scholae Palatinae?
What is Amphor?
Who leads the CNS army?
Which planet are the Saraii natives of?

Part B

Marka Ragnos

Which Sith Lord originally built the Ragnos Cathedral?
What is the headquarters of HMR also known as?
What is Tarthos also known as?
Which Dark Jedi Master returned in 22 ABY seeking revenge on his former student and manipulated HMR into conflict with the other Houses?
What were the two previously languages spoken on Tarthos before Galactic Basic?
Name the seven native species on Tathos?
Who rediscovered Tarthos, and in what year?
What was the True Brotherhood's main target on Tarthos when they invaded the Orian system?
What Shadow Academy course does the Aedile grade?
Who is the One Arm Bandit?

House Ludo Kressh
Which BTL of Sapphire ensured Darth Vexatus' marriage to the Huttwife?
The Jade Serpents was a BT for a specific order, which order?
What is a 'StarAnvil'?
What is the Iron First motto?
During the 6th GJW, who was Quaestor of HLK?
Who made the logo displayed on the HLK Wiki?
There were two other 'gem' squadrons alongside of Sapphire Squadron, name them.
Name the most popular Sapphire Squadron Mascot
Which Mascot passed away not too long ago?
Who was the 11th Aedile of HLK?