24-10-2007 12:58:56
Nero Pennant
25-10-2007 23:42:01
I'll start the whole thing off by voting for Naga Sadow
28-10-2007 14:01:32
Naga Sadow up 3-0
where is everyone? I'll advance the game tomorrow
Muz Ashen
28-10-2007 15:44:37
Naga Sadow omgwtfpwns the non-force sensitive and non-sith-lord Dash Rendar.
Macron Sadow
28-10-2007 15:45:26
he'd be experiment fodder, or Sith Wyrm food.
29-10-2007 11:16:13
Nero Pennant
31-10-2007 08:36:44
Boba Fett for the win! He was one of the major reasons I thought Episodes IV - VI were awesome, because he was so bad-ass.
31-10-2007 09:30:24
Boba Fett; I haven't read all the EU, but I know Boba lived through some much harder times as the Galaxy transitioned from fairly orderly to Imperial dominance, and managed to make a good living, making several modifications to his "father's" suit, etc.
31-10-2007 11:49:32
I'm going to have to say Bobba, because Jango was annoying and slightly greasy in AOTC. Though Bobba was an annoying Anakinesque kiddy character in that film I prefer to think of him as a monosylabic mysterious character in ESB and ROTJ
Macron Sadow
31-10-2007 11:58:16
Jango was bad-A, no doubt.
I gotta go with Boba though- the stuff he lived through just made him hard as hell.
Muz Ashen
31-10-2007 23:33:01
i vote for the guy who doesn't rely on a defective jetpack...
oh wait...
08-11-2007 11:24:16
Boba Fett wins with a score of 5-1-1 (I'm counting Muz's vote as a tie)
Here is our next matchup. It will be a battle of Sith Lords.
Introducing in the Red Corner, the man who created the Rule of Two,
Darth Bane
And in the other Red Corner, the man who broke the Rule of Two and created the Rule of One,
Darth Krayt
Which Sith would you follow?
08-11-2007 14:10:46
Darth Krayt. Former Jedi, Former Tusken, full on bad @$$!
Ekeia Iclo
08-11-2007 20:40:10
Ok, I'm behind. Here are my votes.
1st duel... Naga Sadow.
2nd Duel... I prefer the young Boba Fett...as in Daniel Logan, who's hot!! (Forgive me, I'm a girl, I'm entitled to my opinions.) There's really a funny story behind why I like him, and it includes me meeting him, so if you want to know, ask me on IRC.
3rd Duel... Darth Bane all the way, Darth Krayt is just kind of like, well, I play SWG and I hate the frieken beasts. Plus Bane is so much cooler. (I have a friend named Bain... Freaky)
09-11-2007 10:06:11
Ok, I'm behind. Here are my votes.
1st duel... Naga Sadow.
2nd Duel... I prefer the young Boba Fett...as in Daniel Logan, who's hot!! (Forgive me, I'm a girl, I'm entitled to my opinions.) There's really a funny story behind why I like him, and it includes me meeting him, so if you want to know, ask me on IRC.
3rd Duel... Darth Bane all the way, Darth Krayt is just kind of like, well, I play SWG and I hate the frieken beasts. Plus Bane is so much cooler. (I have a friend named Bain... Freaky)
hehehe not that your vote is going to change the first two results, Naga Sadow and Boba Fett are in the next round.
Looks like we have a tie so far between Darth Bane and Darth Krayt.
12-11-2007 20:43:12
I gotta go with Bane. Krayt was one psycho ass, at least Bane had a brain.
Shinichi Endymiron K
13-11-2007 16:31:12
I have to go with Bane. Krayt is a whiny emo turd-gurggler. Bane forged himself, Krayt cried about being defeated by Obi-Wan.
Krayt gets points for kickin' the shyte outta Anakin, bouncin' back from Obi's waxin', and recruiting Cade Skywalker...but it takes stones to kill a father's kids in front of him. Plus, he's part of a nice upcoming (?) figure set:
Bane an' 'Nem
Bane for the win.