Custom Sabres

Muz Ashen

07-03-2005 20:22:01

Muz's Custom Sabres

If you are a proud and active member of Clan Naga Sadow (or the Dark Council), and have finally reached the point at which you may have a custom lightsabre, dual sabres, or double-bladed sabre, you can email me and I will build you one.

I am quicker than the Herald, as he has many, many other things to do, and probably quite a few sabres that need work in line before yours, and i have the very same program Lucas uses to rotoscope sabre blades. You can see a few that I have built by following the link above.

In order to have me build your sabre, all you have to do is email me, tellling me the general scheme of the look. Then tell me what shape (tapered to the tip, or flush to the end) of blade you wish, and color. I can do blades in white, silver, gold, yellow, purple, orange, red, dark blue, light blue, and green. I do adhere to the herald's rules, and will not make an all-gold sabre.

Along with the graphic, I will also send you the huge working jpeg of the piece before it is shrunk down to the dossier size, for use on your own personal website. From this you can see the high level of detail i put in every drawing. If you also wish, I can send a skeletonized schematic of your sabre--complete with crystal placement, switch designations, and power cell mounting details.

And in case you're being silly, these sabres are not real, nor will the schematic yeild a working sabre. They are just cool, albeit geeky, jpegs, suitable for use on your website.

And with that, i bid you mrah!

Macron Sadow

07-03-2005 20:45:26

Whoa! If I ever earn one, I would love to get you to do it.
best, Macron


07-03-2005 23:35:05

You can make mine dude, if you want and all...

I have a picture of how i want the hilt to look, and ill talk to u bout the excess details whenever I see you on IRC.


Hell if you want, you can do both my sabers =P Ill recc a nice medal for your effort =P


Aidan Kincaid

08-03-2005 00:52:59

Gonna point out that only Primarch and other order equivalents can have/wield two lightsabers..

Muz Ashen

08-03-2005 08:04:08

Yeah, and only adept or higher can use double bladed sabres (al a darth maul).

I can, however draw, two sabre gfx for you, and you can choose whichever you like to send to the HRLD for your dossier. When you achieve the necessary rank, I will send the dual sabre gfx for dossier use. It's not a bad idea to have the gfx ready beforehand, so you can have the new ones set up as quickly as possible after a promotion.

That's why my 'ancillary sabre' is drawn already...I know i am two ranks away yet from concurrent weilding, but I work ahead of time whenever I can...

Raistlin, cool beans, man...I'll see you on IRC tonight, most likely.

Muz Ashen

10-03-2005 12:40:11

Raistlin, Lenzar, how do you like the new sabres?

Anyone else looking?

I am working on a few new cool ones to put up on the site that no one has 'ordered', so if you would like one of those, you'll have to email me as soon as possible after i put them up. And then I'll hold them for you.

Also...someone asked me when they should talk to me about their customs. I'll work on sabres for anyone who is one rank away from what they are asking for... So a Priest could have me make their custom, Epis could have me work on their duals, etc.

Muz Ashen

18-03-2005 20:23:53

site has been updated. There are more happy people with sabers now... Nekura Manji Keibatsu, Lenzar Demonis Entar, Raistlin Sadow, and Loopus Loxmeup all have Muz-Made blades.


Muz Ashen

19-03-2005 15:52:52

Updated again, this time with Arania's sabre.

I bid you all mrah.

Muz Ashen

30-03-2005 11:19:32

It's been updated, with a golden sabre i made that the Jac snapped up...yes, THE Jac. As in Cotelin.

also, made sabres for a few more people... think i have done around 18 or so now. Fun stuff, all around.

Clicky de linky


30-03-2005 11:37:26

Damn fine work there Muz.

Beats the hell out of mine.

Muz Ashen

30-03-2005 12:47:24

Thanks for the praise, Headmaster.
I happen to love your sabre, as i think that half-basket hilt is quite attractive. Very historic feeling, especially with the pointed pommel...


30-03-2005 13:23:24

Many thanks. I do enjoy its look of age.

But I also enjoy the style of the ones you make. Well minus the one you made for Lenz but I won't say what that reminds me of. :-P

Macron Sadow

30-03-2005 13:37:07

* lol *

I especially like the dark one with the turquoise blade, there's something neat about that one.
Nice art Muz!

Muz Ashen

23-04-2005 23:20:26

new... His Malness has had me make his sabres, and a i did a spec sabre for Callus, as well as a very cool (IMO) double-bladed sabre just for kicks. I realized i had not drawn a double bladed one yet (I guess Dark Side Adepts don't like me much :P) and had a cool idea for waves and such... well, go look, you'll understand.

also, Graphic for all the different blade colors i can do is there, at the bottom of the page.


24-04-2005 09:46:35

Holy crap that last one is awesome! Good work!


29-04-2005 07:48:20

How'd you like mine, kids? ;)

Macron Sadow

29-04-2005 07:56:02

Ssssweet! Muzzie rocks!

Muz Ashen

01-05-2005 01:18:51

Clicky de linky

Some cool new blades were added...

the bendy one with the purple blade is a neat idea i had... let me know what you think...


01-05-2005 01:32:39

Mine is better! :P


01-05-2005 05:46:07

*grabs Xhed's sabres and runs off*

Hehehe! They're mine now :P


01-05-2005 11:46:51

Ok, now, how do I put in on my dossier?

Kaine Mandaala

01-05-2005 12:41:19

It has to go through me.


01-05-2005 14:26:14

bah... Xhed had my saber copied! *claims copyright* :P


01-05-2005 15:17:34

You wish, your just pissed cuz mine looks better :P


01-05-2005 16:47:30

pfft. you wish. :P

Muz Ashen

01-05-2005 20:03:45

Actually, there's quite a few differences between the two, korras, Xhedias.

blade color, most obviously.

In order to get a sabre uploaded to your dossier, you have to email Kaine (get his addy from the db), and tell him you're ready. If you aren't the wrong rank, or if the sabre is 'non-conforming' (read: something that you're not supposed to have), he'll put a boot in your arse.

If it's all kosher, he'll get it up as soon as he has time.

Kaine Mandaala

01-05-2005 23:35:59

If Muz made it it's almost always approved. The only thing that holds people back is rank. For that, read the guide.

I usually have them up the day I get them, but if I don't it's because I'm ignoring you (Manji). :P Actually I like posting them in groups, so I wait to have about 5 before I bother.

Nekura Manji

02-05-2005 05:13:04

Yeah, whatever :P


03-05-2005 20:25:00

No one best copy my saber!!!!!

Muz Ashen

04-05-2005 13:13:38

Raidoner...You have a Flash Sabre....
generated by the database...I'd bet a LOT of people have that exact sabre.

What you need to do is work your butt off and get a nice promotion, so i can make up a custom sabre for you that only you can have.

Hop to it, man!


04-05-2005 14:28:01

/me hops faster


04-05-2005 18:15:53

I was only Joking but yes you are correct and I will try to focus more on the ME and let Xhedias and Karimicus handle the DBPA.

Macron Sadow

04-05-2005 20:25:22

*tries to hop faster, but catches on fire from the rapid oscillation*

I am hopping!


05-05-2005 05:38:38

Κaine, I want my sabre!


11-05-2005 08:38:12

Κaine, I want my sabre!

hey, psst... he waits longer with each time you ask. :P


11-05-2005 09:52:17

Whose saber is the purple one that curls back on itself? That one is very interesting.

Muz Ashen

12-05-2005 08:19:04

That belongs to no one...It's a concept prototype.

I don't know if it's technically conforming or not, but it's a neat idea, i think...


23-05-2005 12:50:22

could you build me one, i'll email you will the details.

Nekura Manji

23-05-2005 15:34:03

He can build you one, but you won't be able to have it on your dossier until you reach the rank of Sith Warlord (I think).


23-05-2005 17:25:22

He can build you one, but you won't be able to have it on your dossier until you reach the rank of Sith Warlord (I think).

ok so how do i reach that again?

Kaine Mandaala

23-05-2005 17:47:57

Hard work and determination.


23-05-2005 18:50:01

Think of this in terms of jedi and dark jedi in the star wars universe. They didn't just say ok I'll be a knight and get their lightsaber (except for Luke's special case). If you participate in competitions, develop leadership skills, complete courses in the shadow academy, create competitions, etc. you will advance as quickly as your superiors allow you to.

If you have any website creation skills or graphic arts skills then that will greatly help you.

Anyway, to reach sith warlord or the equivilant of that, you need to advance through several ranks. Getting a promotion will take longer and longer as you advance but in the end make it feel all the more worth it when you finally do reach that rank. Good luck!


23-05-2005 19:12:25

Sith Warmaster = Krath Archpriest = Obelisk Prelate

You can start by logging into your dossier and completing your characters history, maybe even making a character sheet for the ACC.


24-05-2005 00:51:21

Raidoner waves his saber around!

Muz Ashen

24-06-2005 21:40:34

Clicky de linky

Three more custom sabres added. Wheeee!

Drodik alTor

24-06-2005 21:57:38

cool sabers, i like the tenth one down on the left.


28-06-2005 01:05:50

YAY! Thank you Muz. Mine looks awesome.


Macron Sadow

28-06-2005 08:25:55

You've been busy! More cool sabers.... neato. Like the red one with the spidery design and red windown in the middle.

Shinichi Endymiron K

28-06-2005 09:11:46

Saber good. Beer foamy.


17-07-2005 00:06:05

I'm not in CNS but thanks just the same Muz!

Drodik alTor

23-08-2005 01:38:34

Awesome thanks Muz!

Mines the very last one with the crystal on the bottom.

Muz Ashen

07-09-2005 12:37:41

I added a set that i was working on for myself, as well as Dro'dik's crystal-butted one, and a set for Shadow Taldrya.

go check them out!

Drodik alTor

14-09-2005 23:49:28

Whoa! those new sabers are awesome. Great Job Muz!


23-09-2005 11:06:08

Nice, did you get my pm a while ago? i cant remember what i asked for.

Macron Sadow

23-09-2005 11:24:42


soon, my precious, soon.....


24-09-2005 22:16:39

wow these are amazing. Do we have to be ranked SBM to ask for one? :)


17-10-2005 15:38:10

I'm not in CNS but thanks just the same Muz!

you are in CNS now :P


30-10-2005 05:52:58

I note the recent news item from Cyris on the subject of black blades.

What's the position on ultra violet ones? Having a blade no-one can see is bound to give you a hell of an advantage in combat.

Nekura Manji

31-10-2005 05:14:01

Probably banned. And besides, it would make having a sabre on your dossier quite redundant- nobody would be able to see the blade. Also, ultra violet isn't a colour- it's a state of light. I think Cyris was talking about restricted colours for blades.

Muz Ashen

16-11-2005 11:54:44

The idea of multi-phasing a sabre to have a Ultra-violet blade is *possible*, but like cortosis, the DC will likely swoop down and gank them from you.

Black blade cores (as opposed to light ones) are Illegal. The idea is 'lightsabre', not 'darksabre'... :P

Oh, and check out the site again...plenty new ones added. :D

Macron Sadow

16-11-2005 21:05:36

Tuning your blade to UV is something I have investigated. Most likely, you would be at a serious risk of removing your own limbs with an "invisible blade". Also, UV blades would take a tremendous amount of power to run.