New Fleet Ship Names

Macron Sadow

09-09-2007 11:26:49

Post your ship name ideas here. I'll close this Wednesday next, and then set us up with a vote on another topic. So far, we have these ideas;

Orian Fall
Naga's Legacy
Final Way
Heretic Sun
Ordo Finitis

Nekura Manji

09-09-2007 11:38:24

How about 'Eclipse'? 'cos we, like, eclipse the sun with our pure awesomeness. :D

Macron Sadow

09-09-2007 11:41:38

And to make you laugh;
Betty Sue


Orzo Kaar

09-09-2007 11:52:27

What about DESOLATOR for the biggest and baddest of em all. It serves the perpose that if someone tries to take on our awsome fleet, then we'll desolate them.

Goober lol

Ylith Pandemonium

09-09-2007 11:52:35

Reaper's call


Twilight's Embrace

Dark Heretic

The Crimson Eagle


Ylith's Ownage

Ylith's Coolness

Ylith's Awesomeness

Ylith's Ship


Eye of the Beerholder

Orzo Kaar

09-09-2007 11:57:14

Eye of the Beerholder??

Nekura Manji

09-09-2007 12:36:36

That last one really does sound like a Municipal Waste song. :D


09-09-2007 13:33:22




Orzo Kaar

09-09-2007 13:36:06

Darksun doesn't seem to bad. :)

Macron Sadow

09-09-2007 13:57:33

Also, the names of the 2 Vibre class ships and the VSD I we have will not change.

Orzo Kaar

09-09-2007 14:40:58

No, i agree with you there Mac. Those things are *LUCKY* to have survived that onslaught.


09-09-2007 15:40:41


Vong's Bane


ThatsNoMoon ThatsYourMomma

Fallen [Expletive Deleted] of the East

Syrus Korodin

09-09-2007 15:44:42

I have many, so enjoy them.


Infinity's Shadow

Sadow's Beacon




Sadow Spear

Void Stalker




War Maven

Death's Maestro

Virtuoso of Pain



Svarozich (It means "newborn winter sun". symbolizing the Clan's survival, rebirth, and struggle)


Macron Sadow

09-09-2007 16:16:17

Vong's bane... oo. Now that is a good historical name.

Shikyo Keibatsu

09-09-2007 16:28:01



Naga's Saber (since we have the Sword of Naga Sadow)




Shinichi Endymiron K

09-09-2007 17:43:14

I feel I should explain four of the names I've come up with as listed by Macron.

Orian's Fall - To commemorate and give us cause to remember the defeat at Orian that we may remain ever vigilant and never be defeated in such a manner again. This is in line with military traditions dating back to the Golden Age of Rome and Gaius Julius Caesar where he took the legion of his uncle Marius and had 1/10 of them put to death by their brethren for cowardice, and then renamed the legion from Primigenia (The First Born) to the Tenth (to make them remember their shame and thus insure they never repeat it).

Final Way - As adherents to the dark side we believe in the path of the final way whereby all things will be consumed by darkness. This is the end of the light and the eternal reign of the Empire of Darkness. I suggest this name for our new flag ship that we dedicate it and ourselves to the culmination of our ultimate goal.

Heretic Sun - Our power blazes like the passionate fire of a sun, yet we are seen as blasphemers and heretics. Let this ship reflect both our might and our reputation so that all will know what they face when she enters the fray.

Naga's Legacy - This name commemorates the legacy of Naga Sadow, yet does not bear his complete name for appearance sake. Those who are inducted into the clan know the true meaning, those who simply serve or oppose us think it a simple monument to someone long dead.

Macron Sadow

09-09-2007 18:53:43

Any of you that want to describe your name reasons, go for it.

We are retaining 2 Vibre class corvettes and the VSD Covenant.
I think it is kinda cool that Astronicus will still have the Reach, and the Crimson Angel will be refitted. Retaining the Reach is appropriate for the Overlord.

The forces that patrol Kangaras will be named by Malisane- and he will take the polling into consideration. or else. :P

The competition has been officially created, and will start Wednesday. How to play? just go vote when we make the list.


10-09-2007 00:49:06

I was thinking of a couple of names that might fit in with our fleet in terms to the relation of Clan Naga Sadow that might fit in.

1) Sceptor of Ragnos

2) Sadow's Revenge

3) The Sith'ari

4) The Wraiths Fury

I hope some of these ideas might come to mind when it comes to our fleet.


10-09-2007 01:51:17

Sith Lord names wouldn't hurt either. Here are some names (with links) and brief description

Tritos Nal - A humanoid Sith Lord of the old Sith Empire. He was proficient in the art of Sith alchemy

Shar Dakhan - Sith Lord loyal to Naga Sadow

Tulak Hord - A fear inspiring Sith Lord

Komok-Da - Master of poisons

Kla - Another Sith Alchemist - (the ship could be called the Lord Kla)

Ajunta Pall - A Master of Sith Alchemy

Rin Shuuir - Sith Lord proficient in Sith Magic

Bo Vanda - Female Sith with immense knowledge of Sith Alchemy

Xendor - the first Dark Jedi

And then here are some other random names:

Assassin - Why not?
Marauder - it's a Sith class
Orbalisk - Armor, the organic armor that Darth Bane wore
Force Rage - Dark side power
Force Grip - another dark side power, probably a good name for the Interdictor (Immobilizer 418-class cruiser)
Bando Gora - Dark side cult
Manipulator - dark side trait
Death Witches - Female practitioners of Sith magic who were members of the Krath Cult - (so the ship name would actually be Death Witch)
Krath Crusader - based off the Krath Holy Crusades (we cannot neglect the Krath)
Bogan - The name of the dark side of the Force, called Bogan by the ancient forerunners of the Jedi
Darksider - it's what we are
Orian's Sword - or vice versa, Sword of Orian
Inquisition - Inquisitors interrogate, we interrogate
Khar Shian - Naga Sadow's private fortress was on Khar Shian
Primus Goluud - in honor of our lost house
Terentatek - Creatures that fed off the blood of force sensitives
Tuk'ata - Also known as Sith Hounds

So those are just some ideas - I have more but this is more than enough


10-09-2007 08:15:17

I just have to throw this information out there... not that i'm saying we CANT use these names, but they have meanings/conflicts...

Harbinger - A Hammerhead class ship used by the Galactic Republic.
Phoenix - The M-FRG Phoenix is the home of the EH TIE corps reserves.
Liberator - See Adjudicator. Also falls under the category of Ship-Classes.
Scourge - Apart from being my personal ship name... the VSD Scourge was at Ralltiir as of 0 ABY.
Turmoil - A Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser during the civil war. (EaW)
Relentless - The ISD-II Relentless is still a part of the EH's Order of Battle.
Adjudicator - Close... the Adjucator was an ISD-I, that was renamed Liberator.
Silentium - a extra-galactic society of droids.
Eclipse - Do i really have to give the statement for this one? ESSD Eclipse, anybody?
Marauder - Acclimator-class vessel "Marauder" was active during the civil war.

As far as Sith Lord names....
Yes, they make good ship names, but they're also used for clan/house names. If we happen to name our ship something that later becomes a house or clan (i know, not happening, but..), it'll be... odd.


10-09-2007 11:42:16

I have the following:

New Sith Order
Queen Amanoa
Ziost Legacy
Khar Shian

I hope that helps.


10-09-2007 13:38:33

I guess I'll repost my suggestions with reasoning:

Despot - a king or other ruler with absolute, unlimited power; autocrat.

Darksun - Imagery of a dark power

Dragoneye - just because.

Kaine Mandaala

10-09-2007 14:01:35

There is only one name worth calling your ship.

Kaine's Pwnage.

Orzo Kaar

10-09-2007 18:23:41

I think that some of these names would really suit our new ships, how are we going to choose the names if I may ask :huh: ?


10-09-2007 19:53:13

As far as Sith Lord names....
Yes, they make good ship names, but they're also used for clan/house names. If we happen to name our ship something that later becomes a house or clan (i know, not happening, but..), it'll be... odd.

I doubt any of those Sith Lords would have houses or clans named after them, most were around in Naga Sadow's time, but were not really prominent - not all were in that time period true, but for the most part. Also, the ones I chose were loyal to Naga Sadow - as much as a Sith can be loyal.

Just my take on it.


10-09-2007 22:07:44

as much as a Sith can be loyal.

Standing behind their master with a dagger in hand?

Macron Sadow

10-09-2007 22:13:58

Absolutely. :)
* looks around innocently and whistles *

we'll put 'em on the vote list. Except for Kaine's suggestion.


11-09-2007 01:51:43

Oh forgot one last name … Darth Nephets

Shinichi Endymiron K

11-09-2007 09:41:58

Yes the Nephets. But then I'd never be able to serve aboard as I am cursed by Lord Nephets.

Macron Sadow

11-09-2007 10:13:03

Nephets 4evah!

Kaine Mandaala

11-09-2007 14:09:11

Absolutely. :)
* looks around innocently and whistles *

we'll put 'em on the vote list. Except for Kaine's suggestion.

You all don't know what you're missing :P

But seriously - naming a ship is big business, so don't take it too lightly. At the same time, try not to make it something so complex that people will have to research wtf you're talking about. Call it "SS Fluffy" and you'll just lose respect (I can guarantee) - but call it "Vague Ancient Character Only Uber-Nerds Have Heard Of" and you'll probably lose people (in one way or another).

Kaelin Ring

11-09-2007 16:54:55

Meh, I just have one that I kinda like, other than the ones posted.

Naga's Revival. I think the reason should be pretty obvious. But then again, it could mean several things. I'll leave it to you all.

Ylith Pandemonium

11-09-2007 17:26:22

We should call it "My Ass" which will result in pretty amusing conversation amoung enemies....

Soldier: Oh no! Naga Sadow is attacking! With their new ship!
Soldier 2: Oh no! Not My Ass!
Soldier: I am afraid so...My Ass is going to be here within the hour!"
Soldier 2: any way we can beat My Ass?
Soldier: Yeah, but we dont have enough man for something as big as My Ass
Soldier 2: We are doomed, when My Ass gets here, it will all be over.
Soldier: There is still hope, if we can get a torpedo into My Ass' mian exhaustion port...

you get the idea :P


11-09-2007 18:02:41

Before I start talking about ship names... we're going to have lots, lots of starfighter squadrons needing renaming. I suppose that means it might be worth everyone thinking about squadron names too.

A few points from me about why I suggested some of the names which are on Macron's initial list:

Phoenix: due to the whole sense of rebirth, not just of the fleet itself but of the Sith Empire in Clan Naga Sadow, etc.

Legacy: similar to above, though more directly to do with our lineage to the Sith Empire, how we are the legacy of Naga Sadow.

Exile: a reflection on our present state as in exile, this can refer to many things, Korriban, Ziost, the Phare system, Antei, etc.

Another I like that wasn't on the original list:

The Heir: a reflection of us as the Heirs to the Empire and of Tron directly.

Leaving aside my own suggestions, I just wanted to make a point about Sith-related names. We all need to keep in mind that we are not publicly Sith, so calling a ship something that is going to have a passing New Republic Task Force go "hey... wait a minute, why is that ship named after the Sith?" probably isn't the best idea from a fictional point of view.

That's not to say there aren't Sith-related things that are possible. Things like Final Way, Legacy, Exile or Heir are a direct comment on our Sith heritage. Even most Jedi aren't going to know who some obscure Sith Lord like Ajunta Pall is or going to take that much notice of a ship named after a Terentarek or something. I daresay even a mention to a planet like Khar Shian would be missed by most people as the Sith Empire is largely forgotten. However something like "Palpatine's Glory" would be like painting a giant target on it so we do need to be careful how explicit any Sith references are if we want to keep things realistic.

Returning to my Ajunta Pall example, this is where I'd possibly prefer for a ship to simply be called "Pall" or "The Pall". It would still be a veiled reference to Ajunta Pall but avoid raising eyebrows if ever a Jedi happens to wander through. Pall can also mean a coffin and has general funeral-related connotations so is appealing in its own right while retaining the Ajunta Pall reference.


11-09-2007 18:55:26

The Burninator. No explanation required.


11-09-2007 19:00:41

I think Vong's Bane won't raise any eyebrows, and I think it makes a statement about what we want to be.

I still vote for ThatsNoMoon ThatsYourMomma :D

Orzo Kaar

11-09-2007 22:51:49

Im thinkin on the side of one of our ships, we should write, "Why bother, your just going to get your ass kicked anyways". :lol:

Macron Sadow

11-09-2007 23:00:44

That would be a killer bumpersticker for the flagship

lol :w00t:


12-09-2007 03:54:33

Gimme a VSD pic and Ill make it happen lol :D

Ylith Pandemonium

12-09-2007 06:52:01

pff..stealing my jokes...

burn you

Orzo Kaar

13-09-2007 22:18:44

Burn Me? That was a classic... ;)

Ikrit Star

14-09-2007 13:43:47

I love the name Raven's Claw. Its awesomeness.

Shikyo Keibatsu

14-09-2007 23:12:12

:: blinks at everyone ::