Cns Alchemy Tradition?

Macron Sadow

22-08-2007 22:55:53

Pkies, let's all figure this thing out on here. :)
Pipe up if you are a student, or are involved or want to be.

Ashia is hereby the headmistress, heh heh.

Shikyo Keibatsu

22-08-2007 23:06:02

I'm a newly joined Student and looking forward to it! :-D


23-08-2007 07:55:42

Though I know nothing about alchemy I was wondering how this lead into gold thing is going, we need to buy some Star destroyers.


23-08-2007 08:57:56

I wouldnt mind being involved in this, seems like a great chance to do some character development, and it really looks fun!

Kaelin Ring

23-08-2007 10:52:58

Yo! When are you all going to start teaching us? I've been waiting unofficially for months now! TEACH ME! Just got off of work, so this may not be as funny as it sounds to me.


23-08-2007 14:51:53

I am, as ever, interested in torture m'dear Mac.

Macron Sadow

24-08-2007 22:06:16

Awesome. After the GJW bits are done, let's address it. Remeber, this strictly fictional and for character development only. :) It's not official, just something like a comon thread we can all weave into our personas.

i.e., a wiki might read :interested in the pursuit of alchemy, or something"


29-08-2007 19:19:48

I don't like toture. Do you teach how to make painkillers or steriods, to the point which I can almost poison myself? }:D

Shikyo Keibatsu

06-09-2007 01:08:22

Well, I'd like to add this fictionally so I can have some pimp new weapons and create some owning Hssiss, though they rock anyway.


11-09-2007 21:54:53

StarLion would be interested from the intelectual standpoint, not the practical side. Might even be able to shed some history here and there.

Macron Sadow

11-09-2007 22:00:27

look for more juicy bits on this in the upcoming big Clan comp.

Kaelin Ring

12-09-2007 13:56:01

Is there any way I can get you to hold off on that till say... November? I wanna be part, but Boot is coming up in like 2 weeks...

Shikyo Keibatsu

14-09-2007 23:13:37

YAY! Time for the Arse Kicker to return. Booya!

:: polishes his boots ::

Faeril Munlear

22-10-2007 16:59:54

Oh yeah, I hadn't posted in here since I was still pretty new when you started this thread, but I'd like to be involved! Experiments are fun! \o/

Shikyo Keibatsu

22-10-2007 17:45:58

Silly apprentice. You can't use alchemy just yet. You'd shoot your eye out. :P

Faeril Munlear

22-10-2007 18:02:21

Oh shush you! :P I can at least express my interest and besides, who says I haven't started doing my own personal experiments? Not that I would ever do such a thing without your knowledge oh Master of mine. :D