

05-03-2005 18:27:07

Congratulations to the following on their awards:

Lech, Voort SaBinring, Morgan C. Mortiani, Phantom, Zacfer and Loopus: Dark Cross
Kat Pridemore, Link Vortex, Erlandil Valenthort and Xhedias D. Entar: Star of Antei
Raistlin Sadow (and myself): Steel Cross

Fredrik_H: ACO
Macron Goura: GRD
Xadras Valenthort: NOV.

Once again, congrats to all!

Kat Pridemore

05-03-2005 18:35:32

Congratulations to the following on their awards:

Lech, Voort SaBinring, Morgan C. Mortiani, Phantom, Zacfer and Loopus: Dark Cross
Kat Pridemore, Link Vortex, Erlandil Valenthort and Xhedias D. Entar: Star of Antei
Raistlin Sadow (and myself): Steel Cross

Fredrik_H: ACO
Macron Goura: GRD
Xadras Valenthort: NOV.

Once again, congrats to all!

Congrats all!! That's a lot of medals.
Where'd you guys hijack those from? :P


06-03-2005 01:06:00

Congrats all!!  That's a lot of medals. 
Where'd you guys hijack those from?    :P

Wouldn't you like to know :P


06-03-2005 04:25:22

I bet they stole them out the DC office :P


06-03-2005 05:29:10

we must not forget to congratulate Muz, Manji, Korras and Goat on their GCs


06-03-2005 13:03:55

yay! congrats guys ^_^


06-03-2005 15:39:34

Yes, congrats to the GC crew.

Macron Sadow

06-03-2005 17:47:28

Congrats everybody- Sadow rocks


08-03-2005 03:41:27

Congrats all!!  That's a lot of medals. 
Where'd you guys hijack those from?    :P

I stole them personally from the Master At Arm's office. along with a bottle of booze for everyone who got something.

*hides the datapadd with office access codes the Seneschal gave him*

good, eh?

and thanks for the GC, guys. :)


08-03-2005 04:13:19

bah.. you still have the pad from the battle :P

Muz Ashen

08-03-2005 08:12:12

/me pushes the voodoo doll of the MAA behind his desk with his foot.

I don't know anything about what you guys are talking about.

Congrats go to everyone who has been helping to make Sadow great!

and thanks for the GC, everyone...
/me goes to polish his shineys


14-03-2005 22:57:18

Hey first post...Let's keep kicking ass and getting those medals!


15-03-2005 00:54:49

Karim got a SC for his work in the DBPA stuff, and Goat got a GC!

yay Karim and Goat! yay!


Macron Sadow

15-03-2005 01:21:16

Yayy! (there was much rejoicing)


15-03-2005 04:36:39

Don't forget that Xhed got a GC too for that..


15-03-2005 07:36:08


Im not THAT important :P

Nekura Manji

15-03-2005 11:48:51

Really? It said Grand Cross of the Dark Side on the email that I got.... weird.

Muz Ashen

15-03-2005 12:23:58

The MAA probably had a talk with raidoner about the valuation of GCs.

At any rate, way to kick arse, Xhedias!


15-03-2005 13:45:23

they were changed to SCs.


15-03-2005 13:48:42

Si si, there is going to be lots o changes in the PA, and many more bases will fall. MAUAHAHAHAHAHHA


21-03-2005 02:36:51

Si si, there is going to be lots o changes in the PA, and many more bases will fall. MAUAHAHAHAHAHHA

...GOD! I dissappear for a few months and Xhed joins the clan!...

:P :P @ the Xhed dude.

Macron Sadow

31-03-2005 22:36:19

Well, I suppose I have to congratulate myself- I got a star of Antei! Woot!


01-04-2005 01:42:11

Congrats! :D


01-04-2005 03:35:15

yay Macron!

Kat Pridemore

01-04-2005 20:52:46

Well, I suppose I have to congratulate myself- I got a star of Antei! Woot!

Congrats Macron. No one else announced it yet. :-)

Macron Sadow

01-04-2005 20:57:03

I know... *clears cobwebs from HLK comm unit*


05-04-2005 09:08:34

You wait... When I get deemed Beer lord and get given a viking helmet as an award. You'll hear it ALL from me...

* looks in mirror and speaks to self *

Yes it will happen, Konar. You will be beer lord one day. Just cause they say you'd suck as the beer lord... Don't listen to them! :'(


Muz Ashen

06-04-2005 09:37:39

I hereby dub Konar, resident Lord of the Brews.
Along with the duties of ensuring quality drafts for the whole clan, he is also hereby awarded the Helm of Face-Stabbery ™, to aid in his duties.

Don't slack off, Konar. Any one of us gets a strange brew, we'll have to look at what's inside of you.


06-04-2005 09:45:23

hehe... yay Konar!
what title do I get? :P

Macron Sadow

06-04-2005 10:10:02

Congrats to Kat, being nominated as Raist's new Black Guardsman... yayy!


06-04-2005 10:10:35

yay Kat! ^_^


06-04-2005 12:14:38

Good job Kat!

Hey Konar, I need some brewskies. Toss 'em over here.

Macron Sadow

06-04-2005 12:16:42

Me three! heh heh

Nekura Manji

06-04-2005 15:09:02

I can't wait until Konar finds out he got made Lord of the Brews... his brain'll explode from joy. And overdosage of alcohol. :D

Nekura Manji

06-04-2005 15:10:27

Oh, and surely that should be Guardswoman? Whatever. Congrats, Kat! ^_^

(So I double posted. Sue me. :P)


06-04-2005 15:19:59

hmmm... depends if you have any money before I sue you :P

Kat Pridemore

06-04-2005 18:02:27

*grin* Lord of the Brews, huh? Better get working, these people go through a lot. We don't want to run low.

And thank you Raistlin. I'm honored with the position.

Kat Pridemore

Kat Pridemore

06-04-2005 18:04:32

Oh, and welcome back Link. We missed you. (Not an award, per se, but I think it fit).

Kat Pridemore

Ah... the double post thing is contagious Manji. :D


21-04-2005 08:18:57

* Konar's head explodes with joy :P. He becomes a ghost *

T.T.T.h.a.a.a.a.a.a.n.k.y.o.o.o.o.u.u.u M.u.u.u.u.z.z! :D

* tries to toss people boozes but his hand goes through the stubbies instead of picking them up :P *

Just don't tell Bob about this guys and gals. He'll bully me into giving him the viking hat :'(


18-01-2007 05:15:06

*shows off his new pretty Anteian Cross*

damn now i need a new dress to go with it....

*wonders if the medal was worth the trouble of dress shopping*

ACO Ghilman (Obelisk)/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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