Members of Clan Naga Sadow,
The Attacking the Clones CNS Wide Event begins on Saturday. For your entertainment, pleasure and to help you get active, rewarded and ready for the upcoming GJW, we bring you a six week long competition extravaganza.
It will take place in three two week long sections, centred around the events of a runon. Each section will have its own fiction event, its own graphic event, the runon and the gaming all the way through, and in addition half way through we will be releasing the poetry event. There's lots of crescents and rewards up for grabs here.
The Plot
Following the Clone Wars, in the year 12 BBY Emperor Palpatine sent in the famous 501st Legion to Kamino to quell an uprising by rogue Clone Masters who had created their own Clone Troopers. The Clone Masters and their forces were defeated, those attempting to escape were slain, and the planet fell under Palpatines rule.
Unknown to Palpatine and his forces shortly before a small group of Kaminoans left their homeworld, taking with them some of their cloning technology and established themselves on a distant system in the unknown regions on the planet Jaginos. Here they have established another Clone army, and aquired a powerful defence fleet to defend themselves.
Agents working for Clan Naga Sadow have recently discovered this, and in an attempt to gain this cloning technology and greatly enhance their own supply Consul Manesh Sadow has sent a taskforce of CNS members, ships and marines to capture Jaginos and it's technology. The success or failure will depend on each and every member of this Clan.
The Rules and Scoring
Manesh has kindly devised a scoring system and he, SCL Xia Long and Herald Muz Keibatsu Sadow have agreed to judge this event. The scoring system can be found here.
The Events.
The first events are approved, the runon, the gaming and the first fiction and graphics. Links below. More will appear and the competition progresses.
The Runon
The runon will begin on Saturday following me posting the introduction. Once posted you are free to begin. Please read the comments in the above competition about godmodding and random tangents.
This is a fun competition, designed to give people lots to do. Its for individual participation, not House v House or Clan v Clan. I want as many people as possible in this Clan to take part, just do your best and enjoy it. For the journeymen there's lots here that will help you towards your next promotion and for everyone who works hard they'll be rewards.