
Makurth Mandalore

08-12-2006 18:43:39

I read the e-mail sent over the CNS mailing lists about people being in places they shouldn't be. The majority of the time most people KNOW they shouldn't be in a certain place (be it closed to them or restricted) and they want to get into it more.

Even more so in House fueds or something. I remember the last time someone managed to hack into our RO and we had to make the password far more complex than it already was. And now it has happened again. To be blunt, I really don't see the need in looking at what you're not supposed to. Not only does that take the fun outta things, it really pisses the admin off.

So please, for those peekers out there, please restrain yourselves because I would hate for either of the houses in this fued to lose due to the actions of one numbskull too pigheaded to listen. Please?

Varkain Athanas

08-12-2006 18:53:07

I agree totally with Zak on that one. Good point.

Makurth Mandalore

08-12-2006 19:08:53

I mean come on, it does get a little annoying after a while. Besides, in most cases you WILL get caught and penalized, so what's the point? Is it the thrill of "Oh look, I'm snooping in things I'm not supposed to be, regardless of the fact that if I get caught, my account will be deleted?"

Ylith Pandemonium

09-12-2006 13:03:57

cheating at Counter Strike Source is fun though, till I got kicked once for using walhack :P

but how else do we destroy that which has no life?

anyway...cheating in the DB? you have to be a real no-lifer for that

Makurth Mandalore

11-12-2006 11:29:15

No kiddin'.

::Goes to find bottle of tylenol for his sinus infection, which after two weeks with not going to the doctor, is getting rather painful::

Ylith Pandemonium

11-12-2006 12:19:06

now thats what you get for cheating the medical system :P

Kaine Mandaala

11-12-2006 15:02:28

If you need passwords that people can't hack easily, make it a non-coherent string of numbers, letters and symbols.

Making it something easy like "CNSROX" just asks for people to get in. Let me know if you have a thread here that needs a password change...

Makurth Mandalore

13-12-2006 19:32:15

Well, I seem to do it rather often, but I made an ass out of myself again.

I need to publicly apologize to a fellow DB member (I won't put your name up, you know who you are) for saying things I probably should have checked out earlier, which, in my hot-headedness, I did not do.

I want to say I'm sorry for insulting you, and that I hope we can work things out.

Again, I apologize, and for the one who brought it to my attention, thank-you.


14-12-2006 07:03:44

Good Job Dog boy.

Varkain Athanas

14-12-2006 08:57:34

Hee hee. Dog boy. I think you've found yourself a new name Zak! :)

Makurth Mandalore

14-12-2006 20:39:25

Hey, that's actually a name I don't mind having :D


15-12-2006 15:43:19

Cheater in the DB....

That makes me imagine a Rodian, looking for nothing in some drawers, when he shouldn't. Many people are seeing him, and he, while disorganizing everything, is saying "You dunces, I am here, and you can't stop me!!! Haha!!" And after saying that, one guy blows the rodian's head just after he screams like a little girl lol.

Someone might cheat if doing an exam, something like that, but on such a competition?? Oh my...

Makurth Mandalore

15-12-2006 23:10:12

RLOTF!!! Hmm, that seems to sum it up nicely >:D

Ylith Pandemonium

17-12-2006 08:20:38

it would be better if the shooter was a Jawa :P

Makurth Mandalore

18-12-2006 21:35:48

Yes it would.. Or maybe it could be Vorrt (For those of you who remember him.) >:)


18-12-2006 22:01:12

Lets not get on the voort discussion of what he would do....makes my insides crawl more than oberst talking.....

Ylith Pandemonium

19-12-2006 05:49:18

cant remember that guy...

Makurth Mandalore

19-12-2006 12:41:19

LOL, true.


I still remember when those two would team up and get people on IRC >:D


01-06-2007 11:45:41

LOL, true.


I still remember when those two would team up and get people on IRC >:D

hmmm... what's wrong with cheating? Is it not a means to power? hehehe...

Macron Sadow

01-06-2007 12:54:01

Hmm. If you need anything, just ask Zak... and we miss ya.