11-10-2006 23:08:20
Well guys, I've picked about ten names that I think I can live with. I tried to pick at least one name from each person, although in a few cases I didn't, oh well. So here are the choices (we're not doing a regular forum poll because I'm not sure if I can restrict that to CNS member sonly). Tell me which of the names you'd like. Try to vote for one, but you're welcome to vote for a 2nd if you really can't choose just one.
Covenant (this is my favorite, btw)
Dark Angel
Sepros Shadow
Primus Goluud
Orian Avenger
We'll hold voting for a week until the 18th.
12-10-2006 02:19:07
Well guys, I've picked about ten names that I think I can live with. I tried to pick at least one name from each person, although in a few cases I didn't, oh well. So here are the choices (we're not doing a regular forum poll because I'm not sure if I can restrict that to CNS member sonly). Tell me which of the names you'd like. Try to vote for one, but you're welcome to vote for a 2nd if you really can't choose just one.
Covenant (this is my favorite, btw)
Dark Angel
Sepros Shadow
Primus Goluud
Orian Avenger
We'll hold voting for a week until the 18th.
Covenant and Perseverance as a VERY close second. Also, can I veto Dark Angel ? I don't know whos idea it was, but thats silly, I'm sorry
Ylith Pandemonium
12-10-2006 03:58:20
meh...none of my names...
Covenant then I guess..
Xayun Erinos
12-10-2006 06:13:35
Okay, so that's a bit daft. My vote goes to Covenant.
12-10-2006 08:03:20
I'd have to go to with Firestorm >:)
Shinichi Endymiron K
12-10-2006 08:50:48
I like Covenant as well. has a nice dark ring to it. For example we hyper into a battle with this bad boy and we pick this comm traffic up from the enemy: "OMFGWTF IT'S THE VSD COVENANT! RUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!" Now doesn't that just make you warm and fuzzy inside?
I'm going with Resilience.
Nekura Manji
12-10-2006 11:12:21
Covenant is rather cool. My vote goes for that one.
Macron Sadow
12-10-2006 14:08:19
Covenenant, and then Orian Avenger
12-10-2006 14:31:36
Mmh.. Covenant or Anathema... I still love Anathema.
But my vote goes to Covenant. It is a worthy name for a VSD.
VSD Covenant.
Shikyo Keibatsu
12-10-2006 15:16:31
:: weeps for his pride and joy ::
I'm all for Covenant!
:: pets the beautiful VSD ::
12-10-2006 16:44:25
Covenant for me too seems to be the popular choice and at least it beats Premonition.
12-10-2006 18:23:14
I'm going for Covenent, but we should name the next one Anathema, I like that.
And Shin, that was hilarious.
13-10-2006 23:32:21
I see Covenant is going to win, no matter what I do (I like the name, so I see no problem).
So, as an opposition made on purpose, I will vote for......
...Sepros shadow, whatever


16-10-2006 23:09:05
I guess my choices in order would be:
1) Perseverance
2) Covenant
3) Resilience
Perserverance is good as it really brings out a great quality of the clan and its participation in the war itself.
Covenant is good as well as it is likea tie that binds, however, although an interestign name I must admit it does not seem so much a dark Jedi name.
Resilience is good as it is also another quality of the clan. One that says no matter what you throw at us we will prevail!
18-10-2006 12:22:24
What about VSD Slappypants?
Lanius Sin
18-10-2006 13:11:21
my vote would go to Covenant.
<3 halo
I liked Sadow's Sword - but it wasn't put in the top ten
So my vote will be: Covenant