Look who's back :)

Makurth Mandalore

07-10-2006 13:19:15

Hey all!

I've finally managed to get internet access, so I'll be able rejoin the Brotherhood again! YAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, has anyone read the new Darth Bane book that came out?!!! It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Macron Sadow

07-10-2006 14:27:54

ZYayyy! it's my favorite Chiss! Welcome back dude.

Makurth Mandalore

07-10-2006 19:38:53

Hey Macron! Damn it's good to see you again!!!! How's things been for you?

Ylith Pandemonium

09-10-2006 09:08:19

welcome back :)


09-10-2006 10:09:40

Damn when I saw the title of this thread I thought Eminem had joined the Clan.

Anyway welcome back Zak good to see you again.


Shinichi Endymiron K

09-10-2006 11:53:12

Welcome back dude.

Macron Sadow

09-10-2006 18:18:47

Good, Zak!
if Eminem joins..... good lord.
Send him to the lab immediately. He must pay for that awful "music".

Makurth Mandalore

10-10-2006 00:30:22

Thanks everyone! Macron, now that you mention it, for a small fee I could give you Eminem, fresh from my closet. Actually, I'll GIVE him to you for free just to get him out of my house!